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Access to information

As a Crown corporation, the NCC is subject to the Access to Information Act, the Privacy Act and the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, as well as Government of Canada directives on proactive disclosure. These rules aim to strengthen public sector management by enhancing transparency and oversight of public resources in the federal government.

The Access to Information Act gives Canadian citizens and permanent residents the right to access records held by the federal government.

How to make a request

1. Print and fill out the Access to Information Request Form (Treasury Board) or write a letter:

  • stating that you are making a request under the Access to Information Act
  • describing the records you want to access (be as specific as possible)
  • indicating whether you want photocopies of documents or prefer to view the records
  • providing your name, telephone number and full address
  • including your signature and the date

2. Enclose the application fee of 5$ (make cheque or money order payable to the National Capital Commission).
3. Send the complete request (signed form or letter and application fee) to the contact below:

Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
National Capital Commission
202-40 Elgin Street
Ottawa ON K1P 1C7

Telephone: 613-239-5678 ext.:5788

Reading room

In accordance with the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, the applicant may wish to review material in person at the National Capital Commission’s ATIP Office. The address is:

40 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1C7
Telephone: 613-239-5678 ext.: 5788
Toll free: 1-800-465-1867

Individuals interested in visiting the reading room must phone ahead to make an appointment.

Additional Information

The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through requests outside of the Access to Information and Privacy process.

A list of completed Access to Information requests is available on the Government of Canada website.

Access to personal information

The Privacy Act protects the personal information held by the federal government. It controls how the government collects, uses, stores, discloses and disposes of this information. The Act also gives all Canadian citizens and permanent residents the right to access any personal information about themselves that the federal government may have.

Individuals are entitled to request correction of this personal information, if they believe that there is an error or omission.

Requesting access to personal information

To request access to personal information or a correction of personal information:

  • Print and fill out either the Personal Information Request Form or the Record Correction Request Form.
  • You may also write a letter stating clearly that you are requesting information under the Privacy Act or that you are requesting a correction to your personal information held by the NCC.
  • There is no charge to make a requester under the Privacy Act or to requets a correction.
  • Send the form or letter to the Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

Proactive disclosure

Contracts of $5,000 and over

Monthly reports of contracts awarded with a value of $5,000 and over are available for viewing through the Access to Information and Privacy Office.

Disclosure of wrongdoing in the workplace

The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act seeks to encourage public servants to come forward if they have reason to believe that serious wrongdoing has taken place, and to provide protection against reprisal when they disclose this type of information.

In the event a wrongdoing is found as a result of a disclosure, the Act requires that the organization promptly provide public access to certain information. Specifically, it must describe the wrongdoing, the recommendations made to the chief executive and the corrective action taken by the organization’s chief executive. This page is updated when disclosures are founded.

Quarterly Financial Report

Info Source

Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information


Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information provides information about the functions, programs, activities and related information holdings of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. It provides individuals and employees of the government (current and former) with relevant information to access personal information about themselves held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.

The Introduction and an index of institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act are available centrally.

The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.


The National Capital Commission (NCC) is a Crown corporation created through the National Capital Act in 1958 to succeed the Federal District Commission (1927-1958) and the Ottawa Improvement Commission (1899-1927).

NCC's corporate mission is creating pride through Canada's Capital Region.

The NCC is governed by a board of directors responsible for: approving corporate plans and budgets; reviewing annual reports and financial statements; advising on issues, policies and strategies; and approving projects, transactions and action plans. The NCC Chairperson heads the Board, speaks on its behalf, and is the formal link between the corporation and the responsible minister, the Minister of Canadian Heritage. The Ombudsman position reports to the Board of Directors.


The National Capital Act of 1958 (as amended in 1988) gave the NCC the mandate to: i) prepare plans for and assist in the development, conservation and improvement of the National Capital Region (NCR) in order that the nature and character of the seat of the Government of Canada may be in accordance with its national significance; and ii) organize, sponsor or promote such public activities and events in the NCR that would enrich the cultural and social fabric of Canada. However, following the adoption of the Economic Action Plan 2013 Act, No.1 which implemented the 2013 Federal Budget, the National Capital Act was amended and the event and activity mandate was transferred from the NCC to the Department of Canadian Heritage. Accordingly, a number of the activities that were part of the NCC’s Capital Experience program— specifically the organization, sponsoring and promotion of public activities and events in the NCR— were transferred to the Department of Canadian Heritage. The NCC delivered program responsibilities in these areas until September 30, 2013, the coming into force date for the transfer of mandate described above.

