Review of the Strategic Plan

Multi-use pathway

We are updating the strategic plan, Pathway Network for Canada’s Capital Region (2006). The purpose of the revised plan will be to provide a framework for future planning and day-to-day management of the Capital Pathway.

An update to the plan is essential to respond to new realities — such as the growing use of scooters and other electric mobility devices, an increased demand for new access links, advancements in signage and wayfinding — as well as to develop best approaches for winter uses of the pathway and for climate change adaptation.

The following are the main objectives for the new plan, which is to be approved in 2020:

  • update the vision and guiding principles
  • harmonize federal and municipal planning, where possible
  • set strategic directions and priorities for the next 10 years
  • provide management tools and design guidelines

The strategic plan review will address various topics:

  • pathway design, development and linkage opportunities
  • user safety
  • signage
  • amenities

    Review of the Strategic Plan for the Capital Pathway

    The review of the plan is taking place in four phases, during which the public and stakeholders are being consulted.

    Assessment, research and analysis of existing conditions (summer–fall 2017)

    Interest group outreach (correspondence letter): Monday, November 20, 2017
    Review of vision and strategic directions (winter–spring 2018)
    • Interest group meeting: Wednesday, February 7, 2018
    • Presentation and public workshop: February 21 and 22, 2018
    • Online survey: June 26–July 16, 2018
    Drafting of new strategic plan (summer–fall 2019)
    • Interest group meeting in late fall 2019
    • Online survey in early 2020
    Approval of the final plan (spring 2020)

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