High-speed Internet for all of Canada

From: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

All Canadians, no matter where they live, need high-speed Internet to connect with family, keep up at school, run a business and access essential medical services. That’s why the Government of Canada has programs under way to connect Canadians living in rural and remote areas, aiming to connect 95% of Canadians to high-speed Internet by 2026 and all Canadians by 2030.

Help build the future of high-speed Internet in Canada

We are working to expand high-speed networks to rural, remote, northern and underserved communities across Canada, and we need your help! Take two minutes to complete an Internet speed test. You will be helping us gather important data on Internet speeds in all regions of Canada.

In addition to completing the Internet speed test, we welcome your feedback via email about Internet service availability in your area.

Do you want to know what Internet speeds are available in your area, who the service providers are and where we are already investing in projects to improve Internet speeds? Check out the National Broadband Internet Service Availability Map.

Start Speed Test

Programs and initiatives

The Government of Canada has several programs supporting high-speed Internet access for all Canadians, especially in rural and remote communities.

Program or Initiative Description
Universal Broadband Fund

The new Universal Broadband Fund will provide up to $1 billion over 10 years to support broadband projects across Canada. The Universal Broadband Fund is being designed to meet the unique needs of rural and remote communities, and it is expected to be launched in the spring of 2020.

Connect to Innovate

Launched in 2016, the Connect to Innovate program is supporting over 220 different projects across Canada, which have the potential to impact 390,000 households. When completed, these projects will bring high-speed Internet access to approximately 975 rural and remote communities, including 190 Indigenous communities. Most projects are currently in the building phase, and many are expected to be completed in 2020.

Visit the Connect to Innovate page to find out more, including where projects have been announced.

Connecting Canadians

Since 2015, the Connecting Canadians program has helped households in rural and remote areas get access to high-speed Internet and participate in the digital economy. Connecting Canadians projects are expected to provide up to 350,000 households with improved connectivity. The program ends in 2020.

Find out which projects are under way.

CRTC Broadband Fund

$750 million fund to support projects that will provide broadband Internet and mobile wireless services in eligible underserved areas of Canada (current deadline for applications: March 27, 2020).

Canada Infrastructure Bank

$1 billion in innovative loans and equity for new broadband infrastructure.

Broadband projects for rural and northern communities

More about the Investing in Canada Plan: Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure.

Accelerated Investment Incentive

Supporting new private sector investments in rural high-speed Internet.

First Nation Infrastructure Fund

Funding to improve the quality of life and the environment of First Nation communities by addressing the long-standing infrastructure gaps on reserves in eight project categories, including connectivity.

How Internet service providers (ISPs), municipalities, Indigenous organizations and communities can get involved

National plan for broadband

Rural economic development

An outline to support the sustainability of remote, rural and Indigenous communities in the digital age.

Canada's Connectivity Strategy

Our plan to connect Canada from coast to coast to coast.

Latest news

Date Program name News item
December 10, 2019 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Call for comments regarding potential barriers to the deployment of broadband-capable networks in underserved areas in Canada
September 6, 2019 Connect to Innovate

Canadians in Eastern Ontario to benefit from faster Internet

September 6, 2019 Connect to Innovate

Canadians in northern Alberta to benefit from faster Internet

September 4, 2019 Investing in Canada Saskatchewan residents to benefit from green and community infrastructure investments
August 30, 2019 Connect to Innovate

Canadians in St. Julien's and Croque, NL, to benefit from faster Internet

August 29, 2019 Connect to Innovate

Canadians in Prince County to benefit from faster Internet

August 28, 2019 Connect to Innovate

Canadians in Rollingdam, Bonny River, Jemseg, McDonald Corner, Upper Hainesville and Davidson Lake to benefit from faster Internet

August 27, 2019 Connect to Innovate

Rural communities in northern Ontario will benefit from faster Internet

Archived news

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