SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships Program: November 2017 Competition Awards

Applicant Administering Organization Application Title Amount
Brunt, Michael W. The University of British Columbia Transparency in the use of animals in science: perceptions and implications in Canada $80,000
Wilkinson, Sabrina R. Goldsmiths, University of London Policy options for the regulation of digital intermediaries in Canada $80,000
Saillant, Richard University of Toronto Canadian fiscal federalism in the age of the great demographic imbalance $80,000
Lowan-Trudeau, Kathleen M. University of Calgary The role of capital in children's access to natural spaces $80,000
Polkinghorne, Sarah C. Swinburne University of Technology Food and information: embodied practices in everyday life $40,000
Halaburda, Carlos Gustavo Northwestern University, Illinois Ungovernable bodies: melodrama and the governmentalization of life in Latin America, 1880-1916 $60,000
Ghodse-Elahi, Yasaman New York University It takes two to tango: dyadic regulation of sexual satisfaction $60,000
Laveault-Frigon, Anthony University of California, Los Angeles Knowledge sourcing in Canadien cities $80,000
Phinney, Sarah M. University of Manchester Racialized landscapes of austerity Urbanism in post-industrial cities $80,000
Guy, Priscilla Université de Lille III - Charles de Gaulle L'autoreprésentation des femmes artistes comme stratégie de résistance et d'émancipation : analyse chorégraphique féministe des corps dansants à l'écran $40,000
Fabiani, Christina L. University of Essex Permanent tattoos/fluid meanings: the relationship of body ink, deviance, and normativity in twentieth-century America $80,000
Goulet Coulombe, Philippe University of Pennsylvania Machine learning and macroeconomic structural models: bridging the gap $60,000
Valadares, Desiree A. University of California, Berkeley Race, rights and reparations: the material culture of World War II confinement camps in Canada and the United States $40,000
Goldner-Jacobs, Jonathan D. University of Oxford In the spirit of engagement: assembling the sensorium in Innu canoe building $60,000
Galappaththi, Iroshani Madumali University of Ottawa Co-management of shipping corridors in the Canadian Arctic: governance and Inuit perspectives $80,000
Beauchemin, Bianca University of California, Los Angeles Arousing freedoms: women's sexuality and the Haitian revolution $40,000
Karrels, Nancy University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Art and spolia in post-revolutionary France $40,000
Kruitwagen, Lucas University of Oxford Technology, information, and the governance of environmental risk: using data-driven technologies to build public inventories of real-economy assets $60,000
Grover, Edward R. University of California, Irvine Digital footprints: modeling psychological traits from patterns of technology use $60,000
Bailey, Carolyn A. Harvard University Rendering the invisible: video, architecture, surveillance $80,000
Boratto, Rachel H. Michigan State University Illicit trafficking of turtles and tortoises: compliance and non-compliance in the North American exotic pet trade $40,000
Petrich, Damon University of Cincinnati Ex-offender insights on community re-entry, employment and desistance $80,000
Obermeier, Katharina E. Cornell University Globalization by the rules: changing attitudes towards economic integration $60,000
Ichim, Cristina D. University College London A network approach to processes of cultural affiliation in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Aegean $40,000
Wright, Laura H.V. University of Edinburgh Play: activating engagement and resilience with refugee children $80,000
Duggan, Jennifer Norwegian University of Science and Technology Teens' self-fashioning of sexual and gender identities in online Harry Potter fan communities $80,000
Warren, Sarah L.K. Emory University Philosophy for an ailing Earth: phenomenology, new materialism, and the project of environmental ethics $60,000
Ripley, Colin S. European Graduate School Stealing home: the construction of a queer theory of architecture $60,000
De Lacroix, Pricile Université du Québec à Montréal Du premier référendum -1980 aux lendemains de la Crise de Kanesatake-Oka -1991 : une décennie tremplin d'art contemporain autochtone au Québec $80,000
Cheng, Jacky Indiana University, Bloomington The invisible heroes: Asian men and their career experiences in traditionally masculine workforces $40,000
Godfrey, Lisa M. University of Cincinnati Relationship quality and stability in young male same-sex relationships: the role of sexual agreements $60,000
Bourcheix-Laporte, Mariane Simon Fraser University Impacts of changes to provincial and federal cultural policies and funding instruments on British Columbia artist-run centres $80,000
Edwards, Mitchell R. Northwestern University, Illinois Contested mobility: a history of refuge-seeking in the Uganda/Sudan borderlands, 1880 to 1986 $60,000
Boutilier, Sophia M.W. Stony Brook University Burned out: the emotional consequences of development $20,000
Frederick, Toni-Lynn M. The University of Reading Post-traumatic topography: a practice-based study of Holocaust-related sites and their surrounding landscapes $20,000
Murray, Patrick J. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Beyond social justice: socially-engaged compositional practice and the performance of community in recent American choral music $60,000
Brownstone, Veronica University of Pennsylvania The social logic of informality in contemporary Central American literature and film $20,000
Kusari, Kaltrina McMaster University A postcolonial exploration of the repatriation process for rejected asylum seekers from Kosovo $80,000
Komori, Jane University of California, Santa Cruz Resilient (agri)cultures: Japanese Canadian world-making since internment $80,000
Sroka, Robert University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Tax increment financing and professional sports facilities in North America $60,000
Howell, Jordan A. Harvard University Smelted earth: Canada, guinea and the global aluminum trade $60,000
Riley, Pierre University of Cambridge Bach pianism at the crossroads: transformative modernity in Britain 1920-1935 $60,000
Showler, Paul D. University of Oregon The ethics and epistemology of reflexivity: towards a pragmatist philosophy of social science $60,000
Nichols, Maia I. University of California, San Diego The fabric of care in French and French colonial North African psychiatric asylums, 1905-1962 $80,000
Anderson, Hannah E. University of Pennsylvania Lived botany: households, ecological adaptation and the origins of settler colonialism in Early British North America $20,000
Kinney, Michael E. Stanford University How opera ages: historiography, performance, and reception $60,000
Kenyon Sinclair, Geordie Harvard University Bonfire at night: a first English edition of Anna Barkova's works $40,000
Assaturian, Sosseh University of Texas at Austin The stoics on language, thought, and meaning $20,000
Gray, Jonah P. University of California, San Diego Unsettling the self: the imaginary Indian, the construction of whiteness and rethinking strategies of recursion in contemporary art $60,000
Boutet, Jean-Sébastien Royal Institute of Technology Transnational power and legacy in postwar nuclear expansion $60,000
Scarffe, Eric J. Boston University Moving toward a dignity-based account of international law $60,000
Shaw, Steven D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Conceptualizing engagement in a digital world: a unified framework of engagement strategies $40,000
