Please note: The online HTML tool for reporting marine mammal incidents is currently unavailable due to technical difficulties. You can continue to report a marine mammal incident by filling out the appropriate pdf form and emailing it to the address listed on the form.

Report a marine mammal or sea turtle incident or sighting

I want to report something that happened or something I saw

Marine mammal or sea turtle in trouble?

I want to report something happening right now.

I see someone abusing or harassing a marine mammal or a sea turtle

If you see abuse or harassment (fisheries violation), contact the following 24-hours/day toll-free numbers:

I see an injured, stranded, entangled or dead marine mammal or sea turtle

If you see an injured, stranded, entangled or dead animal, contact the following emails or 24-hours/day toll-free numbers.

Region Contact Information
Central & Arctic
  • Northwest Territories - Inuvik: 1-867-777-7500
  • Northwest Territories - Yellowknife: 1-867-669-4900
  • Nunavut - Iqaluit: 1-867-979-8000
  • Saskatchewan: 1-800-667-7561
  • Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM): 1-877-722-5346
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Whale Release and Strandings Newfoundland and Labrador (Tangly Whales Inc.): 1-888-895-3003 or 1-709-895-3003

I saw a live marine mammal or sea turtle

Help us track these aquatic animals to better understand these species and to help keep them safe.

Report a sighting of a live marine mammal or sea turtle

If you see a marine mammal or a sea turtle, make sure you note important details and characteristics that might help to identify or locate it including:

  • Date, time, and location (lat./long.) of animal
  • Type of animal (species if possible)
  • Sighting distance
  • Description of key body parts, including color, any tags or unique markings
  • Estimated length of the animal
  • Behaviors of the animal observed (and your degree of confidence in the identification)
  • Number of individuals
  • If possible from a safe location and abiding by the Marine Mammal Regulations, please provide photographs and video of the animal, especially close-ups of the tail, flukes, flippers, entangling gear and visible injuries
Region Contact Information

BC Cetacean Sightings Network

Central & Arctic
  • Northwest Territories – Inuvik: 1-867-777-7500
  • Northwest Territories – Yellowknife: 1-867-669-4900
  • Nunavut – Iqaluit: 1-867-979-8000
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Newfoundland & Labrador

I made accidental contact with a marine mammal

Reporting accidental contact with a marine mammal is required within my conditions of licences

I am a Fish Harvester

Fish Harvester Form - PDF

Do not touch or move an animal yourself because:

  • you may accidentally harm it or yourself
  • it may carry diseases that could transfer to you

I am an At-Sea Observer

At-Sea Observer Form - PDF

Do not touch or move an animal yourself because:

  • you may accidentally harm it or yourself
  • it may carry diseases that could transfer to you
I am a member of the public and I want to report accidental contact with a marine mammal

This form is for the general public, such as recreational fish harvesters, recreational boaters or recreational whale watchers, as well as commercial whale watching organizations.

I am a member of the public

Member of the public form - PDF

Do not touch or move an animal yourself because:

  • you may accidentally harm it or yourself
  • it may carry diseases that could transfer to you
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