In essence, the NCC continues to be responsible for the preparation of plans and to assist in the development, conservation and improvement of the NCR and to coordinate the development of public federal lands in the NCR. The NCC also continues to offer a number of outdoor experience activities, as well as communications, marketing and graphic design services, in relation to its activities.

Additional Information

The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through requests outside of the ATIP process. You may wish to consult the National Capital Commission's completed Access to Information (ATI) summaries. To make an informal request, contact:

Client Services
National Capital Commission
40 Elgin Street, Room 202
Ottawa ON K1P 1C7

Information: 613-239-5000 Toll Free: 1-800-465-1867
TTY: 613-239-5090 or 1-866-661-3530

The National Capital Commissions conducts Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) to ensure that privacy implications will be appropriately identified, assessed and resolved before a new or substantially modified program or activity involving personal information is implemented.

Please see the Introduction to this publication for information on formal access procedures under the provisions of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. The following outlines how to make a formal ATIP request.

Mail your letter or Access to Information Request Form (Access to Information Act) or Personal Information Request Form (Privacy Act), along with any necessary documents (such as consent or the $5.00 application fee for a request under the Access to Information Act) to the following address:

Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
National Capital Commission
40 Elgin Street, Room 202
Ottawa ON K1P 1C7

*Please note: each request made to the National Capital Commission under the Access to Information Act must be accompanied by an application fee of $5, cheque or money order made payable to National Capital Commission.

Reading Room

In accordance with the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, the applicant may wish to review material in person.

Institutional Functions, Programs and Activities

Capital Planning

The National Capital Commission (NCC) guides and coordinates the use of federal lands to ensure that they inspire Canadians, meet the needs of government and reflect the role and significance of the Capital. Through long-term plans, the identification of a National Interest Land Mass (NILM) and review and approval process, the NCC is able to ensure that federal land use in Canada's Capital Region reflects and respects the significance, natural environment, and heritage of the Capital. The organization also collaborates with federal, provincial and municipal governments on transportation issues.

Long-term planning, design and land use approvals

The NCC Guides the use and physical development of federal lands in Canada's Capital Region through the ongoing development of a Capital Planning Framework. Through visionary federal land use plans developed in consultation with other planning jurisdictions, federal departments and agencies, the NCC guides long-term land use, development and management of federal lands. The NCC also consults widely with the Canadian public with a view to ensuring that a shared vision of the Capital is achieved. Lands required for the long-term functioning and experience of the Capital are identified as the NILM to be held in trust as a legacy for future generations of Canadians. The NCC coordinates the development and ensures excellence in design and planning by reviewing and approving proposals for land use changes, designs and land disposals on federal lands in Canada's Capital Region.

Federal Land use, Design and Transaction - Approvals and Municipal Coordination

Description: Information relating to Design, Land Use and Transaction Approvals for projects and any works on federal lands in the NCR, for the use, disposal, lease or purchase of NCC lands; for archaeological research on federal lands; for the design of buildings, landscaping and other works and for plans for federal lands including Master and Area Plans and amendments, and to the NCC's Heritage and Archaeology program.
Document Types: Federal Land Use, Transaction and Design Reviews and Approvals; the interpretation and implementation of NCC or other federal plans, including the Plan for Canada's Capital, Greenbelt Master Plan and Parliamentary and Judicial Precinct Area Development Plan.
Format: Drawings, Plans, Maps, Electronic Data, Photographs and Oral histories.
Record Number: NCC CP-CP200

Transportation planning

The NCC collaborates and participates in joint studies with federal, provincial and municipal partners to address interprovincial and urban transportation issues. The NCC also develops strategies and facilitates federal involvement in transportation and transit in Canada’s Capital Region in order to achieve sustainable mobility objectives which make a positive contribution to the functioning and experience of the Capital. Moreover, by developing a vision and strategies to achieve a harmonized approach to regional transportation, high standards of design, environmental quality and land stewardship, the NCC supports the federal policy framework regarding urban areas and urban transportation.

Capital Planning and Transportation

Description: Information relating to the development of long range plans for NCC and other federal lands in the National Capital Region, the preparation of transportation studies generally in collaboration with municipal governments, and the monitoring of and responses to municipal planning and development control activities affecting NCC lands.
Document Types: Plan for Canada's Capital; Buildings Canada's Capital Region in the 21st Century; Capital Agenda 21; Strategic Transportation Initiative; Environmental Assessment Study of Future Interprovincial Crossings in the NCR; Interprovincial Transportation Studies; Gatineau Park, Greenbelt and Urban Lands (in preparation) Master Plans; Core Area, Leamy Lake and Parkway Sector Plans; Moore Farm, Meech Creek Valley Area Plans; Confederation Heights Node Plan; LeBreton Flats Plan Implementation; Highway 5 extension; Islands Strategic Plan; Sparks Street Mall Revitalization; Ottawa River Integrated Development Plan; National Interest Land Mass (NILM).
Format: Drawings, Plans, Maps, Photographs, Electronic Data.
Record Number: NCC CP-CP100