Tolhurst, Tor N. University of California, Davis Heterogeneity in econometric models: high-dimensional fixed effects selection, distributional synthetic control, and partially identified distribution of treatment effects with finite mixture models $40,000
Russell, Tracy L. Saint Louis University Virginity, martyrdom, and Christian identity in the acts of the Persian martyrs $40,000
Proctor, Terren K. Vanderbilt University Investigating the embodiment of labour and mercury mining at Santa Barbara, Peru $20,000
Ren, Joseph Duke University The aesthetics of exhaustion: contemporary culture between economic and ecological crises $40,000
Sardinha, Elsa University of Victoria Broadening participation in investment treaty arbitration through third party interventions: omens to change in treaty drafting practice $80,000
Brown, Alexis C. University of Victoria Creating trans-systemic spaces in critical literacies education for Indigenous adolescents $20,000
Davis, Sarah K.A. University of Victoria Optimizing mental health at university: a case for self-regulated learning $40,000
Liu, Xuan University of Victoria The analysis of agricultural risk management strategies using farm management models $40,000
Rennert, Heidi M. University of Victoria To set the world on wheels: cycling literature and the late nineteenth-century imagination $80,000
Sinclair, Danielle A. University of Victoria Healing our nations: fostering connection with Zaagiidwin $80,000
So, Vivien Wing Yin University of Victoria Parenting perceptions, parent-child relationships and adjustment in immigrant youth $60,000
Sozen, Gizem University of Victoria Revolution and reaction in the political thought and aesthetics of the historical avant-garde (1880-1920) $40,000
Yoneda, Tomiko B. University of Victoria Do changes in personality affect successful aging: a coordinated analysis of longitudinal studies $60,000
Zion, Mark Z. University of Victoria A green legal theory of climate change: from emergency to ecological time $40,000
Bérard, Marie-Jeanne Université de Montréal Moi, millénaire, femelle et reniée, suivi de Lilith : anti-figure dévorant de l'intérieur les enfants du sabbat d'Anne Hébert $60,000
Bouchard, Julie Université de Montréal Des relations école, famille, communauté favorisant la réussite, le cas d'une école publique alternative en milieu défavorisé $60,000
Boutin, Marc-Antoine Université de Montréal La musique au cirque : les métiers et les pratiques professionnelles $80,000
Brady-Savignac, Charlotte Université de Montréal Musicalité de la répétition dans les arts contemporains $80,000
Chaffai-Parent, Shana Université de Montréal Le paradoxe du principe directeur de bonne foi procédurale dans l'instance civile : comparaison et critique $80,000
Derouin-Dubuc, Laurence Université de Montréal L'activité artistique dans les centres d'artistes autogérés : étude d'une configuration atypique de travail $20,000
Durocher, Myriam Université de Montréal De la culture alimentaire biomédicalisée à la production de corps contemporains particuliers $40,000
Gagné, Anne-Marie Université de Montréal La diffusion d'un (anti-)manuel : la trajectoire d'Invitation to sociology de berger en trois langues $80,000
Gagnon, Dominic Université de Montréal Le processus de la retraite : modélisation d'un phénomène en évolution $60,000
Guennouni Hassani, Rajae Université de Montréal Stratégies parentales autour de l'expérience socioscolaire de l'enfant : le cas de familles immigrantes musulmanes à Montréal $60,000
Prud'homme, Gabrielle Université de Montréal Giuseppe Verdi, réappropriation d un mythe politique du fascisme à l aube du miracle économique Italien (1922-1951) $80,000
Robillard-Martel, Xavier Université de Montréal La structure du racisme et la construction des identités ethniques chez les Cajuns et les Créoles de Louisiane $80,000
Robitaille, Andréanne Université de Montréal La transition des soins curatifs aux soins palliatifs : analyse des dynamiques organisationnelles, professionnelles et éthiques dans le contexte de l'implantation de la loi québécoise concernant les soins de fin de vie $60,000
Samson, Marie-Ève Université de Montréal Vieillir et mourir au Canada en contexte minoritaire : expériences de personnes vieillissantes originaires du Viêtnam, du Cambodge et du Laos vivant à Toronto et à Montréal $80,000
Théorêt, Alexandrine Université de Montréal Les répliques et les scripts : conditions d'attribution de la valeur en art conceptuel $80,000
Thériault, Pascale Université de Montréal Les femmes qui jouent sont dangereuses : comment des pratiques vidéoludiques engendrent un jouer féministe  $60,000
Yale-Soulière, Gabrielle Université de Montréal Quel est le rôle de l'activité physique sur l'ajustement psychosocial et académique des enfants québécois : une étude longitudinale populationnelle $80,000
Barker, Conor W. University of Regina Using communities of practice to develop clinical competency with rural school psychologists $40,000
Desnoyers-Stewart, John University of Regina Designing expressive artistic interfaces for mixed reality using creative methodologies $80,000
Yu, Kwan Tsz (Mabel) University of Regina A cross-cultural examination of emotion regulation strategies between Canadians and Chinese immigrants in Canada $80,000
Boisjoli, Cyndi Université du Québec à Montréal Alexithymie et problèmes de comportement des enfants d'âge scolaire victimes d'agression sexuelle $40,000
Bordeleau-Pitre, Emile Université du Québec à Montréal Documenter l'autre : entre ethnographie et littérature, les savoirs sauvages de la revue documents $40,000
Bruyère, Marie-Hélène Université du Québec à Montréal Développement d'un dispositif de formation destiné aux enseignants du primaire pour planifier et réaliser une visite éducative au musée de science $40,000
Coenga Oliveira, Danielle Université du Québec à Montréal L'égalité de genre dans les programmes des nations unies : l'imbrication des systèmes d'oppression et l'hétéronormativité $60,000
Demers, Bálint Université du Québec à Montréal La montée de la droite et de l'extrême droite contemporaine en Hongrie : un essai documentaire $80,000
Garneau, Laurence Université du Québec à Montréal Lecture politique : superposition des temps dans le cycle astrologique au Palazzo della Ragione $80,000
Gratton, Noémie Université du Québec à Montréal Sentiment d'imposture et perception du soutien conditionnel parental chez des élèves entre la 4e année du primaire et la 4e année du secondaire $40,000
Houle, Iliane Université du Québec à Montréal L'intégration des souvenirs négatifs à l'identité comme prédicteur du bien-être psychologique à long terme $40,000
Kadhim, Nada Université du Québec à Montréal The buffering role of unhealthy eating norms and their internalisation $60,000
Laaroussi, Jaouad Université du Québec à Montréal Mémoires troubles : conscience historique et régime d'historicité des mouvements ouvrier et féministe québécois (1960-1990) $40,000
Labonté, Marilie Université du Québec à Montréal L'art contemporain pourrait-il transformer le musée $60,000
Maiorana, Roxane Université du Québec à Montréal Vivre la frontière dans la littérature d'écrivaines états uniennes d'origine hispanophone $80,000
Morin, Powen-Alexandre Université du Québec à Montréal Le politicien comme porte-parole, son parler politique et sa capacité de représentation politique: stratégies communicationnelles et relationnelles $80,000
Perras, Ariane Université du Québec à Montréal Aménagements et animations temporaires de la ville : enjeux de développement d'une pratique émergente de l'urbanisme à Montréal $80,000
Skelling-Desmeules, Yannick Université du Québec à Montréal Impacts des mécaniques d'un jeu vidéo éducatif en science sur l'intérêt situationnel et l'apprentissage $40,000
