Award Recipients for Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships—Master’s: 2019-20 Competition

Applicant Administering Organization Title Funding
Fulla, Sara Vancouver Island University Leisure in a Cultural Context: An Exploration of the Kwakwaka'wakw Potlatch as Indigenous leisure $17,500
Fisher, Kathryn Simon Fraser University Evaluation of an interactive tool for avalanche risk communication $17,500
Hudes, Rebecca York University The use of social technology among older adults: the relationship between perceived support, satisfaction, and cognition $17,500
Butt, Katie Memorial University of Newfoundland Adolescent Sexual Repression and Miseducation in Sheik and Sater’s Spring Awakening $17,500
McDonnell, Erika University of Ottawa Exploring Professional and Academic Transition Experiences of Immigrant Emerging Adults $17,500
Gallant, Kathleen Simon Fraser University Reducing Barriers for Measuring Social Impacts of Public Procurement Projects $17,500
Bowman-Smith, Celina University of Waterloo The Other Side of the Screen: The Impact of Perspective Taking on Children's Online Communication $17,500
Arsenault, Andrew Western University Class in the Past: Non-elite burial practices in Ancient Egypt $17,500
Nazeer, Maria University of Waterloo Cultural Effects on Decision-Making within Single-Cultured and Multi-Cultured Groups $17,500
Ghag, Kiranpreet University of Northern British Columbia Do Identity Processing Styles Mediate Effects of Traumatic Experiences? $17,500
Leung, Brandon Ryerson University The Photographic Self-Representation of Chinese-Canadians in British Columbia, 1888-1947 $17,500
Fasola, Cynthia University of Calgary Medical Assistance in Dying: An Ethnographic Study of the Practice of Care $17,500
Perkins, Jana McGill University “Humanised Knowledge”: Matthew Arnold and the Poetic Foundations of Social Criticism $17,500
Chapados, Sydney University of Windsor Food Insecurity in Windsor, ON: The Single Mother's Experience $17,500
Andrus, Helen Claire York University Responsibility to Represent: Embedded Narratives in Images of Africa $17,500
Delmas, Eve Université du Québec à Montréal La réinsertion socioprofessionnelle des personnes en situation d’itinérance : quel sens pour l’employabilité? $17,500
Lockyer, Veronica York University Youth Poverty Research, Quinte Region $17,500
Black, Kate The University of British Columbia How A Mall Feels: The gothic dream of West Edmonton Mall $17,500
Daubioul, Marian University of Toronto “Tresexcellent et tresredoute”? Reconsidering Structures of Power in Later Medieval Britain $17,500
Lefebvre, Melanie Concordia University Indigenous Women and Two Spirit People's Practice of Decolonization and Living in 21st Century Canada $17,500
Kazymerchyk, Amy The University of British Columbia 631,490: A Return to Situation and Condition in Lucy Lippard’s Numbers Shows $17,500
Lareau, Justine Université de Montréal Les impacts sociaux des algorithmes de l'intelligence artificielle $17,500
Dang, Weiyu McGill University Transpacific Bureaucracy: Legitimizing Migrants in Nieh Hualing’s Mulberry and Peach $17,500
Bogaski, Deanna Carleton University Transformation of the Land and the Transformation of Lives: Community Based Participatory Research on Changes Generated by Oil Sands Development $17,500
Waddell, Maitland Simon Fraser University When do we support harming another group? Investigating the psychological antecedents for the endorsement of destructive intergroup behaviour $17,500
Dubé, Catherine Simon Fraser University Skin care, self-tracking technologies, and the regulatory gaze upon young women $17,500
Lanthier, Kimberly Université du Québec à Montréal Impact des ressources herméneutiques sur la reconnaissance sociale de nos relations interpersonnelles $17,500
Krusto, Madeleine McMaster University Shifting the Spotlight: Using Performance as Research to Reimagine Early Modern Drama and Dismantle the Gender Binary $17,500
Marchant, Jean-Pierre York University The Places We Lived $17,500
Moody, Suzanne McGill University Applying text analysis techniques to stories by and about migrants in the United States, Canada and Australia $17,500
Zelmer, Adam Thompson Rivers University Building Sustainable Rock Climbing Areas in Canada's Rocky Mountain National Parks $17,500
Eirich, Rachel University of Calgary Technoference: The Impact of Maternal Phone Use on Parent-Child Attachment $17,500
Milne, Elizabeth University of Toronto The Impact of Technology on Women’s Work: A Feminist Case Study $17,500
Leblond, Maxime University of Ottawa L'influence des prédispositions personnelles et psychologiques des chefs de gouvernements canadien et américain sur les relations canado-américaines $17,500
Ciquier, Gabrielle McGill University Decision Making in Psychotherapy and Counselling $17,500
Pearson, Erin Western University Mistakes and Misrepresentation: Changing Paralympic Media Coverage in Canada $17,500
Devine, Sean Concordia University Prevalence-induced Concept Change in Older Adults $17,500
Fairbank, Eloise Concordia University Social Hygge and Childhood Psychopathology: Do Cozy Environments Promote Child Mental Health? $17,500
Lee, Quinlan Tsun-Hei University of Toronto Immigration and the Housing Market in Canada $17,500
Lamoureux, Alex-Anne Université de Moncton Investigating the relation between math anxious parents’ expectations about their children’s success in math and their children’s math achievement $17,500
Borenstein-Laurie, James Concordia University The role of subjective experiences in the longitudinal well-being of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth $17,500
Gallant, Catherine University of Prince Edward Island The Integration and Assimilation of Refugees to Islands: A sociocultural study of refugee experiences in Wellington, Manawatu, and Hamilton, New Zealand $17,500
Anaele, Best Wilfrid Laurier University The Risk Factors of Mass Shootings $17,500
Dawson, Andrew Wilfrid Laurier University A Model for Predicting Life Satisfaction $17,500
Henning, Colin Trent University Psychology Master's Student $17,500
Baril, Marie-Pier Université Laval L’exercice du pouvoir discrétionnaire par les fiduciaires de fiducies testamentaires au Québec : l’intention du testateur doit-elle être mise au rancart au bénéfice de l’opinion personnelle des fiduciaires ou de celle de la « personne raisonnable »? $17,500
dela Cruz, John Wayne Concordia University Investigating Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence and Identities of Tutors and Tutees of English as a Second Language in a Francophone Cégep $17,500
Allard, Benoit Université du Québec à Montréal Lutter contre soi : modalités de l’engagement masculin anti-patriarcal $17,500
Kang, Arvind York University On the Road Again: Reconsiderations of the Road Film in Contemporary American Cinema $17,500
Langlois, Valérie Université du Québec à Montréal L'Intervention Relationnelle pour diminuer les comportements parentaux atypiques de parents signalés pour maltraitance $17,500
Regan, James University of Toronto Environmental Inhumanisms: Abject Subjects and the Nonhuman Other $17,500
Hudson, Tess McMaster University Developing a Formal Understanding of Mohawk Grammar: An Analysis of the Agreement System $17,500
McNicoll, William Université Laval Les relations entre les acteurs de la gestion des réfugiés syriens au Liban : le cas de la vallée de la Bekaa $17,500
Penney, Dana The University of British Columbia Rey, Nebula, Gamora, and Wonder Woman: The Woman Warrior, Bodies, Subjectivity and Gender in Popular Culture and Society $17,500
Shutenko, Sofia University of Ottawa Extralegal Justice Initiatives in Activist Communities $17,500
Gogel, Deserae The University of British Columbia Documenting Female Voice: Representation of Women within Protest $17,500
Mitra, Sharoni McMaster University Workers in the Periphery: Exploring Migrant Worker Experiences in Atlantic Canada $17,500
Gooding, Alexandra Ryerson University Photographic Representations of the Caribbean Region: 1839 to the 1950s $17,500
Galipeau, Thomas Université de Montréal L'impact des élites politiques sur la confiance politique polarisé aux États-Unis $17,500
Tardif-Paradis, Étienne Université de Montréal Développement durable, protection de l’environnement et éviction à Guwahati (Inde) $17,500
Huybregts, Ekaterina Carleton University The Flawed Foundations of Obesity Classification: Implications for Future Weight Stigma Reduction Policy $17,500
Tippins, Philippe University of Toronto Taiko Drumming in Toronto: expression of a multicultural mosaic and the Canadian Identity $17,500