Capital Stewardship and Protection

Through Capital Stewardship and Protection, the NCC aims to protect assets of national significance in Canada’s Capital Region and to continue to enhance the Capital for future generations of Canadians. As steward of federal lands and assets in the region, the NCC rehabilitates, manages, develops, maintains and safeguards the Capital’s most treasured cultural, natural and heritage assets while ensuring safe, respectful and appropriate public access is maintained. The NCC also promotes and regulates public activities on federal lands and conserves natural resources through sound environmental management. Through its involvement in land development projects, its acquisition of national interest properties and its disposal of surplus properties, the NCC is further able to ensure that its vision for the Capital is reflected in Canada’s Capital Region.

In order to assess whether the Capital Stewardship and Protection program is successful at protecting Capital assets for current and future generations of Canadians, the NCC monitors whether built Capital assets are accessible, safe, rehabilitated and maintained. The NCC also tracks whether the historical uniqueness of Capital heritage assets is being preserved and whether key natural areas are being safeguarded.

Land and Property Stewardship

Through Land and Property Stewardship activities, the NCC works toward ensuring that its extensive portfolio of assets (including land, property, and civil assets such as bridges and pathways) is managed, maintained, rehabilitated and protected while adhering to principles of sustainability. Design, rehabilitation and land development activities contribute to the ongoing preservation and improvement of parks, parkways, recreational facilities, monuments and other built heritage including rental properties. The NCC leases properties to finance their restoration, life cycle management and protection and to ensure that commercial properties in the NCC’s rental portfolio reflect the character of and vision for Canada’s Capital Region. Moreover, the NCC ensures that the grounds of high profile federal sites in the core area (e.g. Parliament Hill and the Supreme Court of Canada) are maintained. In addition to ensuring the optimization of the use of its existing assets, the NCC also acquires and disposes of lands in accordance with its long-term plans and vision for the Capital. The NCC also makes payments in lieu of (property) taxes on its portfolio of program lands and properties.

Agreements Management

Description: Information relating to the management of agreements at the NCC, including the administration of the agreements system.
Document types: Reports and agreements.
Record Number: NCC REMDC-A717

  • Agreements Description: This bank may contain the name, address, phone number, fax number and email address of those who have initiated and / or entered into an agreement with the NCC. The agreements maintained by the NCC are organized under the following categories: acquisition, disposal, easement, lease, licence of occupation, land management, land access permits, special event permits, wedding ceremony permit, broadcasting and public sector goods and services, purchase of advertising, borrowing of personal or movable property, volunteer services, sponsorship, concession and licence not-involving real property, sale of souvenirs, receipt of contribution or donation, grant or contribution by the NCC, donation by NCC, joint initiative, collaboration, and federal approvals.
    Class of Individuals: General Public, Federal, Provincial and Municipal government employees, as well as contacts from privately owned businesses.
    Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain the records relating to the management and tracking of agreements with the NCC.
    Consistent Uses: The bank is used during the negotiation and ongoing management of the agreement throughout its lifecycle in order to identify agreements based on contact name. The information would be used in the documentation of future agreements with the same party.
    Retention and Disposal Standards: Retention period varies based on the agreement type. Agreements are kept for a minimum of 6 fiscal years after the agreement has ceased being in effect.
    RDA Number: 2015/031
    Related Record Number: NCC REMDC-A717
    TBS Registration: 20110306
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 080

Design and Construction

Description: Information relating to the provision of Design and Construction management, architectural, engineering, landscape architecture and life cycle inspection/management services to create, rehabilitate, and preserve NCC's real and heritage assets, landmarks, natural features, infrastructure and industrial, private and commercial buildings. These include assets such as: bridges; parkways; roadways; capital parks; commemorations; interpretive media; recreational pathway system; Urban Lands; Greenbelt and Gatineau Park assets; Confederation Boulevard and Official Residences.
Document Types: Project Management documents; Analysis; Project files including drawings, status report, project approvals and visual materials.
Format: Microform, Maps, Plans, Drawings, Electronic Data.
Record Number: NCC REMDC-DC100

Industrial Design and Environmental Graphics

Description: Information relating to the provision of Industrial Design and Environmental Graphics services in support of assets and NCC public programs and events. Activities include: Signage, Interpretive Media, Environmental Graphics, Exhibit Design and Corporate Identity; design, fabrication, installation, and life-cycle refurbishment.
Note: Formerly listed under Capital Experience
Document Types: Design Records; Site Assessments; Minutes and Approvals.
Record Number: NCC REMDC-RD200