Anderson, Rebecca University of Waterloo Sub-creating space: transmedial storytelling of fantasy-based MMORPGs $40,000
Attrell, Daniel University of Waterloo Humanism, Hermeticism, and Heterodoxy: the Renaissance scholarship on Pagan philosophy, Arabic science, and Jewish Mysticism which catalyzed 16th century Christian reform $80,000
Clarke, Timothy S.A. University of Waterloo The space of memory: the Great War, memorialization, and African modernity $40,000
Crouch, Meghan K. University of Waterloo Psychological health and safety in small business: a hard sell $80,000
Cyr, Emily N. University of Waterloo Egalitarianism for me, traditionalism for you: the impact of (in)accurate romantic partner perceptions on career trajectories and well-being $80,000
Defraeye, Julien University of Waterloo Perspectives écopoétiques dans le roman québécois contemporain $20,000
Graham, Alexander V. University of Waterloo Assessing the effects of quantitative measures of performance in academia on interdisciplinarity, gender diversity, and scientific impact $80,000
Hudd, Taylor University of Waterloo Social injury and the nature and function of social pain in social anxiety $80,000
Massia, Kyle R. University of Waterloo Between oppression and nostalgia: remembering the Freie Deutsche Jugend in post-Wende literature $60,000
Mercer, Nicholas M.J. University of Waterloo Renewable energy to advance off-grid community sustainability: a case study of NunatuKavut, Labrador $60,000
Moriarty, Devon M. University of Waterloo Upvoting democracy: the political power of participatory citizenship in networked social voting communities $40,000
Nishioka, Midori University of Waterloo Why do employees behave unethically: the role of goal difficulty and velocity $40,000
Olenewa, Jenniffer University of Waterloo Who is the resilient subject: a multi-level analysis of the application of resilience discourse within Ontario's public sector $80,000
Thacher, Dana McMaster University Navigating the death of a child: an analysis of monumental commemoration in historical contexts $80,000
Bensalah, Linda HEC Montréal Les objectifs de développement durable: comment les gestionnaires intermédiaires contextualisent, diffusent et théorisent le changement $60,000
Robert, Véronique HEC Montréal Trois articles sur l'impact des groupes de travail sur l'engagement au travail et la santé psychologique des employés $60,000
Lagace, Philip L. Concordia University Ardhanarisvara: gendered symbolism in the temples of Tamil Nadu $80,000
Millett, Kristopher Concordia University Probing the emergence, mainstreaming and application of radicalization discourse in Canada $40,000
Morrissette, Katheryne University of Toronto In the service of colonialism: literary adaptations of Celtic motifs in medieval romance $80,000
Panarello, Bianca Concordia University Early adolescent's experiences with the intolerance of uncertainty: an investigation of its contribution to psychological well-being and the moderating effect of friendship $80,000
Ruddock, Jessica Concordia University Anatomy in contemporary poetry and poetics $80,000
Scheiding, Ryan C.P. Concordia University Collective memory and the representation of atomic fears in video games $40,000
Seabrook, Deborah M. Concordia University Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of music improvisation and wellbeing: mapping contemporary experiences and practices $60,000
Thomas, Rachel M. Concordia University Contemporary teratology: to demonstrate the monstrous $80,000
Toso, Tricia Concordia University Notes toward decolonization: infrastructure as actant in colonialism and social and environmental injustices $40,000
Davey, Dennis University of Alberta Protecting our history for our children's future $60,000
Durber, Chelsea M. University of Alberta The role of parental beliefs as a contributor to parenting practices and children's emotion regulation in families experiencing separation and/or divorce: a conceptual framework $80,000
Farmer, Joanne C. University of Alberta Personal situations that shape, and reshape, early career teachers' interactions with families: a narrative inquiry $20,000
Ferenz, Nicholas J. University of Alberta Quantified modal relevant logics $40,000
Kapasi, Aamena University of Alberta Understanding mindsets in an intervention for adolescents with FASD $40,000
Kennedy, Kathleen E. University of Alberta Culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students' comprehension of oral test directions administered during standardized assessment $80,000
Molin Cherneski, Kristina University of Alberta Keeping oneself to oneself: hierarchies of privacy in 19th-century Britain $60,000
Necyk, Bradley University of Alberta Co-creating understanding of patient illness experience: a research-creation inquiry $40,000
Predy, Larissa K. University of Alberta Delineating executive functions and attention related behaviours in early childhood $80,000
Sammons, Elise M. University of Alberta Lessons from the MS St. Louis: a comparative analysis of the Canadian and American commemoration of the MS St. Louis and its impacts on refugee politics $80,000
Spallacci, Amanda University of Alberta Deconstructing personal rape narratives $60,000
Wray, Kristine E.J. University of Alberta Making a place for Indigenous fishing livelihoods: navigating cross-scale institutions in Great Slave Lake commercial fisheries management $40,000
Bergman, Gwyneth E. Queen's University No hierarchy of rights: freedom of religion and the supreme court of Canada's balancing framework $60,000
Borsk, Michael G. Queen's University Flying the meteor flag: penetanguishene and the British empire, 1815-1856 $80,000
Brown, Shannon Queen's University A helping hand: Canadians, space exploration, and cultural diplomacy, 1960-1990 $80,000
Clifton, Owen J.M. Queen's University On national membership as the basis for claims to justice: a philosophical defence of our common-sense political practices $80,000
Couchoux, Oriane Queen's University Inspecting the auditors: getting inside the making of independent audit regulation in Canada $60,000
Long, Blair P. Queen's University Intergenerational wealth transfers, occupational sorting and earnings persistence $40,000
Martinborough, Alex Queen's University Constituting empire: the spread of written constitutions in British settler colonies, 1860-1910 $80,000
Moon, Christine C. Queen's University Medical assistance in dying: a qualitative research study of Korean-Canadians $80,000
Phillips, Laura Queen's University Disrupting power in museums: leveraging Indigenous knowledge in museum practice in response to the truth and reconciliation commission and the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples $80,000
Pitblado, Michael Queen's University Teaching the unteachable: historical thinking, pedagogical reasoning, and the Holocaust $40,000
Rampersaud, Marsha Queen's University To protect or to punish: the experience of youth in care in Ontario bail courts $60,000
Schell, Vanessa Queen's University The role of emotion mindsets in adolescent emotion regulation $40,000
Sharma, Sarah Queen's University Governing shelter through global disasters: a study of housing sustainability in Mexican slums $60,000
Soleas, Eleftherios Queen's University The price of admission: examining how expectancies and value can overcome the costs of innovation $40,000
Tremblay, Michael L. Queen's University The function of moral training in Epictetus $60,000
Troup, Daniel R. Queen's University Property, territory, and peace: the political economy of asymmetric integration in Canada and the United States $40,000
