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Shared Service Canada's Customer Satisfaction Feedback Initiative data references how SSC is doing as rated by the departments and agencies it services. The clients provide input on a monthly basis rating our service from 1 to 5 (being highest) It is based on 6 criteria - Overall Timeliness, Timeliness when there is an outage, Ease of Access, Positive Outcome, Process Aspects and the Overall Engagement Experience.

The application allows you to select a specific department and view the information in a table format or a graph which can be filtered by year and the points above.

Developed by
Shared Services Canada
Device Formats
Date Published
June 12, 2019
  • Customer Satisfaction Feedback Initiative
  • CSFI
  • Shared Services Canada
  • SSC

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Our team cannot commit to replying to every message or comment, but we look forward to continuing the conversation whenever possible. Please note that responses will be provided in the same language that was used in the original comment.

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Submitted by Lynda on August 08, 2019 - 12:00 AM

I had my grandson since Jan 2017, I applied for the benefits this past spring, It was all good then less than a week later it wasn't and the benefit was clawed back. I have had to submit numerous papers from the Alberta Works , the dentist, my psysian, his school and somehow on the way to the next assessor the paper work submitted with the application didn't follow. I had to get more proof I had my grandson and today after the benefits were clawed back in June, I have no idea what is happening. I called CCB today and go figure another 4 to 6 weeks. Being Metis and part of the 60s Scoop this all is sure taking a toll on me. So the service from Winnipeg is horrible and slow.