Guglielmi, Stéphane Université du Québec à Montréal Réseau Internet et néolibéralisme : d'une affinité élective à une instrumentalisation par la praxis $17,500
Bolivar, Jose Université de Montréal La construction littéraire du paramilitarisme dans les œuvres de Caputo, Ferreira y Toro : esthétique, violence et mémoire historique $17,500
Elton, Chea The University of British Columbia Social Capital and Food Systems in the Okanagan $17,500
Moser, Christiana University of Victoria The Syntax of Icelandic Expletive Constructions $17,500
teNyenhuis, Maria The University of British Columbia Canada Graduate Scholarship: Master's Program $17,500
Chow, Julian University of Alberta Formalizing deception in dynamic epistemic logic $17,500
DeLucry, Kailey University of Regina Exploring Parental Perceptions of Online Service Use $17,500
Gehl, Kristin Université de Sherbrooke Attachement amoureux et détresse post-rupture : rôle médiateur des stratégies d'adaptation $17,500
Kersey, Carl-Andrew The University of British Columbia All Mimsy Were the Borogoves: Nonsense and the Structure of Language in the Works of Lewis Carroll $17,500
Ross Dionne, Laurie-Mei Université de Montréal Dynamique identitaire vidéoludique: réception et interprétation des modèles de féminité véhiculés dans les jeux vidéo japonais conçus pour un public féminin $17,500
Waterer, Julia Queen's University Fantasy, Satire and Intertextuality in Terry Pratchett's Discworld $17,500
Zareian, Bita The University of British Columbia Individual Differences in Anhedonia: The Role of Responses to Positive Emotions $17,500
Healey, Allana University of Toronto Coping Mechanism and Resiliency Development in the Mental Health of Marginalized Youth $17,500
Lalande, Dominique Université du Québec en Outaouais Les groupes de soutien au deuil périnatal : L’expérience des parents endeuillés $17,500
Termeer, Jordan University of Saskatchewan A prospective evaluation of protective factors that predict desistance from re-offending in young offenders $17,500
Campbell, Hannah Simon Fraser University An Affect Theory Approach to Understanding Loss and Grief Through Photography and Text $17,500
Dent, Nicolette McGill University A Winter Welcome: Helping Newcomers Find Social Connections on Anchorage Parks and Trails $17,500
Stride, Shannon Concordia University Towards a Feminist History of Photography: Surrealist Women, Convulsive Beauty, and Monstrosity $17,500
Learning, Maria Memorial University of Newfoundland An Evaluation of the Effect of Output Interference on Memory Recall in Police Interviews $17,500
Zentner, Emilie University of Alberta Does the River Flow Upstream? A Meta­Analysis of Benefit Distributions of Biotechnology Crops $17,500
Marcotte, Sophie Université de Montréal L'écriture de la post-mémoire dans La Femme qui fuit d'Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette, suivi de Corps d'ivoire $17,500
Papadopoulos, Jazmin The University of British Columbia The Wordless Nothing $17,500
Matson, Chelsea University of Toronto Culture of Growth: Cancer Narratives in Academia $17,500
Pachkowski, Mikayla The University of British Columbia Personality Traits that Facilitate the Decision to Die by Suicide: The role of eccentric perceptions $17,500
Kahnami, Leila York University The association between cognitive deficits and school functioning in children diagnosed with Epilepsy $17,500
Schoffro, Garett Western University A Commentary on Claudian’s Epithalamium for Palladius and Celerina (Carmina Minora 25) $17,500
Parent-Taillon, Élizabeth Université du Québec à Montréal Facteurs de développement du biais attentionnel vers les souvenirs d’échec chez des jeunes $17,500
Busic, Milan Université du Québec à Montréal L'entreprise comme institution de régulation sociale: une étude de la Commission Armstrong-Freed au Québec, 1889 $17,500
Paré, Jeanne Université de Montréal Gentrification à Parc-Extension : quels rôles pour les étudiant-e-s? $17,500
Aharoni, Jordan University of Toronto Spatial investigation of the relationship between cycling infrastructure and cyclist collisions in Toronto, utilizing quantitative analysis techniques $17,500
Bartol, Franklynn University of Toronto Gender and Sexuality Essentialism in Activist Narratives Across LGBTQ Identities $17,500
Bastien, Marie-France Université du Québec à Montréal Soutien du gestionnaire : un levier à la prévention des problèmes de santé psychologique au travail $17,500
Sobolewski, Kristina  Ontario Tech University Supporting Durham Catholic School District Teachers in Implementing Movement Integration: Understanding and Addressing the Barriers Through Embedded Professional Development $17,500
Schloss, Rachel University of Toronto Schloss CGS-M Application $17,500
Rice, Mackenzie University of Toronto Securing Sovereignty: The Risks and Benefits of an Assertive Canadian Posture in the Northwest Passage $17,500
Simpson, Rachel University of Saskatchewan Was It Deadly or Just Diagenetic? An Experimental Study of Past Lead Exposure $17,500
Grenier, Ève Université du Québec à Montréal Les Plans d’intégration et d’implantation architecturale comme outil de protection du patrimoine des noyaux villageois $17,500
Renard, Alexia Université de Montréal Le véganisme au Québec : analyse de réseau et trajectoire d’un mouvement $17,500
DeLong, Janette University of Victoria Feeling at home: Sociocultural language learning and its effects on integration and belonging among adult newcomers $17,500
Ryan, Caitlin University of Calgary A Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Instruction for German Pragmatics $17,500
Gilchrist, Jessi Western University Global Governance and Imperial Entanglements: Cooperation, Competition, and Catastrophe in Anglo-Italian Relations, 1919-1935 $17,500
Balyk, Joel University of Toronto CGS-M: Joel Balyk $17,500
Fogg, Cody University of Regina Mitigating and preventing risk-taking behaviors $17,500
Martin, Mathieu Université de Moncton Étude du discours de l’Église catholique sur la question du genre en Acadie (1960-1980) $17,500
Dagenais, Véronique HEC Montréal The impact of trade simultaneity and foreign direct investment on the trade deficit between Canada and China: updating the Marshall-Lerner Condition $17,500
Harms, Jake The University of British Columbia The social history of post-independence Lilongwe: Understanding the “lived” city $17,500
Goel, Natasha University of Toronto Analysis of Governmental Decision-Making and Income Segregation: A Case Study of Toronto $17,500
Kinnear, Abbigail Western University The Effect of Social Threat and Social Anxiety on Appearance Evaluations $17,500
Keeping, Adam McGill University The Gendered Maestro: From Gesture, Verbal Instruction and Managerial Style to Musical Product $17,500
Cowley, Kendra University of Alberta Digital Disability Justice: Counter-narration and social media $17,500
Qureshi, Maryam University of Calgary Counselling Experiences of Racialized Minorities with Cancer: A Phenomenological Study $17,500
Parkin, Cole Carleton University The Impact of Electoral Systems on Third-Party Behaviour on Prince Edward Island $17,500
Puccinelli, Nicole University of Calgary Identity of bilingual speakers in Alberta: The link between language and emotions $17,500
Colantonio, Caroline University of Toronto Reframing the Cultural Discourse of Fire through Invented Poetic Forms $17,500
Johal, Rumneek The University of British Columbia Countering Misrepresentations of Canada’s Largest South Asian Community Through Intergenerational Storytelling $17,500
Farah, Alexander York University Boyplay $17,500
Moorhouse, Kelsey The University of British Columbia Writing Magic: The Quest of the Female Artist in Young Adult Fantasy $17,500
Green, Hannah Concordia University Do You Know Where We Are?: Deconstructing the Canadian Highway $17,500
Lutek, Bryn University of Toronto Exploring Electroacoustic Percussion Music and Contemporary Aesthetic Theory through Stockhausen's Kontakte $17,500
St. Peters, Joel University of New Brunswick Lovelace: Tying the Family Knot $17,500
Holmes, Andy University of Toronto LGBTQ Community Safety in Response to Toronto Serial Killer Bruce McArthur $17,500
Siever, Mary University of Lethbridge The Good Mother? Student Mothering in Alberta $17,500
Ngo, Hazel University of Toronto Does Parental Differential Treatment Predict Emotion Dysregulation in Youth? $17,500