Altenburg, Gerjan P. McMaster University Rules of customary behaviour in the Mulasarvastivada-vinaya $20,000
Clarke, Samantha McMaster University Polio walls: international medical collaboration, Cold War competition, and the fight against polio in Germany, 1947-1965 $60,000
Dudley, Sean P. King's College London J.F. Herbart and the history of the philosophy of mind in the 19th century $80,000
Ferguson, Barbara D. McMaster University Ruck, muck, and a closed system of truth: the victorian rhetoric of spiritualism v. science $60,000
Guenther, Tasha A.M. McMaster University On afrofuturism and digital activism $80,000
Imbault, Constance McMaster University Individual and group differences in how we feel, and think others feel, about language $20,000
Nyirakamana, Colette McMaster University Why are local actors unable to raise enough revenues: a comparative study of the mobilization of local revenues in Accra (Ghana) and Nairobi (Kenya) $40,000
Penner, Jake M. McMaster University 1960s Canadian actvists and theories of social transformation $80,000
Van Haren, Emily C. McMaster University Archiving the foodie: the museological and auto/biographical practices of the food blog $80,000
Waked, Bianca M. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Causality, constitution, and complicity: three faces of hate speech $80,000
Barnwell Menard, Jean-Louis McGill University Separating heterogeneity from uncertainty in the housing market $40,000
Barry, Suren P. McGill University Taking risks in W. A. Mozart's piano concertos: improvising cadenzas with jazz pedagogy $40,000
Bullerwell, Peter James McGill University Richard Hooker's Chalcedonian sacramental theology $20,000
Cormier, Elizabeth Margaret McGill University Trauma at the opera: sexual abuse in twenty-first-century productions of Salome $40,000
Erl, Christopher E.R. McGill University There's a party at city hall: political party organization and candidate diversity in Canadian municipal elections $60,000
Gazzard, Lauren McGill University Blind at first sight: does forming an accurate first impression of your date lead to decreased romantic interest $80,000
Hallward, Laura McGill University Understanding the effects of messaging strategies to enhance doping prevention for adolescent athletes $80,000
Khullar, Thomas H.J. McGill University Friendships in university: what types of social support behaviours promote well-being in university students and who is best able to provide them $60,000
Leduc-Cummings, Isabelle McGill University Motivation and obstacles in goal pursuit: the role of situation selection $80,000
Mathieu, Jean-Philip C. McGill University A social history of Montreal rolling mills, 1868 to 1903 $80,000
McPherson, Heather McGill University Bridging the gap between policy and practice: a professional learning community for science teachers $40,000
Moschella, Jason McGill University The art, craft, and science of risk management in SMEs and family businesses $60,000
Nagar, Pooja McGill University Do securely attached children always tell the truth: the role of parent-child interaction and empathy on prosocial lie telling $80,000
Palma Fernandes, Tania McGill University Emotion recognition in instrumental and vocal music and affective speech among children with autism spectrum disorders $20,000
Ravary, Amanda McGill University Mass media fat-shaming: understanding and combatting the adverse effects of cultural influence on implicit anti-fat attitudes $60,000
Raycraft, Justin McGill University Conflict or coexistence: the changing social and political landscapes of human-wildlife interactions in northern Tanzania $60,000
Singh, Cara A. McGill University Intervention to facilitate co-regulatory strategies during collaborative complex math problem solving $80,000
Tang, Cynthia L. McGill University The patient's role in the development of medical treatments: a social history of minimally invasive surgery, 1980-2000 $40,000
van Schaik, Katarzyna McGill University The unhappiness archives: economies of complaint in contemporary short fiction by women $40,000
van Vliet, Kiersten McGill University Music and dance culture in Montreal's Gay Village 1980 to 1995 $80,000
Bacher, Stéphanie University of Ottawa La société civile : un facteur de démocratisation ou de légitimation de l'autoritarisme - étude du cas de l'Ouganda $60,000
Bergen, Jennifer K. University of Ottawa Justice-oriented civic education: critical initiatives in Canadian teacher education programs $20,000
Caron-Lanteigne, Julien University of Ottawa Les enjeux de l'écriture chez Wittgenstein (provisoire) $60,000
Courtice, Erin Leigh University of Ottawa Motivations for and outcomes of using technology-mediated sexual communication in intimate relationships $40,000
Crépeau, Nancy University of Ottawa L'implantation d'un programme de conscience phonologique bilingue en milieu anicinabe : une étude longitudinale visant à décrire le développement des capacités métaphonologiques des élèves du premier cycle du primaire $40,000
Dali, Myriam University of Ottawa The syntax and semantics of Arabic plurals $40,000
David, Jean-Denis McGill University La confiance dans la police et le signalement d'incidents de victimisation $80,000
Ferguson, Matthew University of Ottawa Blue memories: exploring the commemoration and memorialization of public policing in Ontario $80,000
Fulford, Casey L. University of Ottawa An evaluation of the knowledge mobilization process in a community service agency: implementing strategies to support friendships for adults with intellectual disabilities $20,000
Jazini, Alireza University of Ottawa Translating the media for linguistic minorities: language and translation policies in Iran $20,000
King, JaShong University of Ottawa Political norms and negotiations in the Christian reconfiguring of Late Roman Imperial legitimizers $80,000
LaBine, Joseph G. University of Ottawa A combination of contraries: violence, fragmentation, and metamorphosis in the modernist Celtic aesthetic $80,000
Lanouette, Frédéric University of Ottawa De la technologie menaçante à la disparition de la technologie : les métamorphoses de l'imaginaire apocalyptique en science-fiction contemporaine $80,000
Lee, Carol M.L. University of Ottawa Story-making reconciliation with Indigenous and non-Indigenous children $40,000
McKie, Raymond M. University of Ottawa Sexual consent, and sexual assault among young Canadian gay/bisexual men in the digital age $40,000
Murphy, Michael P.A. University of Ottawa Agency in the global economy of people and things: rethinking the Polis/Oikos dichotomy $80,000
Perdomo Paez, Gabriela University of Ottawa Saying no to peace: Colombian media voices and the failure of the 2016 peace referendum $60,000
Rouhani, Leva University of Ottawa Women as storytellers: collective action against gender-based violence: a case study of mothers' associations in benin $40,000
Ward, John T. University of Ottawa Anishinaabe Mino-Bimaadiziwin: preserving and revitalizing of Indigenous languages by aiding students with learning disabilities/learning differences $60,000
Winning, Ryan C. University of Ottawa Assessing dialect change: future reference and auxiliary alternation in metropolitan French $60,000
Chau, Jonathan J. Carleton University The Canadian spatiographic: graphic novels and the national imaginary $60,000
Coleman, John R. Carleton University British literature and the rise of the neoliberal university $20,000
Davydenko, Mariya Carleton University Reconciling theories on spending predictions $80,000
Duthie, Rick Carleton University Sudbury strike stories a theatrical exploration as public history from a Northern Ontario mining town $40,000
