Report on Annual Expenditures for Travel, Hospitality, Conferences and Events for fiscal year ending March 31, 2015

As required by the Treasury Board Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures, this report provides information on the total annual expenditures for each of travel, hospitality, conference and event for the RCMP External Review Committee (ERC) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015.  This information is updated annually and does not contain information withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act.

Expenditures on travel, hospitality, conferences and events incurred by federal departments and agencies are related to supporting departmental mandate(s) and the government’s priorities.  The ERC delivers the following core program:  Independent and impartial case review.

The ERC is an independent and impartial administrative tribunal that contributes to fair and equitable labour relations within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).  To this end, the ERC conducts an independent review of certain grievances and appeals relating to certain conduct measures and of written decisions involving harassment complaints, revocations of appointments, discharges and demotions and ordered stoppages of pay and allowances, all as referred to it pursuant to the sections 33 and 45.15 of the RCMP Act and s. 17 of the RCMP Regulations.  The ERC’s jurisdiction is restricted to employment and labour matters that relate to regular members and civilian members of the RCMP only.

Total annual expenditures for travel, hospitality, conferences and events of the ERC are summarized below:

Total annual expenditures for travel, hospitality, conferences and events of the ERC

Expenditure Category

Expenditures for the year ending
March 31, 2015

Expenditures for the previous year ending
March 31, 2015



(in dollars)

Travel – Public Servants




Travel – Non Public Servants




International Travel by Minister and Minister’s Staff *




Total Travel








Conference Fees












(*) The ERC is an independent agency which reports to Parliament through the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and, therefore, does not have any expenditure in this category.

Significant variances compared to the previous fiscal year

Compared to fiscal year 2013-14, the ERC saw a decrease of 7.9% in total spending on travel, hospitality, conferences and events for fiscal year 2014-15, including maximizing the use of technology such as teleconferencing and videoconferencing.

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