Nadeau, Éliane Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Impacts de l'approche en nature sur le développement global et le niveau de pratique d'activité physique des enfants en Centre de la petite enfance $17,500
Hogan, Mikailan  McMaster University HIV in Older Adults $17,500
Pratezina, Jessica University of Victoria “Disciples by Default”: Identity, Belonging, and Care of Former Members of New Religious Movements $17,500
Julien-Friolet, Roxane Université du Québec à Rimouski Entre Montréal et le Bic. L’art de vivre des villégiateurs du cap à l’Orignal d’après la culture matérielle $17,500
Hathway, Ailidh Simon Fraser University A Study of the Paleolake System at Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa: The Implications for Human Evolution $17,500
Penich, Tessa Carleton University (Re)conceptualizing Consent, (Re)imagining Justice: Sexual Violence and Sexual Pleasure in Canadian Law and Life $17,500
Taylor, Mischa University of Alberta Understanding the Psychosocial Needs of Syrian Refugees in Edmonton, Canada $17,500
Palkovits, Michele University of Toronto Syndemic Modelling of Ebola in Conflict: A Role for Health Diplomacy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo $17,500
Larsen, Veronika The University of British Columbia Evolution of Madness: A Diachronic Study of Jane Eyre through Film Adaptations $17,500
Ramos Boivin, Lenny Pier Concordia University Hoaxers and Warriors: The Intellectual Dark Web and the Fight for Deliberative Democracy $17,500
Kaseram, Dylan HEC Montréal Why Has West Africa Not Yet Adopted a Common Currency? $17,500
Braham, Justine University of Ottawa What Does Consent Look Like?”: Understanding How Young People Perceive Consent During Technology-Mediated Sexual Interactions $17,500
Allard, Megan Université de Montréal Marie Stuart: le destin politique de la reine aux trois couronnes $17,500
Nickerson, Rebecca University of Waterloo Locating Gin Lane: Investigating the Effects of the Gin Acts on London’s Landscape from 1720-1760 $17,500
Drobotenko, Natalia Queen's University Risk Algorithms for Borderline Personality Disorder with Childhood Emotional Abuse and Self-Injury $17,500
Huffman, Clarissa Royal Roads University Affordable Housing and Urban Environmental Sustainability: Policy Implications for Yukon, Canada $17,500
Klassen-Wiebe, Rebecca McGill University Maternal Music: Explorations of Motherhood in North American Art Song $17,500
Chartray, Vincent HEC Montréal Adaptation du marché du travail canadien au commerce international : effets régionaux $17,500
Mathieu, Cléo Université de Sherbrooke Étude des attitudes socilinguistiques entourant l'accord du participe passé en vue d'une réforme $17,500
Del Rosario, Nicole University of Regina Do You Mind? Examining Public Views of Mindfulness Practices $17,500
Radke, Shane University of Toronto Trashing Our Future: An Examination of Waste and Community in Post-Apocalyptic Literature of the Twenty-First Century $17,500
Pashtoonyar, Salar York University Borrowed Time $17,500
Logie, Colleen Brock University Mental Health and Wellness in Ontario Schools: Priorities of New Teachers' and their Mentors' $17,500
Bruce, Keegan Western University Showing Manliness: Catullus’ Interactions with Sappho $17,500
Sielsky, Kali University of Saskatchewan Written on the Rocks: Pictographs of the Coast Salish $17,500
Truffyn, Emma Western University The Effects of Childhood Maltreatment on Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) Expression $17,500
Degenstein, Lauren University of Alberta Integration of a Product Stewardship Model into the Canadian Textile Waste Stream $17,500
Keus, Kelly Western University Examining Representations of Mental Illness in Children’s Literature $17,500
Keys, Kirsty University of Alberta Achievement-Related Shame and Guilt in Early Elementary Students $17,500
Dutchak, Ryan University of Saskatchewan Doukhobor and Ukrainian Cultural Integration in Saskatchewan, 1946-1971 $17,500
Martens, Kyle Concordia University Queer Identity, Reflexology, and Sculpture $17,500
Milne-Walasek, Nicholas Carleton University Evaluating the Rhetorical Narratives of International Happiness Indexes $17,500
Kroetsch, Nicola Simon Fraser University Filling the environmental-monitoring gap by tapping into the community-science resource $17,500
Sanger, Malcolm McGill University Tulum's Tourists and Migrants: Gaps and Overlaps $17,500
Nguyen, Kim Carleton University Kim Nguyen's Masters Grant $17,500
Albert, Christina Maïna Université du Québec à Montréal Enseignement stratégique et stratégies communicationnelles: influence des compétences émotionnelles chez les enseignants de niveau collégial $17,500
Bartsch, Alysha University of Toronto Investigating Sociocultural Factors Impacting Access to and Use of Mental Health Care Services in Canada $17,500
Forbes, Marisa University of New Brunswick The French Colonial Experience: A Bioarchaeological Exploration of Dental Health at the 18th century Fortress of Louisbour $17,500
Leclerc, Rebecca Université du Québec à Montréal Vers une esthétique pathologique : survivances et anachronismes dans les collections d'art brut $17,500
Saïb, Naïla Université de Montréal Entrave et soutien de l’autonomie et les dimensions du trouble de personnalité limite durant l’adolescence : Étude longitudinale $17,500
Dion-Baillargeon, Laurence Université du Québec à Montréal Tirer parti des référents culturels et artistiques des enfants nouvellement immigrés au Québec : améliorer leur intégration sociale et leur développement personnel par le biais des cours de théâtre $17,500
Auger, Alexis Université de Montréal Trajectoires migratoires et établissement des jeunes Français au Québec $17,500
Lin, Tian University of Toronto Effects of agrarian information exchange networks on agroforestry adoption in Myanmar $17,500
Palynchuk, Matthew McGill University Disability and the Site of Justice $17,500
MacDonald, John University of Guelph Social Enterprise: Changing the Narrative of Rural Communities $17,500
Meilleur-Rivers, Emily McMaster University Reading the Rainbow: Queer Critical Literacies for Young Learners $17,500
Morrow, Jacob University of Toronto Where is the Gallery? Poetic Interventions into the Canadian Cultural Canon $17,500
Broschuk, Braeden The University of Winnipeg Barriers to Justice: An examination of police culture and its effects on restorative justice $17,500
DeBorba, Erin McMaster University The Role of Temporal Order in Language Development in Monolingual Children $17,500
Baribeau-Lambert, Alexane Université Laval Le rôle de l'orientation mentale paternelle dans le développement socio-affectif de l'enfant $17,500
Coutu, Alexandra Université de Montréal Au-delà de l'hégémonie humaine : l'éthique animale dans les oeuvres de Marc Séguin et d'Eruoma Awashish $17,500
Higashikata, Sayuri The University of British Columbia Childhood Politicized: Children’s Literature and Nation Building $17,500
Harbour, John Université Laval Intermédialité et langage cinématographique dans l'œuvre de Raoul Barré (1874-1932) $17,500
Ferguson, Phillip University of Toronto Cultivating Well-Being and Resilience Through Emotion-Focused Meditation $17,500
Faucher Larochelle, David Université de Montréal Les fondements de la pensée musicale du compositeur et guitariste Fernando Sor $17,500
El Shazly, Adham Queen's University Global Justice: Universal Norms, Immigration and Self-determination $17,500
St-Pierre, Catherine Université Laval Compréhension biopsychosociale du fonctionnement des adolescents ayant vécu de la maltraitance à l’enfance en regard des fenêtres neurodéveloppementales $17,500
Baer, Cameron Wilfrid Laurier University A Not-for-Profit Case Study in Museum Studies $17,500
Ducharme, Marianne McGill University Du récit de soi au récit de l'écriture : une lecture métascripturale de Cet été qui chantait $17,500
Michaluk, Kailer University of Victoria Nutritional evidence from juvenile skeletal remains in the Roman Western provinces $17,500
Pariseau, Simon Université du Québec à Montréal Innovation et solidarité sociale dans le contexte des ateliers de vélo communautaires de Montréal $17,500
Anderson, Gregory Saint Mary's University Too much caring, or just a bad fit? Examining the empathy and personality profiles and professional outcomes of new and experienced trauma workers $17,500
Perron, Magnolia University of Victoria Exploring the Legalization of Cannabis in First Nations: The Role of Culture, Community, and Commerce in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory $17,500