Land Management

Description: Information relating to the management of parks, green and natural assets; the management of pathways and parkways that provide visitors with access to the Capital; documents pertaining to the management of core recreational facilities, programs and services that provide visitors with a positive experience of the Capital, the provision of maintenance and lifecycle operations, including the floral program and commemorations.
Document Types: Strategic Plans; Master Plans; Agreements; Maintenance Service Contracts and Land Access Permits.
Format: Maps; Plans and Drawings.
Record Number: NCC CLP-ULT100

Payments in Lieu of Taxes

Description: Documentation with regard to the management of payments in lieu of taxes to municipalities and school boards in accordance with the National Capital Act, the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act and the Crown Corporation Payments Regulations.
Document Types: Property Assessments Notices; Municipal and School Board's Tax Bills; Correspondence with taxation authorities and assessment authorities; Reports; Policies and Procedures.
Record Number: NCC PILT-RD610

Property Development

Description: Information relating to the development of the NCC's real assets; the management of private sector joint projects to generate revenue and produce Capital programming; provision of planning advice regarding municipal and regional official Plans and zoning; the application of appropriate official Plan and zoning designations for the NCC's real assets; provision of urban design plans and strategies and, the implementation of the Core Area initiatives.
Document Types: Development Agreements; Drawings; Plans; Design Documents; Acquisitions; Disposals and Exchanges. Format: Electronic Data; Maps; Plans and Drawings.
Record Number: NCC REMDC-RD100

Rental Properties

Description: Information relating to the overall management of the NCC's rental properties (i.e. commercial, residential, agricultural, recreational, institutional and land leases) with ongoing support and assistance from third party Service Providers hired by the NCC to manage leased properties and the provision of property management, asset management, marketing and leasing of its assigned portfolio.
Document Types: Leases; Project Plans; Work Plans and Approvals; Project presentations and briefings; Financial reporting and information and correspondence with tenants.
Format: Legal Agreements; Various Financial Reports, Life Cycle Management System; Electronic Data; Maps; Plans; Drawings, Oral histories and Microform.
Record Number: NCC REMDC-RD500

  • Property Management and Property Tenant Records Description: This bank, which may be managed by external property management and leasing services companies on behalf of the NCC, may contain the names of former and present tenants, the former address of a tenant, employment background, annual earnings and number of children. The files contain basic personal information on past owners or tenants of the property and all information pertaining to the leasing of the property, rental charges, payments, collection and credit reports and related correspondence. These records may contain the results of credit investigations of the tenants which were conducted to determine financial capability to rent/lease the property. Applications to rent NCC properties are placed on the appropriate property file. The documents are filed by property ID numbers and they include alphabetic references.
    Class of Individuals: General public.
    Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain an inventory of all National Capital Commission tenants and applicants for tenancy and to maintain a record of information relating to the management of NCC properties.
    Consistent Uses: It is used to identify past, present and prospective tenants of Commission properties. Some information may be disclosed for the purpose of collecting debts owed by tenants as a result of their tenancy. It is also used to assist in the administration of properties acquired on behalf of the federal government. Some information may be disclosed to municipalities in which the properties are located for tax assessments and administration of the payments-in-lieu of taxes program. Retention and Disposal Standards: Records on individuals are retained for two years after property is vacated. Collection records are retained for six fiscal years after accounts are settled and then destroyed.
    RDA Number: 2015/031
    Related Record Number: NCC REMDC-RD500
    TBS Registration: 003020
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 051

Real Estate Transactions

Description: Information relating to negotiation and completion of property transactions for the acquisition, disposal in order to generate revenue, expropriations or exchange of properties, and the granting of easements and licences of occupation, encroachments and divestitures in support of the NCC's mandate.
Document Types: Property Appraisals; Acquisition, Disposal and Divestiture Approvals; Plans; Drawings; Visual Materials; Easement and Licence of Occupation Agreements.
Format: Maps; Plans; Drawings; Photographs; Electronic Data, Oral histories and Microform.
Record Number: NCC REMDC-RD600