Fairweather, Christopher J. McMaster University Left nationalism, transnational solidarity, and competing labour identities in Canada $80,000
Hadley, Lance Carleton University Determinants of subnational market resilience in East Africa $40,000
Hoque, Anna Carleton University Building Canada through Indigenous identity and the military $80,000
Mularczyk, Kimberly P. Carleton University Do indicators of success increase our vulnerability: examining the concept of the elusive successful psychopath $80,000
Normandeau, Danielle Carleton University Legislating care: an examination of care in Canada's immigration and marriage acts $80,000
Poitevin, Chloe Madeleine Carleton University Tapping into community: localism, place-making, and diverse economies in craft brewing $40,000
Ralston, Laurel M. Carleton University Rehearsing the unknown $60,000
Taylor, Danielle R. Carleton University Blood, bonds, and brothers: discourses of fraternity in fifteenth-century English literature $40,000
Vandervalk, Sandra J. Carleton University Border in mind and body: a post-brexit study of the life-world of borderlanders in Ireland and Northern Ireland $80,000
Downey, Adrian University of New Brunswick White skin, red heart: stories of Indigenous white-seeming privilege $80,000
Howden, Sarah E. University of Alberta Denialist attitudes in the anthropocene $80,000
Diallo, Ousmane Aly Wilfrid Laurier University Circumventing the capabilities gap: the war in Mali and security governance in West Africa $40,000
Hirniak, Alexandra C. Wilfrid Laurier University Why low self-esteem individuals are worse support providers and the benefits of matching instrumental support $60,000
KC, Hari Bahadur Wilfrid Laurier University Uncovering the gender code in labour migration governance of Nepal $40,000
Kim, Jeemin Wilfrid Laurier University The antecedents and outcomes of informal role occupancy within sport teams $40,000
Maavara, Alexander Wilfrid Laurier University Civil defence in First World War Great Britain 1914 to 1918 $80,000
McCarthy, Grace Wilfrid Laurier University Not shaped for sportive tricks: representations of disability in film and digital media adaptations of early modern drama $40,000
Reinders, Nicole J. Wilfrid Laurier University Physical activity and sport for young people with neurodevelopmental disorders $40,000
Boulais, Stephanie Université Laval La transmission des savoirs intergénérationnels dans la gestion contemporaine des enjeux territoriaux: le cas des dépotoirs d'Opitciwan $80,000
Gagné, Alexandra Université Laval L'appropriation des pratiques d'enseignement du débat interprétatif sous l'angle des gestes professionnels par les enseignants du deuxième cycle du secondaire $80,000
Gaudreault, David Université Laval Vers une nouvelle compréhension des violences scolaires : une ethnographie de l'école $80,000
Marais, Ariane Université Laval Développement et application d'une méthode d'aide à la décision permettant d'intégrer la protection des sources d'eau potable à l'aménagement du territoire par le classement des menaces affectant la qualité de l'eau des sources $60,000
Ouellet, Catherine University of Toronto Quand l'enjeu fait la différence : systèmes électoraux et politique de brèche $80,000
Ouellet, Myriam Université Laval Réfugiés syriens et communautés hôtes : le rôle des acteurs informels au Liban $80,000
Rondeau, Sophie Université Laval Les spécificités du droit international humanitaire en matière de sources $20,000
Sévigny-Côté, Yasmina Université Laval Écritures de la complexité dans les romans d'édouard glissant et V.Y. Mudimbe $60,000
Therrien, Philippe Université Laval Dualisme, fausse prophétie et fausses péricopes dans les Pseudo-Clémentines et les écrits gnostiques $80,000
Veillette, Félix Université Laval Effets des interventions par la pleine conscience sur le fonctionnement attentionnel chez des enfants en milieu scolaire : comparaison entre la méditation et le yoga $60,000
Casavant, Bryce J. Royal Roads University In search of a wild peace: applying critical social theory to wildlife co-existence in BC $60,000
Bickle, Korri University of Ontario Institute of Technology Toward an understanding of youth correctional officer orientation and the value of staff-youth relationships in custody $60,000
Collins, Carisa M. University of Ontario Institute of Technology Exploration of non-offending pedophiles: prevention, clinician attitudes, and differences $40,000
Coveney, Ashley University of Saskatchewan Attachment characteristics and social exclusion $60,000
Murray, Jaylene A. University of Saskatchewan A comparative analysis of student engagement with sustainability in higher education $20,000
Sedgewick, Jennifer R. Concordia University The impact of native reading direction on consumer decision-making $80,000
Zakharov, Dimitry University of Saskatchewan At the margins of surgery: surgical practice and experimentation in cancer treatment, 1890-1930 $40,000
Ali, Syed Hammad University of Calgary Social in the creation of theological: the role of demography and interaction in influencing views of Muslim minorities on religion and intergroup relationship $40,000
Barrick, Simon J. University of Calgary Exploring the lived experiences of newcomers to Canada in introductory winter sport programs $40,000
Becker, Sandra University of Calgary Learning to make, making to learn: developing design principles for school makerspaces $40,000
Drake, Carly R. University of Calgary Female athletes' engagement with representations of the body in fitness advertising $20,000
Fonseca, Joseph F. University of Calgary Martial identities: militarized language, race, and masculinity in Anglo-Japanese relations 1894-1918 $40,000
Jafari, Helia University of Calgary Developing resilience: how refugee youth successfully integrate within Canadian society $40,000
Lee, Patrick A. University of Toronto The shared interface of palaeoanthropology, the Maasai, and East African tourism: insights from science and technology studies $80,000
Little, Nicolette K. University of Calgary Beach stones, blogs and social media: three multimedia campaigns to end rape culture $40,000
Lypka, Celiese T. University of Calgary Anxious womanhood: troubling femininity in modernist women's writing $20,000
Markides, Jennifer M. University of Calgary Flood mud and other residues of trauma: what is lost and what remains in the lives of youth after disaster $40,000
Meunier, Paul N. University of Calgary Mapping poetics: retelling Calgary's queer history through experimental poetry $80,000
Moors, Matthew K. University of Calgary A year in the life of Kainaikoan and his people: a post-colonial perspective of Blackfoot attachment to place $80,000
Schembri, Taylor M. University of Calgary The experience of diagnosis and self-stigma in post-secondary students with autism spectrum disorder $80,000
Brenan, Julia L. Memorial University of Newfoundland Exposing toxic legacies: the history of WWII industrial contamination on Indigenous lands and the implications for people and the archaeological record $80,000
Campbell, Vashti L.S. Memorial University of Newfoundland White-washing normative representations of race and culture in the (sub)texts of psychiatry $60,000
McGrath, Monique Memorial University of Newfoundland Decolonizing music therapy: co-creating Indigenous perspectives with autistic children in Uganda $40,000
Morton, Katherine A. Memorial University of Newfoundland Unsettled ground: an institutional ethnography of the Alberni Indian residential school $20,000
Neill, Daniel W. Memorial University of Newfoundland Meaning in making: masculinity, class, and labour intersectionality in pedal steel guitar cultures $40,000