Renaerts, Emma The University of British Columbia Impacts of Statue Removal on Memory and History: The Edward Cornwallis Statue in Halifax $17,500
Gopinathan, Narayan The University of British Columbia Electrification of buses in India $17,500
Perry, Lauren Simon Fraser University Anne Conway and the Principle of Continuity $17,500
Tuffs, Brittany University of Saskatchewan A Kaska Perspective: The Kaska a’i Constitution and Legal Understandings of Land $17,500
Tamasauskas, Aiden University of Toronto Decolonizing Necessity: The Spectre of Colonialism within Human Rights Law $17,500
Speranza, Ana York University Dispossession & Return: Repatriation of Indigenous Artifacts & Human Remains at the Museo de La Plata in Buenos Aires, Argentina $17,500
Deleurme, Kendall University of Saskatchewan The Use of Family Narratives as a Response to Wildfire Trauma $17,500
Jetté, Emmanuelle Université du Québec à Montréal Traduction et adaptation de La obediencia de la mujer del pastor de Sergio Martinez Vila $17,500
Doan, Emily Simon Fraser University Determining the Effects of Building and Neighborhood Types on Fuel-Switching and Retrofits $17,500
Hajaj, Guy The University of British Columbia The Revised New World Atlas: Stories of exile, refugeeism and border­crossing in words and maps $17,500
Wyngaarden, Sara University of Waterloo Participatory Evaluation of the Impact of Youth Research Teams on Rural Development and Livelihood Stability in Honduras $17,500
Fortier, Maxandre Université du Québec à Montréal Vers une transition hégémonique? La Grande-Bretagne, l’Inde et le futur de l’ordre international libéral $17,500
Pimenova, Oxana University of Saskatchewan Pipeline Approvals: Epistemic Success of Consultations with Indigenous Peoples of Canada $17,500
Manning, Natalia Carleton University Investigating Formerly Incarcerated Indigenous Women and The Journey to Imprisonment $17,500
Pennetta, Sabrina Simon Fraser University Bandits in the Bedroom: Crime and Sexuality in 1970s Italian Film $17,500
Castonguay, Patrice Université de Montréal La question de la liberté chez David Hume : l'enjeu du compatibilisme et de la responsabilité morale $17,500
Cox, Adena Mount Saint Vincent University Investigating the Effects of Exposure to Violence on Academic Achievement Among High School Students in Nova Scotia $17,500
Cselinacz, Morgan University of Alberta Ethical Representation of Androids and Artificial Intelligence in Media $17,500
Lafrance, David Concordia University Les effets de la médiatisation des changements climatiques sur la représentation du paysage en peinture $17,500
Boucher, Éliane University of Ottawa Les principes de lisibilité appliqués à la rédaction des textes de loi : un outil pour favoriser l'accès à la justice $17,500
Freund, Gabriel The University of British Columbia Living in Fear: An exploration of our attitudes towards death as non-existence $17,500
Bansal, Jotthi University of Toronto Effects of regular dance engagement on psychological symptoms of Parkinson’s disease $17,500
Lisitza, Aryn University of Calgary The Intimate Relationships of Gifted Adults: Exploring Resilience Processes and Dabrowski’s ‘third factor’ $17,500
Meunier, Jordan Université de Montréal Musique actuelle et postmodernité : l’œuvre de Jean Derome comme vecteur de construction identitaire dans le Québec contemporain $17,500
Péloquin-Skulski, Gabrielle Université de Montréal Modes de scrutin : une préférence pour le statu quo? $17,500
Beirne, Luke McMaster University Ideological Impacts of the Cultural Cold War $17,500
Osmond, Jazpyn Memorial University of Newfoundland When You Can’t Unearth the Covered Up: Archaeology and the Memorialization of Mount Cashel Orphanage $17,500
Filoso, Daniella Ontario Tech University The role of lineup presentation, lineup size, and culprit-presence on eyewitness accuracy $17,500
Ramadan, Ahmad The University of British Columbia The Foghorn Echoes: a fictionalized account representing Queer Syrian Refugees in literature form $17,500
Baum, Dixie University of Calgary Identity Construction in Women Recovering From Substance Use Disorders $17,500
Braun, Terrance Western University Deindustrialization of the Music Industry $17,500
Volkov, Alexandra Ryerson University Proposed Research Application on Preventing Displacement in Processes of Gentrification $17,500
Schwenck, Gracielle Dalhousie University Evaluating relationship satisfaction and the presence of secondary traumatic stress in intimate partners of women with posttraumatic stress disorder $17,500
Borg, Meghan Wilfrid Laurier University Money, Money, Money: Examining Perceptions of Pay Negotiation and Remuneration in Adolescents $17,500
Roberge, Dominic Université Laval Expansions et résistances dans le parc national Hoàng Liên Son : les relations à l'environnement des populations minoritaires face aux politiques globales de protection de la nature dans la province du Lào Cai, au Vietnam $17,500
Arends, Patricia University of Alberta Does Active Rehabilitation as a Concussion Management Strategy Impact Mood Disorders? $17,500
Chevalier, Owen York University The Role of Emotions in Rational Decision Making $17,500
MacDonald, Dani Queen's University Disrupting Refugee Literature: A Deconstructive Analysis of Parenthetical Phrases in Kim Thúy’s Ru $17,500
Moffet, Charlotte Université de Montréal La traversée, suivi de Défaire la scène pour la reconstruire sur le seuil : la complexité du statut générique de La nuit juste avant les forêts de Bernard-Marie Koltès $17,500
Rassart, Camille-Andrée Université du Québec à Montréal Agression sexuelle en enfance et stress parental à l'âge adulte : le rôle des capacités du soi $17,500
Hershler, Laen The University of British Columbia Reaching for the Community: Critical Assessment of a Research Based Theatre Project $17,500
Gendron, Roxanne Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue L'analyse des besoins des enseignants au secondaire animant des cours d'éducation sociosexuelle auprès d'adolescents et d'adolescentes présentant un trouble du spectre de l'autisme (TSA) $17,500
Kim, Emily University of Toronto From Punitive to Rehabilitative: A Push for Educational Equity in Correctional Institutions $17,500
Zacharias, Jocelyn University of Alberta Evaluation of Training Modules for Parents of Children with Complex Communication Needs: Comparison of Parent Behaviours Before, During, and After Online Training $17,500
Nah, Kyoungsil University of New Brunswick Cultural Differences in Spontaneous Causal Inferences: Variations of Automatic Interpretation of Bahavioural Causes $17,500
Maertens, Catherine Concordia University La réception des revendications autonomistes des Inuit du Nunavik par le mouvement souverainiste, de 1976 à 2014 $17,500
Pietrangelo-Porco, Evania York University Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program $17,500
Smith, David Carleton University Aging, Auditory Memory, and Situation Awareness in Aviation $17,500
Campbell, Stephen Carleton University Understanding the Continuation of Urban Sprawl Development: What Do the 'Experts' Say? $17,500
Roberge, Vincent Université de Montréal Leadership habilitant et performance proactive : le rôle modérateur de la détresse psychologique au travail $17,500
Crawford, Kaitlin The University of British Columbia Barriers and facilitators of help-seeking behaviours among professional athletes $17,500
Harrigan, Isabelle Université de Moncton Un examen du rôle médiateur de la visibilité relationnelle dans la relation entre les motivations sous-jacentes à la visibilité, les activités sur Facebook, et la satisfaction conjugale $17,500
Rondolo, Ryah The University of British Columbia Marine Oil Spill Response Training Exercises as a Community Engagement Strategy $17,500
Panaite, Andreea-Catalina Université de Montréal Un détestable amour : le cas des manele roumaines $17,500
Gagnon-Rouillard, Julien Université du Québec à Montréal Produits d'un mythe collectif de croissance infinie : application des principes de la décroissance dans une pratique artistique de l'installation $17,500
Spence, Thomas University of Victoria Can mindfulness enhance the positive effects of nature exposure on vitality? $17,500
Zhong, Fangkuo University of Toronto Planning for Chinese domestic tourism: Examining the role of local agency in constructing the Miao ethnic identity in Zhangjiajie $17,500
Yee, Florence OCAD University Bad Forgeries Make for Good Originals: An Art-Based Research Practice in Cantonese Diasporic Issues $17,500
Boucher, Aurélie Université de Montréal Adapter les récits de personnes vivant avec un trouble anxieux par le biais de processus artistiques et médiatiques $17,500
