Malik Shukayev


Limited Commitment, Endogenous Credibility and the Challenges of Price-level Targeting

Staff Working Paper 2018-61 Gino Cateau, Malik Shukayev
This paper studies the cost of limited commitment when a central bank has the discretion to adjust policy whenever the costs of honoring its past commitments become high. Specifically, we consider a central bank that seeks to implement optimal policy in a New Keynesian model by committing to a price-level target path.

The Extensive Margin of Trade and Monetary Policy

Staff Working Paper 2018-37 Yuko Imura, Malik Shukayev
This paper studies the effects of monetary policy shocks on firms’ participation in exporting. We develop a two-country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model in which heterogeneous firms make forward-looking decisions on whether to participate in the export market and prices are staggered across firms and time.

Monetary Policy Tradeoffs Between Financial Stability and Price Stability

Staff Working Paper 2016-49 Malik Shukayev, Alexander Ueberfeldt
We analyze the impact of interest rate policy on financial stability in an environment where banks can experience runs on their short-term liabilities, forcing them to sell assets at fire-sale prices.

Managing Risk Taking with Interest Rate Policy and Macroprudential Regulations

Staff Working Paper 2016-47 Simona Cociuba, Malik Shukayev, Alexander Ueberfeldt
We develop a model in which a financial intermediary’s investment in risky assets—risk taking—is excessive due to limited liability and deposit insurance and characterize the policy tools that implement efficient risk taking.

Implementing Cross-Border Interbank Lending in BoC-GEM-FIN

Staff Discussion Paper 2016-19 Malik Shukayev, Argyn Toktamyssov
BIS interbank lending data show that the Great Recession generated large and persistent changes in the international interbank lending positions of various countries. The main objective of this study is to understand the role of changes in international interbank credit flows in transmitting shocks across borders.

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