Cameron, Barbara Kirsty University of Manitoba Art as anodyne in the romantic drama of Tennessee Williams $60,000
Agostinelli, Gianluca Brock University For the boys: exploring male homosociality in team sports $40,000
Hunter-Young, Nataleah Ryerson University The cultural impact of eLynching: mediated police brutality and artistic audience interventions $60,000
Cregan, Brianna Saint Mary's University Understanding group-level behavioural expectations in workplace safety $60,000
Cairncross, Molly University of Windsor An online mindfulness course to improve university student outcomes: implications for academic achievement and retention $40,000
McArthur, Jane E. University of Windsor Investigating women's narratives of breast cancer risks $20,000
Muir, Irene L. University of Windsor Developing a dance imagery questionnaire for children $80,000
Provenzano, Daniel University of Windsor An ecological approach to polyvictimization and school outcomes $80,000
Scavone, Antonette University of Windsor Predictors of academic engagement and academic success among university students $80,000
Amos, Margaret D. Dalhousie University Two-eyed seeing, resilience, and Inuit youth: the application of a two-eyed seeing approach to investigate the impacts of climate change and youth priorities in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut $60,000
Kay, Emma Dalhousie University Strategies for survival: women's non-governmental organizations in Canada $80,000
Nelson, Erik R. Dalhousie University Logic as a machine: inference, logic, and animal cognition $60,000
Squires, Bonita J. Dalhousie University Exploring morphology, meta-linguistic awareness and reading abilities in children who are deaf or hard-or-hearing $20,000
Erb, Sandra R. University of Guelph Development and validation of the brief trauma-related shame and guilt scale $60,000
Gillis, Jacqueline University of Guelph Integrative adaptation: linking Indigenous traditional and western scientific knowledges in adaptive strategies $40,000
Hou, Sharon University of Guelph The effect of the acculturation gap on East Asian immigrant families $40,000
Karmel, Ezra J. University of Guelph The impact of decentralization on human rights organizations in authoritarian regimes $60,000
Lemak, Abigel Greta University of Guelph Recasting (e)bibliographies: Canadian small presses and digital publishing $60,000
Mavandadi, Veesta University of Guelph A longitudinal examination of the transition to university: how stress and coping interact $80,000
Moline, Rachel University of Guelph Parent-child communication and emotion regulation: soothing both parent and child distress with rational compassion $80,000
Pitel, Marian Carizze University of Guelph The management of use-of-force errors in policing $80,000
Harker, Sydney University of New Brunswick Loyalist friends: a comparative study of the Pennfield and Adolphustown Quaker communities $80,000
Akerman, Erin L. Western University Unsettling sympathy: representations of Indigenous identity in the upper Great Lakes region of Canada in nineteenth-century literature $40,000
Bruijns, Leona Maria Western University Engaging men as allies to transform a rape culture $60,000
Church, Courtney L. Western University Things have a life: stage properties, thing theory, and the voice in 20th century British and Irish theatre $40,000
Espinoza Mogollon, Jose A. Western University The need for purpose: understanding a fundamental human motivation $40,000
Fowler, Trevor D. Western University Making history: the negotiation of international conventions and heritage management policies and practices $80,000
Horn, Austin R. Western University Fiduciary loyalty in medical and research ethics $40,000
Joubert, Carla Western University The role of white women in the settler colonisation of the Canadian prairies and the South African republic: a comparative analysis $40,000
Kamranzadeh, Ali Western University Optimal negotiation protocols for mitigating costly conflicts $40,000
Keating, Amy Western University Empathy and social change: exploring effective empathy through feminist epistemology and research $80,000
Liu, Fulei Western University High frequency costs of index front-running to Canadian investors $40,000
Maddigan, Lori Western University Discovering the stories of other-than-human kin in Anishinaabe literature $40,000
McFarland, Jami L. Western University Queering age, aging queers $40,000
McKee, Taylor Western University The making of worthy men: media, masculinity, and hockey violence in the pacific coast hockey association $40,000
Moffat, Ellen N. Western University Embodied resonance: sounding bodies and sensing spaces this research proposal into sound, experience and performance includes creative practice using human and nonhuman bodies in field studies, and research/writing about women sound artists in Canada $80,000
Moradipour, Maral Western University Stories that listen: Anishinaabe storytelling and Indigenous-diasporic relationality $40,000
Plouffe, Rachel A. Western University Perpetration and victimization: the role of dark personalities in intimate partner violence $40,000
Ramaj, Sagi Western University Neighbourhood characteristics and the economic trajectories of LGB immigrants $80,000
Redikopp, Sarah University of Toronto Intersectional analysis of self-harm as embodiment of structural violence $80,000
Rollo, Andrew S. Western University Effects of stability ball chairs in the elementary school classroom on academic performance, classroom behaviour, and student-teacher satisfaction $40,000
Shumlich, Erin J. Western University Aboriginal Canadians' experiences with sexual consent: an information motivation behavioural skills model approach $40,000
Abrar-ul-Hassan, Shahid The University of British Columbia English for academic purposes: practitioners' construction of assessment literacy and practices $60,000
Alonso, Natalya The University of British Columbia A new lens to understand organizational misconduct: exploring masculinity and white identity $40,000
Arnold, Lauren M. The University of British Columbia The adaptation and use of cumulative effects assessment by First Nations in British Columbia and the Northwest Territories $80,000
Bakker, A. Myfanwy The University of British Columbia Emotions in the digital context: examining emotion regulation, smartphone use, and the impact on well-being in emerging adulthood $80,000
Cockram, Nathan The University of British Columbia Contextualizing testimony: theory and application $20,000
Day, Kevin The University of British Columbia The algorithmic/artistic event: a study of contemporary art, digital media, and knowing $40,000
de Oliveira Andreotti, Bruno Luis The University of British Columbia Control and aspect in the Comox-Sliammon language $80,000
Dring, Colin The University of British Columbia Invisible contributions: the role of racialized immigrant farmers in Canadian agricultural policy $60,000
Dubois, Patrick J. The University of British Columbia Knowledge exaggeration: meaning and mechanics $40,000
Fabris, Michael P.C. The University of British Columbia The dispossession(s) of law: enacting Indigenous jurisdiction in urban and reserve environments $60,000
Fritzlan, Amanda The University of British Columbia Pedagogies of indigenizing mathematics education in an urban context $60,000
Geddes, Kathryn M.S. The University of British Columbia Sanskrit poet"esses" and multilingual literary spheres $80,000
Gill, Randip The University of British Columbia Supporting the academic achievement trajectories of diverse groups of immigrants and refugees in Canada, a population-level analysis $80,000