  • Property Transaction Records Description: The files contain general correspondence, appraisal reports, description of property and basic personal data on the owner. Also included is the final disposition of the case in the form of an option and copies of minutes of the NCC Advisory Committee and decision-making Committees. The records are organized by property parcel number with an alphabetical cross-reference system. Information is maintained in the form of paper records and Integrated Asset Management Information System (IAMIS).
    Class of Individuals: General public.
    Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record the negotiations leading to property transactions.
    Consistent Uses: It is used to assist in the administration of policies on the acquisition and expropriation of properties in the National Capital Region on behalf of the federal government.
    Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained on-site two years and off-site for 8 years and then destroyed.
    RDA Number: 2015/031
    Related Record Number: NCC REMDC-RD600
    TBS Registration: 000808
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 045

Environmental Protections and Conservation

Protecting and conserving NCC lands and natural heritage builds on the NCCs longstanding tradition of good environmental stewardship. Environmental assessment, monitoring and decontamination ensure that projects and activities can be undertaken on NCC lands without risk to the environment. The NCC participates in the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan to secure funding for site assessment and decontamination of sites. In addition, conservation officers ensure that the use of NCC natural areas by residents and visitors respects the need to protect wildlife, including species at risk. A comprehensive and long-term natural resource management program is in place to increase scientific understanding and better conserve the NCC’s lands and its many valued ecosystems in Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt.

Conservation and Protection Services

Description: Information relating to the conservation and protection of NCC natural areas, including the management of natural resources; emergency response services; enforcement of NCC and federal regulations; and surveillance of NCC properties for public safety and asset protection.
Document Types: Occurrences reports; summary reports; infractions and communications with other government departments and institutions.
Format: Maps; Plans; Drawings; Slides and Photographs.
Record Number: NCC CLP-A800

  • 24 Hour Emergency Communication Service (24 HECS) Description: This bank describes information collected in the administration and management of the 24 Hour Emergency Communication Service (24 HECS). It contains the details of all electronic communications, telephone and radio calls received by the 24 HECS, including the reporting of: emergency situations, non life-threatening safety hazards, observances of illegal behaviour, an injured or dead animal and maintenance issues. The personal information collected may include the name, address and phone numbers of the caller, along with the nature of the emergency situation. The 24 HECS manual provides procedures and contact information in the event of an emergency. Personal information within the manual may include home phone numbers and addresses of NCC employees and third party contractors.
    Note: The contractor may choose to record the information as per their operational requirements.
    Class of Individuals: NCC employees, third party contractors, and members of the general public.
    Purpose: The purpose of the information described in this bank is to ensure that the individuals answering the 24 HECS line are equipped with up-to-date contact and procedural information when responding to an emergency. The detailed information collected is used to monitor the types of emergencies occurring on NCC lands; communicate with emergency services, mainly within the National Capital Region; and to follow-up or resolve certain situations after they have occurred.
    Consistent Uses: This information may be used by the NCC to assist with the monitoring, management and follow-up of emergency situations occurring on NCC lands.
    Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development.
    RDA Number: 2015/031.
    Related Record Number: NCC CLP-A800
    TBS Registration: 20110513
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 024
  • Violation and Enforcement Records Description: This bank identifies violators and may contain a description of the incident, identification of witnessing officer and any relevant details.
    Class of Individuals: General public.
    Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record particulars of the violation of laws and regulations applicable to NCC land and properties.
    Consistent Uses: This bank is used to facilitate the administration of justice within Commission-owned land and properties. Retention and Disposal Standards: Files are retained for five years after the last administrative action and then destroyed.
    RDA Number: 2015/031
    Related Record Number: NCC CLP-A800
    TBS Registration: 003018
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 060

Environmental Services

Description: Information relating to assessments of the potential environmental impact of NCC activities and initiatives involving NCC or federal lands and assets. As well as information relating to the NCC's compliance with relevant environmental laws, regulations, policies and standards federal environmental targets, standards and commitments and to the provision of opportunities and knowledge to NCC employees to ensure programs and activities are environmentally-sound.
Document Types: Environmental assessments reports and evaluations on projects; Site assessments and decontamination reports and studies; Ecosystems studies, assessment and action plans; Management of Invasive species; and Geese and wildlife management.
Format: Maps; Plans; Drawings; Slides and Photographs.
Record Number: NCC ENV-CP220

Official Residences

The official residences include some of the oldest and most valuable heritage architecture in Canada’s Capital. The NCC, as steward of the six official residences in Canada’s Capital Region, ensures that the residences are furnished, maintained and rehabilitated to safeguard their historical character and to provide safe and appropriate accommodations for Canada’s official leaders. These inspiring properties and grounds must also be maintained to conduct important state events and ceremonies. Activities include maintenance of grounds, floral and design services, greenhouse operations, horticultural expertise, design and implementation of interior décor, renewal projects and selection of furniture and artifacts for the Crown collection. The long-term rehabilitation plans are carried out according to the funding allocated by the government, with an emphasis on health and safety issues as well as the preservation of Canada’s Capital Region’s symbolic national heritage assets.

