D Memoranda
D11 - General Tariff Information

Note: Memoranda marked "Non-CBSA" may contain outdated information.

Number Date
D11-3-1 2015-11-05 Marking of Imported Goods
D11-3-2 2014-04-15 Marking Determination/Re-determination of Goods Imported From a NAFTA Country
D11-3-3 2015-10-20 NAFTA Countries of Origin Marking Rules
D11-4-2 2017-06-06 Proof of Origin of Imported Goods
D11-4-3 2013-04-04 Rules of Origin Respecting the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff
D11-4-4 2017-10-16 Rules of Origin Respecting the General Preferential Tariff and Least Developed Country Tariff
D11-4-5 Revised
Rules of Origin Respecting Commonwealth Caribbean Countries
D11-4-6 Revised
Rules of Origin for the New Zealand and Australia Tariff Treatments
D11-4-9 Cancelled
This Departmental Memorandum is being cancelled as the entitlement to General Preferential Tariff (GPT) has been withdrawn from goods originating from Mexico.
D11-4-10 Cancelled
This Departmental Memorandum is being cancelled as the entitlement to General Preferential Tariff (GPT) has been withdrawn from goods originating from China.
D11-4-13 Revised
Rules of Origin for Casual Goods Under Free Trade Agreements
D11-4-14 2016-05-05 Certification of Origin Under Free Trade Agreements
D11-4-16 2016-02-26 Advance Rulings for Origin Under Free Trade Agreements
D11-4-18 2014-10-27 Uniform Regulations Chapters Three and Five of NAFTA
D11-4-19 2014-04-07 The Determination of When Goods are Entitled to the Benefit of the United States Tariff, Mexico Tariff or Mexico-United States Tariff
D11-4-20 Revised
Procedures for Verifications of Origin Under a Free Trade Agreement
D11-4-22 2016-09-26 Tariff Preference Levels
D11-4-24 2014-12-08 Uniform Regulations – Chapters C and E of the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA)
D11-4-26 2014-12-19 Uniform Regulations – Chapter V of the Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement (CCRFTA)
D11-4-27 2014-07-08 Canada–Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement (CCRFTA): Costa Rica Free Zone Regime
D11-4-28 2014-04-02 Haiti Goods Deemed to be Directly Shipped to Canada for the Purposes of the General Preferential Tariff (GPT) and the Least Developed Country Tariff (LDCT)
D11-4-29 2014-04-09 Uniform Regulations – Chapter Four of the Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement (CPAFTA)
D11-4-30 2014-10-15 Uniform Regulations – Chapter Five of the Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement (CHFTA)
D11-4-31 2015-03-27 Uniform Regulations – Chapter Four of the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA)
D11-4-32 New
Application of the De Minimis Provision to Textile and Apparel Goods under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
D11-5-1 2014-03-18 NAFTA Rules of Origin
D11-5-2 2014-02-25 NAFTA – Specific Rules of Origin
D11-5-3 Revised
Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement (CCRFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-4 Revised
Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-6 Revised
Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-7 2014-04-15 Canada-European Free Trade Association Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-8 2014-04-15 Canada–Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-9 2014-04-15 Canada–Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CCOFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-10 Revised
Canada-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (CJFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-11 2013-06-24 Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement (CPAFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-12 2014-09-03 Canada–Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-13 2015-04-08 Canada–Honduras Free Trade Agreement (CHFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-14 2017-08-30 Canada–Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) Rules of Origin
D11-5-15 2017-10-18 Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Rules of Origin
D11-6-3 2008-09-16 Administrative Policy Respecting Re-determinations or Further Re-determinations Made Pursuant to Paragraph 61(1)(c) of the Customs Act
D11-6-4 2015-11-25 Relief of Interest and/or Penalties Including Voluntary Disclosure
D11-6-5 1993-01-04 Non-CBSA
Interest and Penalty Provisions: Determinations/Re-determinations, Appraisals/Re-appraisals, and Duty Relief
D11-6-6 2013-04-12 "Reason to Believe" and Self-adjustments to Declarations of Origin, Tariff Classification, and Value for Duty
D11-6-7 2017-04-01 Request under Section 60 of the Customs Act for a Re-determination, a further Re-determination or a Review by the President of the Canada Border Services Agency
D11-6-8 2014-07-11 Verification of Origin (Non-free Trade Agreements), Tariff Classification, and Value for Duty of Imported Goods
D11-6-9 2017-04-01 Applications to the President for an Extension of Time to File a Request under Section 60 of the Customs Act
D11-6-10 2016-04-06 Reassessment Policy
D11-8-5 2015-04-17 Conditional Relief Tariff Items
D11-8-6 2015-08-19 Interpretation of Section 3 of the Imported Goods Records Regulations
D11-10-2 2003-07-18 Non-CBSA
Administration of the Customs and Excise Offshore Applicaton Act – Seismic Vessel Activity
D11-11-1 Revised
National Customs Rulings (NCR)
D11-11-3 Revised
Advance Rulings for Tariff Classification
D11-12-1 2015-11-27 NAFTA Harmonized Laboratory Methods
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