Grenz, Jennifer B. The University of British Columbia Invasive species and Indigenous knowledge: measuring impacts on food security and food sovereignty in a changing climate $40,000
Haddock, Taeh B. The University of British Columbia Fluency misattribution and the curse of knowledge bias in children $60,000
Hicks, Jeffrey The University of British Columbia The effects of part-time work incentives while receiving employment insurance $40,000
Howe, Adam C. The University of British Columbia Resource extraction and reconciliation: how settler-canadians reconcile conflicting desires $40,000
Iyar, Megumi M. The University of British Columbia The role of self-compassion and social support in mitigating stress: evaluating coping strategies in students pursuing higher education $80,000
Klassen, Susanna E. The University of British Columbia Assessing the contributions of organic farming to food system sustainability $80,000
Kysow, Kate The University of British Columbia Examining community hoarding cases and intervention responses $80,000
Lloyd, Neil D. The University of British Columbia Essays on marginal employment and job search $40,000
Luu, Tram May The University of British Columbia The effect of negative social exchanges on object attachment $80,000
Mackenzie, Pamela The University of British Columbia Microscope/macrocosm: early modern technology, visualization and nature $40,000
McBride, Hillary L.S. The University of British Columbia Testing the efficacy of being a girl: a positive body image program $40,000
Mills, Katelyn E. The University of British Columbia Dairy cattle veterinarian perceptions on transition cow welfare in the Fraser Valley region of British Columbia $60,000
Oluic, Gianluca The University of British Columbia The idea of Europe: the "old continent" perceived from the southern periphery $20,000
Schmalor, Anita The University of British Columbia Does economic inequality make people care more about their status $80,000
Schroeder, Ryan D. The University of British Columbia Standing before kings: scribal authority and the production of ancient Hebrew literature $40,000
Vasquez Fernandez, Andrea Milagros The University of British Columbia Addressing conflicts through understandings of respect: collaborative research with two Indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Amazon $20,000
Wolsak, Anna S. The University of British Columbia The history of string: a cross-cultural study of the biodiversity, technology, and mythology of humanity's most versatile tool $80,000
Yanko, Matthew J. The University of British Columbia Learning assessment in early childhood music education $60,000
Akhtari, Nazli University of Toronto Hybrid talks: an inquiry into transnational and diasporic Iranian digital performances $60,000
Allidina, Suraiya University of Toronto Stereotype formation through biased information-seeking $80,000
Arpin, Emmanuelle University of Toronto Evaluating Canada's national child benefit in a comparative provincial perspective on children and families $60,000
Bonyeme, Lyota University of Toronto Fashioning dialogues aesthetic markets and the construction of Afro-Brazilian diaspora and identity: investigating contemporary African migration and the role of beauty and style in new Brazilian racial politics $40,000
Cosentino, Nicole A. University of Toronto Do you see what I see: knowing our reputation for perceiving others in idiosyncratic ways $80,000
Cruz, Ailén University of Toronto Resurgent bestiaries: reimagining the bestiary in contemporary Hispanic literature $40,000
Curran, Veronica R. University of Toronto Multiple moralities: German playwriting and the effect of realist depictions of morality $60,000
Davis, Elizabeth University of Toronto Aesthetics and politics of the senses: a disability studies genealogy of pornography $60,000
Dickau, Joel R. University of Toronto Making protein matter $40,000
El Halwany, Sarah University of Toronto Emotions in science and technology education discourses: the case of the microbiology lab $20,000
Faraj, Roula University of Toronto The role of thought experiments in the evolution of science $40,000
Feltaous, Elisabeth B. University of Toronto Inummarik youth: tobacco use and biocitizenship in Nunavut $60,000
Fergani, Dina University of Toronto Breaking chains and linking arms: dissident aesthetics, global networks, and third world decolonization (1955-1991) $40,000
Fiorella, Giancarlo University of Toronto The policing of protests in Venezuela $40,000
Gagliardi, Connie M. University of Toronto Re-imagining the holy land: the craft of iconography $20,000
Gallo, Tiziana A. University of Toronto Forgotten artifacts: late Woodland Iroquoian woodworking tools in Southern Ontario $60,000
Gibbon, Elizabeth A.L. University of Toronto Combining social network analysis and material studies as a new method for understanding interaction in the ancient Near East $40,000
Godsoe, Charles N. University of Toronto Classical music and the politics of post-genre in the twenty-first century $80,000
Golick, Danyse University of Toronto You are what you read: gender and reading communities in the digital age $60,000
Goodman, Matthew University of Toronto Lost in translation: the curious reception of French romance in Norway, 1220-1320 $80,000
Greenblatt, Andrea University of Toronto Becoming an oncology social worker: experiences of transition and professionalization $60,000
Guzman, Cinthya J. University of Toronto The generative potential of boredom $40,000
Iankilevitch, Maria University of Toronto Prejudice faced by interracial couples $40,000
Isenstein, Sari University of Toronto How the presence of a companion animal influences therapists and others' perceptions of them $80,000
Judges, Rebecca University of Toronto Protection against fraud across the lifespan $40,000
Kampen, Melanie T. University of Toronto The spectre of reconciliation: Mennonite theology and residential schools in Canada $40,000
Khan, Hammad A. University of Toronto I live here too: an ethnographic study of sense of belonging $40,000
Knight, Hunter University of Toronto The problem child: troubling citizenship and belonging in public education $60,000
Lamanna, Benedetta University of Toronto Creating the female subject: gender existentialism in Veronica Franco $40,000
Lee-Foon, Nakia University of Toronto Exploring the sexual health literacy of young Black-Canadian men who have sex with other men in Toronto, Ontario $20,000
Liu, Shasha University of Toronto Mediating Dunhuang with images in 1940s-1990s $20,000
Ly, Lynn University of Toronto Framing refuge, developing citizens: visual culture in the age of the refugee $40,000
McPhail, Sean A. University of Toronto Fraternity on the frontlines: fictive kinship and the Great War $40,000
Morgan, Andrew University of Toronto Building civic capacity with evaluation: participatory planning and the most significant change technique in Parkdale, Toronto $80,000
Nacif Campany Neves, Nadia University of Toronto De nouveaux sentiers : le placement des adverbes en acquisition multilingue $80,000
Nelson, Zachery University of Toronto Race in postwar Japan $60,000
Omar, Laila University of Toronto Outside the mosque: understanding the role of religious identity in the everyday process of integration among Syrian newcomers in Canada $80,000
Ortega Paez, Yecid University of Toronto Understanding the lived experiences of marginalized English language students in post-conflict Colombia $40,000
Perron, Shawn A.T. University of Toronto Organized labour and the moral economy: effects of contextual union density on egalitarian attitudes $60,000