Canadiana Fund

Description: Information relating to the Canadiana Fund, which works closely with the Advisory Committee on the Official Residences, the National Capital Commission and Public Works and Government Services Canada, to enhance the interest in, and beauty of, the state areas of the official residences through donations of fine examples of historical furnishings, paintings and art or the funds needed to purchase them. Pieces are chosen that reflect Canada's heritage and artistic traditions, that have historical associations or that complement the architectural style of a residence. Official residences are: Rideau Hall, 24 Sussex Drive, Harrington Lake, Stornoway, The Farm (Kingsmere), 7 Rideau Gate and the Citadel.
Document Types: Agreements; Tax Receipts; Donation Submissions; Artist Profiles; Memoranda of Understanding and Committee Minutes.
Format: Photographs and Slides.
Record Number: NCC CF-RD300

Official Residences

Description: Information relating to the management of the Official Residences' portfolio; the provision of property management, interior design, ceremonial support, greenhouse and grounds maintenance operations services for Canada's six Official Residences within the National Capital Region (Rideau Hall, Stornoway, 24 Sussex, Harrington Lake, Kingsmere (the Farm) and 7 Rideau Gate).
Document Types: Inventories; Research Reports; Planning Documents and Procedures.
Format: Maps; Plans; Drawings; Photographs; Slides; Electronic Data.
Record Number: NCC OR-OR100

Outdoor experience

The objective of Outdoor Experience is to encourage Canadians to immerse themselves in, understand and enjoy the Capital’s distinctive natural setting and man-made features and appreciate their significance. The NCC provides visitors and residents of Canada’s Capital Region with access to its parks (including Gatineau Park), green spaces, recreational venues such as the Rideau Canal Skateway, the Capital pathway network, beaches, trails and camping sites, and the Greenbelt. In addition to these venues, programs such as Sunday Bike Days, Fall Rhapsody, as well as a variety of outdoor summer and winter activities allow Canadians to experience the Capital in an active manner and to appreciate the national significance of its natural assets.

Event Support

Description: Information relating to services provided in support of NCR events, including: liaison with major event stakeholders and the maintenance and safeguarding of NCC properties and assets.
Note: Formerly listed under Capital Experience
Document types: Plans; agreements; permits; meeting minutes and agenda.
Record Number: NCC CLP-ULT120

Gatineau Park Interpretation

Description: Information relating to interpretation services offered within Gatineau Park, including the management and cultural interpretation of Mackenzie King Estate; nature interpretation along the many pathways, parkways and green space within the boundaries of Gatineau Park; permanent and seasonal exhibits offered at the Visitor Centre in Chelsea.
Note: Formerly listed under Capital Experience
Document types: Interpretation plans; Strategic plans; Gatineau Park master plan; Pamphlets;Reports; Statistics.
Format: Photographs; Maps; Plans; Drawings.
Record Number: NCC CLP-GP200

Greenbelt Interpretation

Description: Information relating to interpretation services offered within the area identified as the Greenbelt, including forestry interpretation and interpretative exhibits on geology and natural history.
Note: Formerly listed under Capital Experience
Document Types: Greenbelt master plan; Strategic planning documents; Reports; Statistics; Minutes; Agenda;
Format: Photographs; Maps; Plans; Drawings.
Record Number: NCC CLP-GB200

Recreational Activities and Programs

Description: Information relating to the management of recreational activities and programs associated with the provision of services and facilities for year-round public enjoyment in Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt.
Note: replaces Environmental and Natural Resources
Document Types: Planning documents; Statement of requirements; Agreements; Reports; Statistics; Concessions; Trail and Recreational facilities management.
Format: Drawings; Maps
Record Number: NCC CLP-GP100