Breton, Joëlle Université Laval La valeur de l'expression langagière du retard et de la ponctualité en français québécois et en russe au XIXe et au XXIe siècle: étude diachronique et interculturelle $17,500
Seo, Hyojung University of Toronto Designing Access to Canada's Public Information and Knowledge $17,500
Prosser, Jordan University of Toronto A Suburban Ideology $17,500
Guye-Perrault, Aurélie Université de Montréal Culture visuelle des arts vivants tsiganes, roms et gitans dans l’entre-deux-guerres : une histoire d’échange et d’invisibilisation $17,500
Cotter, Max Ryerson University Small Town Creative Communities of Learning: A Case Study of Sackville, New Brunswick $17,500
Rozanski, Rachel Ryerson University Visualizing Interdisciplinary Research of Environmental Deterioration in the Arctic $17,500
Miller, Alexia McGill University Relationships between Emotion Dysregulation and Momentary Maladaptive Behaviours Associated with University Student Well-being $17,500
Beaudoin, Marie-Michèle Université du Québec à Montréal Récits d’empowerment : re-lectures religieuses et féministes des mythes de la Vierge Marie et de la Sorcière $17,500
Girodat, Jamie-Lee University of Alberta Wavering Possibilities: Visually Unravelling Genetics and Identity $17,500
Dionne, Louis-Charles NSCAD University Boiling Sap: The Cooking of Québécois Identity through Borrowed Rituals $17,500
Girard, Danielle McGill University Urban agriculture—from crisis-management to long-term resiliency: An investigation into urban agriculture policy in Buenos Aires $17,500
Choi, Seenae York University Hybridity of Screendance Actualized in Lights Dance Festival's Screening Format $17,500
Paloschi, Elisa York University Memory of Forgetting $17,500
Shibish, Christina McMaster University British Colonialism in Lower Canada: French Canadian Culture Following the 1837-38 Rebellions $17,500
Lu, Henri Simon Fraser University Psychosocial Predictors of Fraud Susceptibility in Older Adults $17,500
Wadi, Ziad University of Toronto The Linguistic Influence of Akkadian on Syriac $17,500
Trussler, Katherine Western University Revamp of the Classical Singer's Classification System $17,500
Terpstra, Christina University of Calgary The historical development of progressive constructions in Dutch $17,500
Cline, Emily McGill University “Detective-fever”: Sensation, Detection, and the Development of the Mystery Genre $17,500
Klassen, Kelsey University of Alberta Identifying Semantic Errors in Verb Use of Preschool Children with Developmental Language Disorders $17,500
Fisher, Laura Acadia University Getting Out of ‘The Welfare Trap’: The Impacts of Nova Scotia Employment Support and Income Assistance on Post-Secondary Educational Access and Attainment of Single Parents $17,500
Brockbank, Madison McMaster University Examining male-identified student perspectives of sexual violence on Canadian university campuses $17,500
Wah, Deanne University of Toronto The effect of sensory overstimulation on social development as measured by eye-tracking and emotional recognition: Autism Spectrum Disorders $17,500
Boudreau, Julien Université Laval Estimation du potentiel de génération économiquement rentable de biométhane au Québec $17,500
Linzel, Jessica Brock University The Shopkeeper Aristocracy: Mapping Trade Networks in Colonial Niagara $17,500
McKeen, Erica Western University The Gothic Architecture of the Female Psyche $17,500
Poirier, Joanie Université de Sherbrooke Étude exploratoire des difficultés relationnelles, émotionnelles et identitaires chez des adultes québécois ayant reçu une évaluation positive de douance $17,500
MacKinnon, Katrina University of Alberta Pedagogical Analysis of Intermediate Piano Concerti $17,500
Donaldson, Richel University of Northern British Columbia Designing Culturally Safe Sexual Health Education Programs for Indigenous Communities $17,500
Lamoureux, Frédérique Université de Montréal Entre filiation et ruptures: pour une esthétique du montage dans Ma mère rit de Chantal Akerman $17,500
Martel-Lachance, Xavier Université du Québec à Montréal La place du meneur de jeu de rôle sur table dans la communication du folklore $17,500
Balsom, Ashley University of Regina An Examination of the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Experiences of Infertility $17,500
Lelekach, Marisa University of Alberta Phonological Development of English-speaking Children Enrolled in Mandarin-English Bilingual Education Programs $17,500
Gryshchuk, Olena University of New Brunswick Validation of the ODARA for Female Perpetrators and Personality Features $17,500
Chen, Maria The University of British Columbia Chinese stakeholders' perceptions of pig welfare $17,500
Bilson, Lucy York University Graphic design: an everyday visual language for cultural analysis? $17,500
Mojica, Angelic University of Manitoba Assessing the prevalence of state-led gentrification policies in Canadian cities $17,500
Hummell, Caroline Queen's University Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Transformational Coach Workshop $17,500
Wai, Stefanie McMaster University Conceptions of Life and Death in the Andes: Examining Burial Orientations within the Broader Landscape $17,500
Bellows, Lindsay Memorial University of Newfoundland Relational Aggression, Self-Compassion, and Body Shame in Adolescence $17,500
Faria, Olivia Carleton University Internet of Torment: Governance of Internet of Things (IoT) Devices in the context of domestic abuse $17,500
Tiburcio-Carneiro, Marly Université de Montréal Circulations impériales : les Indiens de Birmanie et d’Indochine française au travail, 1919-1940 $17,500
Sobanski, Brenna Dalhousie University Harm and Narratives of Sacrifice in Nonprofit Work $17,500
Chisholm, Catherine Emily Carr University of Art + Design Design for Sustainable Transitions: Formations of Publics and Resiliency $17,500
Farrow, Daniel Western University The Cape Bretoner & Home: A Generational Oral History Study of The Concept of Home $17,500
Mikol, Carmel Queen's University Vanishing Acts: The Politics and Potential of Women’s Disappearance Narratives $17,500
Claing, Aurélie Université de Sherbrooke Traumas interpersonnels dans l'enfance et violence conjugale : le rôle des traits de personnalité indésirable et de l’empathie dyadique $17,500
Patterson, Dylan University of Toronto Role of the ventral hippocampal-accumbens circuit in approach-avoidance decision making $17,500
Kapler, Erin University of Calgary What is the Described Experience of Adults with Autism in Learning of their Diagnosis? $17,500
Frendo, Christina Queen's University Urban Agriculture in Montréal, Québec: An Instrument of Gentrification? $17,500
Uy, Danielle Anne Ryerson University A diary study on other-oriented perfectionism and social comparisons $17,500
St-Yves, Alexandra Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Les contes en Paw Paw French du Missouri : entre tradition et subversion $17,500
Lopez Ricote, Maria Carolina (Carol) McMaster University Exploring Experiences of Gender-Based Violence in the Context of Legal Criminalization of HIV Non-Disclosure in Canada for Women living with HIV $17,500
Chaloux-Gendron, Virginie Université Laval Le récit d'enfance autobiographique comme thérapeutique de la honte dans deux oeuvres de Thomas Bernhard $17,500
LeClair, Stacey University of Calgary The Common Law and Society: The Expansion of Legal Theory in the Age of Elizabeth I $17,500
Fisher, Dale University of Alberta Social Strategies in Tool-Stone Procurement and Modification at the Mattheis Ranch, Newell County, Alberta $17,500
Anderson, Jamie University of Calgary The life and politics of passing: Gender, professionalism, and the LGBTQI teacher $17,500
Robillard, Benoit Université du Québec à Montréal Entre les murs du refuge: redéfinition posthumaniste de l'éthique du care à la SPCA de Montréal $17,500
Bacon, Elizabeth Université de Montréal Resilience through relationships: Quebec agri-food cooperatives, the social economy, and sustainable food systems $17,500
Beck, Cynthia University of Regina Innovation Exploration and Adaptation of Internet-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: For Agriculture Producers by Agriculture Producers $17,500
Acheson, Cassidy The University of British Columbia Erasure and Public Memory: Colonization and Indigenous History in the Central Okanagan $17,500
Bouvier-Valenta, Daniela University of Toronto The Politics of Czech and Slovak Memory Narratives of the Second World War Since 1989 $17,500
