Apps Gallery


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One of the benefits of Open Data is the ability to create applications. On this page you will find mobile and web-based applications, created within the Government of Canada, the public, and Canadian Open Data Experience (CODE) winners and participants. Applications submitted by the public have incorporated data licensed by the Government of Canada under the Open Government Licence. Click on the app, and let us know what you think of it by providing a rating.

About apps

The applications created by the public have been developed, and are operated and owned by third parties. The Government of Canada does not endorse, approve, or certify the applications or the developers, nor does it make any representation or warranty that the information based on which the applications have been developed, including information licensed under the Open Government Licence, is accurate, complete, or correct. Your use of the applications and the information contained therein, including information licensed under the Open Government Licence, is at your sole risk.

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