Plesnik, Eva K. University of Toronto Italians and Italian learning in fourteenth century Prague $80,000
Reis, Marianna B. University of Toronto Dilemmas of citizenship: making claims and making meaning among Palestinian citizens of Israel $40,000
Rossi, Mari University of Toronto Affective negotiation of gender identity in anorexia and beyond $80,000
Rozad, Katy G. University of Toronto Spoiled identity: exploring re-entry after wrongful imprisonment $40,000
Russell, Thomas M. University of Toronto Partial identification in program evaluation $40,000
Ryu, Na-Young University of Toronto The role of L1 background and universals in L2 acquisition $20,000
Sager, Tia University of Toronto The politics of space: a regional analysis of the cretan postpalatial built environment $60,000
Salehyar, Hamidreza University of Toronto Mourning rituals, popular music, and Shi'a agency in the Islamic Republic of Iran $40,000
Shakory, Sharry University of Toronto A step towards ensuring reading success for all children in French immersion: longitudinal evaluation of the efficacy of English screening measures in identifying at-risk readers $80,000
Sochaczewski, Janina University of Toronto Across generations: the role of religion in collective trauma and its transmission $40,000
Springer, Amanda N. University of Toronto Caring for bodies and souls: nuns creating and disseminating remedies in Early Modern New France $80,000
Tosaj, Nicholas University of Toronto Finding France in flour: constructing colonial identities in the modern French empire through wheat in the 19th and 20th centuries $20,000
Toukan, Elena L. University of Toronto Navigating the aims of education: a comparative study of transnational education and development projects $40,000
Tsujimoto, Kimberley C. University of Toronto Early motivation and engagement: associations with reading development in elementary school $60,000
Turpin, Aaron University of Toronto Identifying factors and characteristics of organizational implementation of social innovation $80,000
Van Dyk, Janita G. University of Toronto Changes in the meaning and practice of agricultural time: slow food between Italy and Canada $80,000
Vickers, Simon T. University of Toronto Jobs, homes and the right to exist: neighbourhood activism in de-industrializing Toronto and Montreal, 1963-1995 $20,000
Walker, Dawn University of Toronto Data justice by design: building environmental civic technologies $60,000
Wang, Sze Yuh Nina University of Toronto Moral language use across the political spectrum $80,000
Boisvert St-Arnaud, Thomas Université de Sherbrooke L'antifragilité comme réponse à l'imprévisibilité $60,000
Pérez Bedoya, Santiago Université de Sherbrooke La mise en place des capacités graphomotrices et orthographiques dans l'acquisition de l'écriture au début du primaire $80,000
Mendonça, Joao Pedro Université de Sherbrooke Influence d'activités d'appréciation esthétique en arts visuels sur l'attention et les performances scolaires générales d'élèves du primaire $60,000
Breshears, Sherry D. Simon Fraser University Understanding the working conditions of English as an additional language teachers of adults in B.C.: a case study $20,000
Cho, Sylvia Simon Fraser University Effects of clear speech and language background on multimodal perception of English fricatives $40,000
Jonnson, Melissa Simon Fraser University Improving responses to sexual and gender minority youths in the justice system $80,000
Kitson, Alexandra J. Simon Fraser University Putting the human back in human-bomputer interactions: designing positive experiences for young adults to increase meaningful connection through virtual and augmented realities $20,000
Kong, Victory GaYan Simon Fraser University Colliding with the present: contemporary art in the aftermath $40,000
Meloche, Chelsea H. Simon Fraser University Evaluating Indigenous experiences with repatriation in Canada $40,000
Nichols, Katherine L. Simon Fraser University Uncovering unmarked graves at the Brandon Indian residential school $60,000
Pearl, Tamara Simon Fraser University Reconciliation and healing in a Canadian correctional facility $20,000
Stanton, Alisa J. Simon Fraser University Creating conditions for well-being through higher education course design $40,000
Wang, Yuening Simon Fraser University The impact of childhood trauma on social cognition and social functioning in adulthood in a marginally housed sample $60,000
Amini, Behnam York University Geopolitical turmoil and Kurdish struggles: the alternative(s) of Kurdish political movements to the crisis of modern nation-state in the Middle East $40,000
Bikowski, Victoria A. York University Securing development certainty via Aboriginal consultation $60,000
Bliss, Stacey L. York University From the colonization of mindfulness to a socially orientated understanding of collective suffering: a cross-cultural ethnographic study of meditation teachers $40,000
Carson, Indigo A. York University Railway empire and national space: technology and capital in the (re)imagination of political territory, 1850-1950 $20,000
Clancy, Devin M. York University Policing tobacco across the North American borderlands $40,000
Dehghansai, Nima York University A comprehensive analysis of the factors affecting the development of expertise in para-sport athletes $60,000
Duchastel de Montrouge, Catherine York University Cripping fandom: disability and disabled fans in online fanfiction spaces $20,000
Guilfoyle, Joshua R. York University Offenders' willingness to apologize: the role of mindfulness and self-control $20,000
Howison, Meghan E. York University Episodic disabilities and access in post-secondary education: student and instructor interactions $40,000
Hurst, Emilie B. York University Worshiping at the shrine of Wagner: fandom, media and Richard Wagner $40,000
Klimek, Caroline A.G. York University Granting gold: funding new media technologies at Canadian film festivals $40,000
Mastrocola, Daniela York University Campus/community radio in an era of digitalization and deregulation: translating local realities into national policy $40,000
McCloskey, Erica C. York University Making sense of the kitchen: scientific nutrition, dietary expertise, and the state in Canada, 1948-1969 $20,000
McDonald, Krysta M.G. York University Differential effects of multisystemic factors on the developmental trajectories of emotion regulation $40,000
Norouzian, Nikoo York University An empirical test of the relationship between empathy and interpersonal functioning $80,000
Nussbaum, Sarah Jane York University Constitutionalism and criminal law in Canada $60,000
Reichert, Veronika S.H. York University Mending the citizen: reconstituting emotions in political life $40,000
Rosenberg, Rae York University Homeless queer, trans, and two-spirit youth: support and survival in Toronto's gay village $20,000
Rueter, Josefina York University Education assemblages in a changing Arctic climate $20,000
Smith, Wendy L. York University Propriety: Peter Russell, his sister Eliza, their slave Peggy, Mississauga chief Wabakinine, and the founding of Toronto $60,000
Sutherland, Colin R. York University Pyrogeographies in context: geographies of wildfire knowledge in Canada $40,000
Taheri, Azin York University The experiences of families with the assessment process of autism spectrum disorder $40,000
Trommer, Michael K. York University Solastalgia $80,000
Vogh, Kendall D. York University Language ideologies and attitudes in Canada regarding bilingual language use: a survey study $80,000
Wong, Angie York University The social justice work of the Asianadian (1978-85): confronting settler colonial metaphysics and the truth of experience in Canada $20,000