  • Camp Site and Cabins Program Registration Records Description: This bank contains the names of campers at Gatineau Park. It may also contain addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, credit card numbers and fees paid for the rental of the sites. This bank is managed by the contractor on a day-to-day basis.
    Class of Individuals: General public.
    Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to control the allocation of camp sites as well as shelters and to maintain a record of revenue. Personal information is collected under the authority of section 10.2 ( c ) and 10.2 ( f ) of the National Capital Act.
    Consistent Uses: This bank is also used to maintain mailing lists for future reservations, revenue accountability, program review and future planning.
    Retention and Disposal Standards: Under review.
    RDA Number: 2015/031
    Related Record Number: NCC CLP-GP100
    TBS Registration: 002197
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 065
  • Gatineau Park Winter Passes Description: This bank may contain information of individuals who have purchased a winter season pass to access ski, snowshoe and snow bike trails in Gatineau Park. Details may include contact and credit card information.
    Note: This data is managed by the contractor on a day-to-day basis.
    Class of Individuals: general public
    Purpose: The personal information is used to administer a user-fee program for winter passes in Gatineau Park and to maintain a record of revenue. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 10(2)(c) and 10(2)(f) of the National Capital Act.
    Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: to maintain a mailing list of individuals who have purchased winter passes, to replace lost or stolen season passes, revenue accountability, program review, future planning, and promotional and partnership opportunities (refer to NCC PPU 080).
    Retention and Disposal Standards: under review
    RDA Number: 2015/031
    Related Record Number: NCC CLP-GP100, NCC PACM-M700
    TBS Registration: 003730
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 062
  • Volunteer Data Bank Description: This bank contains the names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, years of services and basic personal information such as age, sex, and personal preferences of volunteers who have offered to assist in various capacities for NCC projects and events. Also to gather information about the origin of volunteers, we collect information about the country of birth and the date of arrival in Canada, if available.
    Note: The volunteer function related to events was transferred to the Department of Canadian Heritage on September 30, 2013.
    Class of Individuals: General public.
    Purpose: The purpose of this data base is to maintain a record of volunteers, their participation in events and their preferences for volunteer activities.
    Consistent Uses: This data base is used to select volunteers for suitable placement in support of NCC projects and events. The data base also may represent a mailing list which could be used to contact volunteers about other NCC activities.
    Retention and Disposal Standards: The volunteer files are for two years after a volunteer leaves the NCC and then destroyed.
    RDA Number: 2015/031
    Related Record Number: NCC CLP-GP100
    TBS Registration: 002196
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 070

Public and Corporate Affairs

Public and Corporate Affairs is responsible for all public relations for the NCC. It ensures the public’s views and interests are considered and are an integral part of the decision-making process at the NCC. PCA is also responsible for the provision of corporate-wide professional services in the area of corporate planning, strategic communications, media relations, marketing and the web.

Information and Orientation

Description: Information to support the delivery of promotion of public programs which contribute to a better understanding and appreciation of the national significance of the Capital, its institutions and attractions.
Document Types: Maps; Signs; Studies; Design Records.
Format: Electronic Data.
Record Number: NCC CE-M400


Description: Information relating to Canada's Capital as being an inspiring reflection of the people, values and achievements that define this country and continue to drive it forward and ultimately stimulate their interest in experiencing the Capital physically, via broadcast or virtually. Marketing activities include: Developing Marketing and Communications Plans, Deploying Capital Branding Strategy, Event and Program Promotion; Advertising campaigns on multi-media platforms such as Web, social media, print, tv, billboards etc.; Publication and Writing / Editing / Translation; Graphic Design; Photography, Video Production Coordination; Distribution Services and Database Management and Marketing, Protecting trademarks of the NCC and its logo and ensuring proper utilization.
Note: Formerly listed under Capital Experience. The records are covered by the Communications Standard Class of Record and will be removed in 2016.
Document Types: Design Records; Publications; Posters; Stock and Production footage and Marketing Plans; Statements of Requirement; Project Briefs; Media Plans; and Creative Briefs.
Format: Electronic Data; Photographs; Videos.
Record Number: NCC PACM-NP700


Description: Information relating to partnerships with corporate, private and public sector groups who are interested in supporting NCC programs, services, assets or infrastructures that would generate a return on their investment and in-turn provide NCC monetary and in-kind benefits. NCC programs, services, assets or infrastructures include: Gatineau Park, Greenbelt, Rideau Canal Skateway, Recreational Pathways, Capital Parkways and Sunday Bikedays.
Note: Formerly listed under Capital Experience
Document Types: Evaluation Reports; Agreements and Solicitation Material.
Format: Photographs, Maps
Record Number: NCC PACM-M700

Gatineau Park Winter Passes

Description: This bank may contain information of individuals who have purchased a winter season pass to access ski, snowshoe and snow bike trails in Gatineau Park. Details may include contact and credit card information.
Note: This data is managed by the contractor on a day-to-day basis.
Class of Individuals: general public
Purpose: The personal information is used to administer a user-fee program for winter passes in Gatineau Park and to maintain a record of revenue. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 10(2)(c) and 10(2)(f) of the National Capital Act.
Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: to maintain a mailing list of individuals who have purchased winter passes, to replace lost or stolen season passes, revenue accountability, program review, future planning, and promotional and partnership opportunities (refer to NCC PPU 080).
Retention and Disposal Standards: under review
RDA Number: 2015/031
Related Record Number: NCC CLP-GP100, NCC PACM-M700
TBS Registration: 003730
Bank Number: NCC PPU 062