Stoehr, Kate Marie University of Toronto Sowing Christians: Analyzing Conversion and Cultivation in the Civilizing Projects of 19th Century Canada $17,500
Oakes, Stuart University of Toronto Proposal $17,500
Sogelola, Opeyemi Carleton University Computational Propaganda: The Role of Bots in Shaping Political Discourse in Canada $17,500
Xanthoudakis, Alexandra Simon Fraser University Fanfiction Sub-Genre Circulation Between Online Fan Communities $17,500
Hazrati, Shahin University of Toronto Interventions in Higher Education: How to Know What Works $17,500
Nérisson, Thomas Université de Montréal Définir les religions avec dynamisme : articulation des définitions post-barthiennes de l'ethnicité avec les définitions spirituelles de la religion $17,500
Brooks, Laura University of Calgary Queer Roleplaying in Video Games and Video Game Literature $17,500
McKinnon, Amanda York University Examining positive youth development through sport in youth with disabilities $17,500
Hawkins, Cole University of Alberta Indigenous Travellers and the Construction of Colonial Morality in Europe (1608-1725) $17,500
Gaudreau, Alice Institut national de la recherche scientifique Modalités de prestations globales de services dans les mesures d’emploi visant les jeunes au Canada $17,500
Lau, Parky Ryerson University Separating Fatigue and Sleepiness in the Etiology and Maintenance of Insomnia: A Cognitive Model $17,500
Ali, Andalah University of Toronto Creative Writing Proposal: Elegies for a Later Date $17,500
Mayer, Fabian York University Race, gender, and precarity among platform economy workers in Toronto $17,500
Hutchings, Julia York University Light Ahead, Setting Sun $17,500
Speller, Jeffrey Memorial University of Newfoundland L'Anse aux Meadows: An Integrated Geoarchaeological Investigation $17,500
Léveillé, Brigitte McGill University Récits d'un quotidien féminin : la répétition signifiante comme ruse narrative $17,500
Wicklund, Evan The University of Winnipeg The Sociology of Body in the Life and Literary Works of Franz Kafka: A Cultural Disability Studies Perspective $17,500
St-Louis Ventura, Daphné Université du Québec à Montréal La représentation de l'électorat latino-américain dans les médias hispanophones aux États-Unis en période électorale $17,500
Nurmohamed, Alia Concordia University Between Longing and Losing One's Self: Ambiguous Loss, Responsibilization and the Problem of Grief in Motherhood $17,500
McNutt, Brianna Saint Mary's University “The Champions of Temperance”: Reconstructing the Nova Scotian Sons of Temperance and their Influence on Prohibition $17,500
Kim, Yae Won University of Victoria Executive function and language development in preschoolers $17,500
Gleave Riemann, Samuel McGill University The Reception of Sappho in Attic Comedy as it Reflects the Performance of her Poems $17,500
Bond, Audrey HEC Montréal L'effet de la similarité et la proximité des produits sur la qualité des décisions des consommateurs $17,500
Ballantyne, Matthew The University of British Columbia Feathers to Flocks: Birds as Mereological Symbols $17,500
Anderson, Leah University of Alberta The Impact of the Automobile on Seniors’ Well-Being in Alberta $17,500
Schultz, Olivia Simon Fraser University Dismantling Evangelical Missions to Civilize Queer Populations in Canada $17,500
Houston, Bridget Western University Implementation of a Healthy Relationship Program with Voluntary Welfare Youth Services $17,500
Abell, Corey Simon Fraser University SSHRC Proposal for a Project in Digital Media and Rhetoric Studies $17,500
Chen, Qi-Sheng University of Waterloo How Equitable are Canadian Smart Cities? $17,500
Foucault, Maël University of Ottawa La construction d'un mythe. L'ambivalence canadienne en matière de lutte au changement climatique $17,500
Voort, Tianna University of Toronto People of the Book: Literature as Resistance during the Holocaust $17,500
Storozuk, Andie University of Ottawa Investigating the Emotional Experiences of Math-Anxious Parents When They Help With Math Homework $17,500
Dos Santos, Hannah University of Toronto Urban displacement and the “right to the city”: The case of Brazil’s mass social housing program Minha Casa, Minha Vida $17,500
Hopkins, Allan The University of British Columbia Reservation Dogs $17,500
Morales Caceres, Andrea University of Toronto Analyzing Immigrant-Serving Organizations’ Challenges and Responses Towards Immigrant Women Unemployment and Underemployment $17,500
Bourque, Stéphanie University of Ottawa Programme de bourses d’études supérieures du Canada au niveau de la maitrise $17,500
Harvey, Sascha Carleton University The Changing Nature of Work and the Quality of Life in Elliot Lake Ontario $17,500
Moore, Conor Simon Fraser University Organizing Canadian theatre designers: The intersection of creative and precarious labour $17,500
Silvestre Fernandes, Luciana The University of British Columbia Re-Claiming the Canon: A New Lens for the Staging of Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling $17,500
Chan, Yan Chuen Constance University of Toronto The 'Blood and Soil' Ideology in Anna Koppitz's Photographs $17,500
Harris, Amy Simon Fraser University The impact of smartphone technology on human outdoor recreational habits, and the difficulties and opportunities they present to Search and Rescue resources $17,500
Giamos, Dimitris HEC Montréal The impact of supervisor’s empowering leadership and shared leadership on employee performance and innovation behaviours $17,500
Cunningham, Timothy University of Victoria Expropriating 'Wilderness': Urbanization, Animalism, and Cultural Urban Environmental History in the Pacific Northwest $17,500
Ta, Viviane McGill University Perspectives of family caregivers and older adults on ageist communication: A qualitative study $17,500
Towns, Ethan Carleton University The Silent Horror Film, 1896-1922: Narrative, Style, Context $17,500
Gaghadar, Austin University of Toronto Analysis of Productivity and Anti-Discrimination Legislation in Canada $17,500
McMillan, William York University A Qualitative Exploration of Both Sides of Private Refugee Sponsorship in Toronto, ON $17,500
Franklin, Dylan University of Ottawa Elucidating the neural mechanisms of cognitive reserve in healthy younger and older adults using MRI $17,500
Russell, Allie Carleton University Moral Reasoning Among Shy Children: The Role of Theory of Mind $17,500
Depow, Gregory University of Toronto A representative experience sampling study of everyday empathy $17,500
El-Hourani, Mira Université de Montréal Rêves dysphoriques et ajustement psychosocial : Étude longitudinale chez les enfants et les adolescents $17,500
Groening, Jillian York University Hanging Words in the Air Like Laundry: Developing Methods of Interdisciplinary Performance Documentation $17,500
Webber, Kaitlin University of Waterloo Exploring the relationship between transit-induced intensification and retail gentrification in a mid-sized Canadian city $17,500
Thomas, Kai University of Guelph Underground Legacies: Rethinking Canada and 1812 through Black Indigenous Stories $17,500
Maclennan, Samuel Queen's University Arts & Science $17,500
May, Kayla Western University Homelessness in London, ON: Assessing the sustainability of Housing First in light of a shift to models of prevention $17,500
Folger, Napatsi The University of British Columbia Inuit Foodways Research Proposal $17,500
Arar, Barâa University of Toronto ‘Unveiling Algeria’: Violence and Resistance in Colonial Photographs of Algerian Women $17,500
Doody, Jorden The University of British Columbia Ritu-all $17,500
van de Weetering, Jantje The University of Winnipeg Post-Secondary Education and Perceptions of Crime and Punishment $17,500
Sidi, Sofia York University Examining the Relation Between Religion, Politics and the Law in the 21st Century $17,500
Ball, John Queen's University Vision and Revision: The Recovery of Transcendence in the Poetry, Prose, and Songs of Leonard Cohen $17,500
Lévesque, Frédérique Université du Québec à Montréal La médiation interculturelle en milieux communautaires au Québec $17,500
Pizem, Arianne McGill University High Waters: Negotiating the Future of Venice $17,500
Desrosiers, Andrée-Anne Université du Québec en Outaouais L'expérience de stress des couples en périnatalité suite à un vécu d'infertilité comparée aux couples tout venant $17,500
Dugdale, Benjamin Memorial University of Newfoundland Summerfall: Revitalizing Rural Queer Experiences in Short Fiction $17,500
