Board's Role

The Canada Industrial Relations Board (the Board or the CIRB) is an independent, representational, quasi-judicial tribunal responsible for the interpretation and administration of Part I (Industrial Relations) of the Canada Labour Code, certain provisions of Part II (Occupational Health and Safety) and Part III (Labour Standards) of the Canada Labour Code, Part II (Professional Relations) of the Status of the Artist Act, and portions of the Wage Earner Protection Program Act. The Board’s expertise and composition allow it to deal effectively with the complexities of labour relations issues, to determine the underlying causes of disputes and to facilitate agreement among the parties.

The Board’s mandate is to contribute to and promote a harmonious industrial relations climate in the federally regulated sector and contribute to health and safety and labour standards in the workplace through the impartial, effective and appropriate administration of the rules of conduct that govern employees, labour and management under the Canada Labour Code, the Status of the Artist Act and the Wage Earner Protection Program Act.

The CIRB undertakes a wide range of industrial relations activities in matters related to federal jurisdiction industries. These activities include certifying trade unions, investigating complaints of unfair labour practice, issuing cease and desist orders in cases of unlawful strikes and lockouts, rendering decisions on jurisdictional issues and dealing with complex situations arising from a sale of business. It does so with a commitment to process, hear and determine applications and complaints fairly, expeditiously and economically. Before adjudication, it plays an active role in helping parties to resolve their disputes through mediation and alternative dispute resolution approaches.

The Board engages in consultation with its clients and ensures open lines of communication with the industrial relations community. It also fulfills a vital function in recognizing and protecting the rights of employees and employers, and in constructively resolving conflicts.

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