The Storytellers

The Storytellers


The top 25 submissions receive $3,000

The top 25 finalists attend the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences for a special communications workshop and to present live at the Storytellers Showcase

The final five winners are selected at the showcase and receive an expense-paid trip to present at the 2020 SSHRC Impact Awards event in Ottawa

How do I enter?

  • Must be a Canadian resident 19 years of age or older

  • Must be enrolled at a Canadian postsecondary institution

  • Create a three-minute video or audio clip, or 300-word text or infographic

  • Submit original work featuring SSHRC-funded research carried out at the institution at which you are enrolled at the time of submission

  • Feature your own research or a teacher’s (make sure you get permission)

  • Send your story by January 28, 2020, at 5 p.m. (eastern)

Read the full rules and regulations

Quick Tips


Ask yourself: What is the most important information people need to know about this research?

Talk to all of us

Use common language. Avoid jargon. Use analogies and images from everyday life. Come up with a short, attention-grabbing title.

Make it relatable

People (including judges!) are interested in things that affect them personally. Show and tell how this research might matter to them.

Show and tell

Think of a gripping start to your entry that will grab attention in the first few seconds or words. Use compelling visuals wherever you can.

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