Jeon, Won Western University The stuff of art, fantasy, and schizophrenia: double-binds in film and psychotherapy $17,500
Perez Gonzalez, Laura York University Education for Development: Grenada’s National and Regional Strategies $17,500
Baillargeon, Léanne Université de Montréal Une géographie critique de l'agriculture urbaine $17,500
L'Heureux, Samuel University of Ottawa La politique étrangère du Canada et la sécurité humaine : une analyse comparative de l’opérationnalisation par le Canada du concept de sécurité humaine dans le cadre des interventions au Kosovo et en Libye $17,500
Church, Lindsay University of Saskatchewan Medieval and Early Modern Alchemical Concepts in Twenty-First Century Fantasy Novels $17,500
Gates, Marian Université du Québec à Montréal L’espace « hors-pouvoir » en scénographie contemporaine $17,500
Saracuse, Taylor University of Toronto Use of Empathy-Led Emotional Literacy Programs in Northern Canada at Primary Levels $17,500
Orlowski, Katrina Ryerson University Women in the History and Preservation of Expanded Cinema: Audrey Capel Doray, a Case Study $17,500
McIlwraith, David Wilfrid Laurier University The Psychosocial Experience of Exercise Among Middle Aged Adults $17,500
Factor, Ethan University of Waterloo Expanding Experiential Learning Theory for Professional Competency Development $17,500
Stevens, Chris Memorial University of Newfoundland The Caribou and the Iron Horse: The Newfoundland Railway and its Impact on Indigenous Communities $17,500
Johnson, Jessica York University Sense of Place $17,500
Gunderson, Rebecca Simon Fraser University Urban Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation – What does resilience look like to three urban indigenous groups in B.C.? $17,500
Roberts, Rebecca Memorial University of Newfoundland Movement and Artistic Production in Modernist Urban Landscapes $17,500
Dhaliwal, Manpreet (Preeti) University of Guelph The Impacts of Race and Colonization on Touch, Migration and Love in the Punjabi Diaspora: A Hybrid Novel Using Fiction, Autobiography and Monologue $17,500
Angers, Séverine Queen's University La contribution des femmes dans la vie de garnison de l'armée britannique à Québec, 1763-1871 $17,500
Ouellet, Béatrice Université Laval Développement d’une modalité de soutien pour les parents en situation de vulnérabilité socioéconomique dans le développement de leur enfant de moins de cinq ans $17,500
Unrau, Alexis Simon Fraser University Maternal Depression and Conduct Problems: Hostile Attributions and Parenting as Serial Mediators $17,500
Breault, Meagan Carleton University A Family’s Role: Persecution of the Disabled Under National Socialism $17,500
Donabedian, Tvine Simon Fraser University Healing and Hallyu: Self-Care and Belonging in the International K-pop Fan Community $17,500
Trudel, Geneviève University of Ottawa Spatial Ability and it's Importance in Education $17,500
Shebaylo, Keaden University of Manitoba The Influence of Visual Attention on Spelling Development: A Longitudinal Study $17,500
Noel, Alex Concordia University Ties That Bind: Using Art to Shape the Post-Prison Experience of Women in Newfoundland $17,500
Cyr-Desautels, Laurence Université du Québec à Montréal Le rôle modérateur de la relation éducateur-enfant entre les expériences de maltraitance antérieures et les problèmes de comportements chez des enfants hébergés en centre de réadaptation $17,500
Moore, Miriam Simon Fraser University Reconciling Cohabitation: Resolving Disputes Through Collaborative Land Use Planning $17,500
DiCecco, Alexa University of Windsor Self-Preservation: Using Food Poetics to Open Dialogues on Mental Health and Sexuality $17,500
Baines, Margaret York University Acts of Resistance in New Hollywood Cinema and 1970s Horror $17,500
Myette, Ella McGill University Representation of Indigenous Peoples' Health and Wellbeing in Mining Project Assessment $17,500
LeBel, Marianne Queen's University Investigation of nanoparticle coatings for the consolidation of artifacts with friable paint media on porous substrates $17,500
Kaltsidis, Gesthimani Nodoka McGill University Predictors of residential stability and social integration among homeless individuals in supportive housing $17,500
Lichtblau, Gabriela University of Toronto Materiality of the Mummy: Looking at the Body in Ritual $17,500
Noxon, Clarissa Memorial University of Newfoundland The Radical Right: Both Winners and Losers in Europe $17,500
Lisinski, Brianne Trent University Teacher Stress, Self Regulation and the Impact on Students with Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder $17,500
MacDonald, Ariel University of Alberta (Un)Settling the West: Public Art and Settler Colonialism in Edmonton, Alberta $17,500
Doris, Samantha Western University Energy poverty in an urban Canadian landscape $17,500
Khan, Atif University of Toronto Drone Geographies: Mapping Violent Borderlands of AfPak $17,500
de Moissac, Holly University of Alberta The Anthropomorphic Garden: Visualizing Trauma in Ecological Bodies $17,500
Faveri, Benjamin Carleton University The Use of Sentencing Cases to Assess White-Collar Fraud: A Partial Test of Rational Choice Theory $17,500
Hotchkiss, Lauren University of Guelph Student Perceptions of Workplace Gender Discrimination $17,500
Johnsson, Quinn University of Lethbridge The Psychological Readiness of Concussed Athletes $17,500
Henderson, Corinne Simon Fraser University The media's depiction of women of colour political candidates $17,500
Grant, Emma University of Ottawa Moral identity development and moral motivation among university students participating in community service learning $17,500
Holt, Emerald The University of British Columbia Miss $17,500
Sbaï, Firdaous McGill University Racial disparities in incarceration $17,500
Morihovitis, Rachel Queen's University Greek Comedy and the Working Class: Portrayals of a 'Working-Class Hero' in Aristophanic Literature $17,500
Morales, Celeste University of Victoria New social movements in the social media age: An analysis of the animal rights movements, their tactics, and their metrics of success $17,500
Finlayson, Katherine Queen's University Drinking Culture in Victorian London $17,500
Dadgar, Kyle The University of British Columbia Exploring the relationship between online and offline socialization in LGBTQ youth $17,500
Frim, Christine The University of British Columbia Intermediality and the Five-Stage Degradation of the Muse in My Àntonia $17,500
Spicer, Chantel Simon Fraser University Decolonizing Parks Policy $17,500
Mir, Sadia The University of British Columbia Invisible Worlds: Childhood Experience and Survival of Domestic Violence $17,500
Marinic, Madison McMaster University The Women of the French Colonial Empire in Shifting Political Winds $17,500
Boland, Jared University of Toronto Building Community and Queer French Resources $17,500
Curteanu, Cassandra Université de Montréal Investigating infant feeding transitions in wild chimpanzees using stable isotopes in hair keratin $17,500
Bhalloo, Insiya University of Toronto Predictors of Reading Development and Reading Difficulty in Urdu-English Bilingual Children $17,500
Arndt, Devin University of Waterloo Contemporary Nomadism: Designing for Spatial Mobility $17,500
Lakine, Denis McGill University Sorokin's Day of Oprichnik: Vulgarity, Sacrality and Russianness $17,500
Fruchtman, Sara University of Toronto A Socio-Legal Analysis of Anti-Trafficking Efforts in Canada $17,500
Lamontagne-Dupuis, Leena Queen's University Understanding Growth Management in Northern-Ontario from Indigenous and Municipal Perspectives: A Case Study of Hearst, Ontario Official Municipal Plan and Constance Lake First Nation Community-based Land Use Plan $17,500
Lew, Dana University of Toronto Investigating Captivity Narratives from the American Revolutionary War Period $17,500
Schutte, Valerie University of Ottawa From Camps to Campus: English Literacy Development Programs for Low Literacy Refugee Background Students in Ontario Secondary Schools $17,500
Currie-Williams, Kelann Concordia University Prolonging the Afterimage: Black Canada and the Photographic Archive $17,500
Lees, James Dalhousie University Timber, Crown, and Crisis: The Intersection of Early Modern English State Development and Woodland Management, Circa 1480-1700 $17,500
Speigel, Ethan University of Toronto Motion, Activity, and the Structure of Capacity: Aristotle's Conception of Dunamis in Book Theta of the Metaphysics $17,500
