Job opportunities at the CBSA

We are looking for analytical and career-minded people of all ages, with strong communication skills and a commitment to service excellence. People who are ready to take on a new challenge every day.


Information for job seekers

Discover the CBSA

Learn more about the CBSA as an employer.

Border management

For decisive individuals with strong information seeking skills and sound judgement.

Science and technology

For problem-solvers who thrive on making change happen.

Enabling services

For people with a strategic perspective and passion for problem-solving.

Strategic policy

For people who can anticipate future trends and are persuasive communicators.

Student opportunities

Gain work experience while contributing to Canada’s safety.

Indigenous recruitment

We are looking to employ more Indigenous border services officers and non-uniformed Indigenous employees.


Training for a career on the front line

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Faces of the CBSA: Jesse Fleming, Regional Program Officer

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CBSA College: Where it all begins

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