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Beware: Scammers posing as CBSA employees

If you have received a call from 1-800-461-9999 or any other 1-800 number, it isn't the CBSA calling. CBSA employees do not contact the public by phone. This is a scam. Never give your social insurance number over the phone.

Learn more about how scammers pose as CBSA employees.

To report scams, please contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

Notice: Cannabis

Despite the fact that cannabis (marijuana) is legal and regulated in Canada, it remains illegal to transport cannabis in any form – including any oils containing THC or cannabidiol (CBD), across Canada’s national borders whether you are entering or leaving Canada. Additionally, receiving or sending cannabis in any form into or out of Canada by mail or courier is also illegal. Unauthorized purchases from outside Canada (online or other) will be confiscated at the border and may lead to arrest and criminal prosecution

For more information, consult cannabis (marijuana) legalization.

Asylum claimants' passports and travel/identity documents

The CBSA holds the passports and travel/identity documents of asylum claimants in accordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and retains them until the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada makes a determination on the claim.

The CBSA cannot share any personal information on these individuals or their belongings.

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