Nuans - Corporate name and trademark search

From: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Corporate name search

When incorporating a new business, the government of the jurisdiction where you intend to incorporate will review and approve your proposed corporate name. To do this, most require a Nuans corporate name search report of existing names and trademarks that are identical or similar to yours. You do not need a Nuans report to incorporate a business in British Columbia, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, or Nunavut.

Your proposed corporate name must meet the naming requirements of the jurisdiction (federal, provincial or territorial) in which your business is incorporating.

Order a report yourself

$13.80 per report

If you are incorporating federally or in the Northwest Territories, you can order a Nuans report yourself.

For other provinces and territories, find a Nuans member.

Order a federal report

Order a Northwest Territories report

Consult our FAQs for more information.

Get help with ordering a report

Find a Nuans member who can help you:

  • order a Nuans report for any jurisdiction in Canada (federal, provincial and territorial)
  • choose a corporate name
  • understand policy and regulation requirements

You can also contact a law firm or search house in your area.

Find a Nuans member

Order reports for my clients

As a Nuans member, you can:

  • pre-search corporate names and specify the scope of your pre-search
  • download pre-search results
  • access greater name search options
  • easily access your current reports and recover expired reports
  • order different report types
  • monitor trademarks
  • receive monthly billing

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