Rob Stewart

Rob Stewart

Deputy Minister of Public Safety Canada

Mr. Rob Stewart was appointed Deputy Minister of Public Safety Canada effective December 11, 2019.

Mr. Stewart has spent most of his public service career at the Department of Finance Canada starting in 1993. Before being promoted to Deputy Minister at Public Safety, he held the role of the Government of Canada's Finance Deputy for the G7 and G20, and for the Financial Stability Board from 2016 to 2019. He provided leadership and policy advice to the Government on a wide range of financial sector and international trade and finance matters. He was previously the Assistant Deputy Minister of Financial Sector Policy for two years, prior to which he held the position of Assistant Deputy Minister, International Trade and Finance for four years. Before joining the Department of Finance Canada, Rob worked at Export Development Canada and in the Canadian sport system.

He holds a BA from Carleton University (1981) and an MBA from the University of Ottawa (1987).

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