Expected Conduct of Judges

As Canadians, we expect our judges to display a high standard of personal conduct – both on and off the Bench.

If you believe that a judge has come to the wrong decision, you may wish to appeal that decision to a higher court.

If you believe that a judge has behaved in a way that is of concern, you may wish to make a complaint to the Council.

Consult our pamphlet on The Conduct of Judges and the Role of the Canadian Judicial Council.

In this section of our website, you can access the following information:

Judicial Conduct

Learn about the expected conduct of judges and the role of the Canadian Judicial Council.

Review the Ethical Principles for Judges that help guide the personal and professional conduct of our judges.

Making A Complaint

Find out how to make a complaint if you have a concern about a federal judge's conduct.

Access our Review Procedures.

Previous Complaints Online

View sample complaints from 1990 to 2012 here.

Inquiry Committee Decisions

Some conduct matters form the basis of Inquiry Committees. Find out about the outcomes of past Inquiry Committees.