Public Affairs

Description: Information relating to the development and implementation of high quality client services and public engagement activities, including the incorporation of the public's views and interests into the decision-making process at the NCC. These include records relating to the public consultations processes; community relations programs; the management of public requests and complaints, including coordination with the Ombudsman office.
Note: Formerly listed under Capital Experience.
Document Types: Public Consultation Reports; Communications tools and documents provided to the public for those consultations; Annual Public Meetings agendas and minutes; correspondence to and from the public regarding requests and complaints.
Format: Electronic Data.
Record Number: NCC PACM-A650

  • Damage Claims and Incident Reports Description: This bank may contain incident and/or accident reports, police reports, witness reports, estimates, amounts paid or received, releases and related particulars.
    Class of Individuals: General Public, Insurance Companies and Other Government Agencies.
    Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain records of cycling, vehicular and other accidents and/or incidents resulting in claims in favour of and against the Crown.
    Consistent Uses: This information is used to determine liability and to negotiate settlements.
    Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for six fiscal years after settlement of claims and then destroyed.
    RDA Number: 2015/031
    Related Record Number: NCC PACM-A650
    TBS Registration: 000802
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 015
  • National Capital Commission Ombudsman Description: This bank describes information about complaints submitted to the National Capital Commission (NCC) Ombudsman. Personal information may include: name, contact information, language, signature, views and opinions of, or about, individuals, nature of complaint; identification number, and information about NCC representatives named in the complaint, which may include name; title; and details of the complaint.
    Class of Individuals: General public and authorized representatives who submit a complaint to the National Capital Commission's Ombudsman regarding issues related to any aspect of programs and services offered by the NCC or NCC representatives.
    Purpose: Personal information is used to process complaints; facilitate resolution of disputes; initiate investigations; identify emerging and systemic issues related to NCC programs and services; document findings; and to provide non-binding recommendations. Personal information is collected under the authority of the National Capital Act.
    Consistent Uses: For the purpose of resolving complaints, information may be shared with NCC representatives responsible for the subject matter involved. At the conclusion of the review, information will be disclosed to the complainant, the NCC Board of Directors, the NCC Chief Executive Officer and the responsible Vice-President. Information, in an anonymous format, may also be used for research and statistical purposes in the annual report on the activities of the NCC Ombudsman office. Retention and Disposal Standards: Under Development
    RDA Number: 2015/031
    Related Record Number: NCC PACM-A650
    TBS Registration: 20100557
    Bank Number: NCC PPU 079

Internal Services

Internal services constitute groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are management and oversight services, communications services, legal services, human resources management services, financial management services, information management services, information technology services, real property services, materiel services, acquisition services, and travel and other administrative services. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Acquisitions Services

Acquisition Services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfill a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.

Communications Services

Communications services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well-coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public - internal or external - receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.

Financial Management Services

Financial management services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advised, and financial systems.

Human Resources Management Services

Human resources management services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and/or plans.

Information Management Services

Information management services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.

Information Technology Services

Information technology services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.

Legal services

Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.

Management and Oversight Services

Management and oversight services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies or plans.

Material Services

Material services involve activities undertaken to ensure that material can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that support the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Travel and Other Administrative Services

Travel and Other Administrative Services include Government of Canada (GC) travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.

Classes of Personal Information

The National Capital Commission as a whole is involved in activities which tend to generate public response in one form or another. As a result, personal information may be accumulated which is not contained in specific NCC banks listed in this index.

Such personal information may consist of compliments, complaints, suggestions, opinions, proposals, agreements, permits and permissions and may include name, address, telephone number and, in some cases, marital status, age and employment.

This personal information is stored throughout the general subject files and is not normally retrievable by the name of an individual or other personal identifier. It can be located only if specific and sufficient details are provided concerning the event or activity of interest such as: acquisition, development, management, and disposal of properties; planning, construction, maintenance and operation of roads, bridges, parks, pathways and other works; joint projects with municipalities; construction and operation of concessions; grants and subsidies, historical sites and buildings; plans for federal elements in the National Capital Region; public, cultural and recreational activities; tours and services for visitors; promotion of national understanding and awareness of the national capital of Canada; violation of laws and regulations.

The personal information contained in these subject files is retained for the same period of time as the related subject information and is disposed of according to the appropriate subject records schedules.


Emergency Manual for Information Officers
Training Manual for Contact Centre Information Officers
Training Manual for Contact Centre Supervisor
Volunteer Management Standards and
Procedures Manual (Guidebook for NCC staff)
