A “Day in the Life of…” a Border Services Officer

This video presents the story of Lori Streefkerk, an employee of Public Services and Procurement Canada. Lori experienced a “Day in the Life of…” a border services officer (BSO) with the Canada Border Services Agency at its operations in Rigaud and Montreal, Quebec.


So, in the days leading up to the trip and certainly the morning we drove up to Rigaud, Iʼll admit, I was a little nervous. I saw the agenda, I saw everything they had planned and I—honestly did not know if I could do some of it and I was worried about not doing it well.

Hi, my name is Lori Streefkerk, I was the lucky participant in the day in the life of a Border Services Officer.

I had no idea what they needed to do, so I was still a little bit in awe, about what the job was, what it entailed.

Meeting people—the BSOʼs, the CBSA team just brought to light the seriousness and gravity of what it is the college does and why they spend so much time training new recruits.

You know they were clearly proud of their work. And each person brought something different and unique to my experience.

Im at a loss for words, I canʼt, I thought of impressive, I thought of remarkable, I thought enlightening and none of them seems to—capture what I am feeling.

I am full of awe, of what I experienced and what I have learned about CBSA and the border service officers.

You know, I got to experience something that I would never have experienced otherwise. And got to live the life of a recruit for a day. And I still couldnʼt believe that—you know that I had this great opportunity to do that.

I would say that CBSA has done a lot to set its recruits up for success. You know the training gives them the knowledge and skills that they will need on the job. And I think that if someone is really interested in training or becoming a boarder services officer theyʼll find the program challenging but extremely rewarding.

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