Specific Claims Tribunal of Canada


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Information For Parties Appearing Before SCT

The Registry of the Specific Claims Tribunal has had several calls from counsel with regard to decorum at proceedings before the Tribunal.  The following will hopefully answer these:

Parties and counsel will rise when the presiding judge enters and leaves the room, be it at a Case Management Conference or a Hearing. 

Counsel should address the presiding judge as Justice or Judge, not My Lord. 

Business attire is appropriate for counsel attending at Case Management Conferences or Hearings. 

When presenting, counsel may remain sitting if the Case Management Conference is conducted in a boardroom setting; if held in a courtroom, counsel presenting should stand.

When presenting argument or examining a witness at a Hearing, counsel will stand.

Generally, the standards of decorum that apply in proceedings before the courts will apply.  If counsel have any questions concerning decorum they should not hesitate to raise these with the Registry Officer.

Hearings will be recorded using the VIQ software.