Christy, Kayonne The University of British Columbia Reducing racial disparities in maternal health: An intersectional analysis of Black women's experiences of discrimination in the health care system during pregnancy $17,500
Vila-Cha, Linda McGill University Uncovering Demonstrations of Hidden Resilience on Pro-Eating Disorder Websites $17,500
Viseu, Bianca McMaster University A Geospatial Analysis of Iberia's Later Prehistory $17,500
Lachapelle, Sophia Queen's University Reimagining the post-carceral geographies of Public Health $17,500
Diez Gonzalez, Maria Estrella University of Alberta Contribution des Métis à la toponymie nord-américaine des régions du Midwest états-unien et des provinces des Prairies canadiennes $17,500
Wishloff, Thomas York University A Cinema of Sadness or a Brighter Cinema: Conceptualizations of Smaller National Cinemas as Seen Through Taiwanese Cinema $17,500
Viger Beaudin, Olivier Université du Québec en Outaouais Analyse des impacts sur les inégalités de revenu des politiques publiques québécoises du développement régional $17,500
Morgan, Anthea Queen's University Etruscan Dance Culture as Represented in Tomb Paintings: A Dancer's Perspective $17,500
Carbonneau, Catherine Carleton University La place de l'amnistie conditionnelle en diplomatie de deuxième niveau : une étude comparative avec la justice transitionnelle $17,500
Ainsley-Vincent, Raphaëlle Institut national de la recherche scientifique L’expérience du logement des femmes autochtones : trajectoires résidentielles et enjeux en contexte montréalais $17,500
Lodders, Vanessa Simon Fraser University Gendered Campaign Appeals: Explaining the Voting Gap in Canada and the US $17,500
Gill, Anecia Simon Fraser University Townline Hill Conflict: A case study in racialized conceptualizations of gang-prevention by policy makers $17,500
Lessard, Florence University of Ottawa Négociations internationales sur les changements climatiques : l'influence des organisations non gouvernementales $17,500
Dawson, Kelsey University of Waterloo Kelsey Dawson - Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master's Program $17,500
Champigny-Fortier, William Université de Sherbrooke Démocratie et dictature dans l'oeuvre de Rosa Luxemburg $17,500
Smith, Ariel York University cîpayâmatisow (She is Visited by Ghosts) $17,500
Montague, Samantha Brock University An Exploration of the Influence Military Leadership has on Sexual Misconduct $17,500
Hudecki, Alexandra Western University Inward Resistance: A study of Identity and Race in North America $17,500
McCarron, Sean McMaster University The Effects of Post-Secondary Education on Reading Proficiency $17,500
Ashour, Amani Cape Breton University Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's Program $17,500
Morgan, Alexander Western University Theorizing the Canadian Dystopic in Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam Trilogy $17,500
McMullin, Sophie Université du Québec à Montréal Effets des programmes d'entraînements visant le développement des fonctions exécutives : une méta-analyse $17,500
Gibson, Eleni Vancouver Island University Assessing the feasibility of e-bike transportation in sprawled urban environments $17,500
Page, Damian University of Toronto Mental Health Literacy as a Determinant of Mental Health Service Access $17,500
LeBlanc, Abbie McGill University Chimerical Human Rights: Rousseau on Judgment in the Contemporary Human Rights Debate $17,500
Tanguay, Caroline Université de Montréal Randonnée pédestre et aménagement de sentiers en terres privées : les pratiques et représentations de la propriété foncière mises à l’épreuve $17,500
Nadeau, Justin University of Calgary The Mysteries of Mithras and Sacred Space $17,500
Padros-Ross, Nathalie Concordia University Revisiting Nursing Homes through Intergenerational Programs $17,500
Baugh, Sylvanna The University of British Columbia Literary Anarchism and Postcolonial Possibility in the Writing of Dambudzo Marechera $17,500
Luymes, Gavin Queen's University Evaluating Military Base Redevelopment in Canada $17,500
Elijah, Angela University of Victoria Kanien’keha: Contributing Factors of Rapid Language Loss in Mohawk Communities $17,500
Dharamshi, Alannah University of Toronto Humanitarian Imperialism: A Critical Discourse Analysis $17,500
Chambers, Charles The University of British Columbia The Digitization of Design: Hand Drafting and the Evolution of Computer Drawing in North American Landscape Architecture, 1858-2020 $17,500
Jabs, Faith The University of British Columbia Expanding the Approach-Avoidance Motivation Model to sexual dysfunction $17,500
Megginson, Tess University of Toronto Irredentism in Contemporary Hungary $17,500
Ogilvie, Sonya University of Guelph Focus on resilience: Youth transition out of residential mental health treatment centres $17,500
Brownridge, Amelia University of Toronto Distinguishing a People: Remembering Exodus and Egyptian Bondage $17,500
Bauman, Martin University of Victoria Masculinity, mental health, and trauma: overcoming stigma and creating resilience $17,500
Labelle, Sandrine Université du Québec à Montréal Discours et mobilisations féminines autour de la question de l'amiantose (1972-1975) $17,500
Dobson, Alec Western University Social Movement Activists before the Supreme Court of Canada $17,500
Woods, Marissa University of Alberta Drawing and talking: Building syntax and pre-literacy through parent-child journaling $17,500
Vallerand, Amélie Université de Montréal Analyse comportementale des Néandertaliens et des Homo Sapiens: l'organisation spatiale à Riparo Bombrini (Ligurie, Italie) $17,500
Thérien, Jean-Philippe Université Laval L’évaluation de la performance fonctionnelle de l’architecture scolaire : développement d’une méthode d’analyse spatiométrique pour optimiser les solutions architecturales de rénovation $17,500
Helferty, Molly Queen's University Labour Economics: Overeducation in Canada $17,500
Mott, Patrick University of Ottawa The Criminalization of Medical Malpractice in Canada $17,500
Fortin, Andréanne Université du Québec à Montréal Consommation d'alcool et résolution de conflits dans les relations amoureuses à l'adolescence $17,500
Elbourne-Weinstock, Emma University of Toronto Climate Change and the Ethics of National Borders $17,500
Thorup, Ashley McGill University “Slave Over the Epic”: (Re)presenting Voice in George Elliott Clarke's Canticles I $17,500
Laguë Maltais, Florence Université de Montréal Harcèlement et violence sexuelle via les technologies de la communication (TICs) : une analyse de la cyberviolence visant les femmes et propositions de solutions $17,500
Veillette, Andreanne Université de Sherbrooke Understanding an Epistemic Agent's Relation to Truth in Respect to Evolutionary Psychology: An Analysis Based on Tribalism $17,500
Bensalim, Amel Queen's University Layers of Life: Royalty, Elites, and Unrest in Late Medieval Urban Iberia $17,500
Roberts-Stahlbrand, Anika University of Toronto Cafeteria Curriculum: Investigating Informal Learning in the University Meal Hall $17,500
Pineau, Chantale Queen's University Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's Program $17,500
Magliocco, Ariana University of Toronto Community-engaged learning: Practice in de-centreing the academy $17,500
Howells, Catherine Concordia University Sighting The Target: Clarifying the Goal of Science Literacy Efforts $17,500
Judah, Ilana The University of British Columbia Adaptive mitigation: Assessing interactions between climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in urban multifamily buildings $17,500
Penner, Stacy The University of British Columbia Whose Lightest Word: A Metafictional and Dystopian Novel Exploring Fake News and Propaganda $17,500
LeBlanc, Laurence McGill University Impacts of Petroleum Extraction on Amazonian Indigenous Plant Knowledge $17,500
Cameron, Ashley McGill University Examining Spatial Visualization in Relation to Geometry Learning $17,500
Turgeon, Nicolas R. Université Laval Effets modérateurs des caractéristiques bâties des écoles primaires sur la relation entre la maltraitance et la réussite éducative des jeunes $17,500
Zaurrini, Joey Simon Fraser University Frequency Niche: Field Recording Narratives $17,500
Newbold, Leah York University Black Affirmative and Black Liberatory Education $17,500
Semenov, Katherine Western University The Angelic and the Monstrous: Spectral Intersex Bodies in 19th- and 20th-Century American and French Literature $17,500
Haines, Marlene University of Ottawa Managed Opioid Programs: A Targeted Response to Canada’s Opioid Crisis $17,500
Wentworth, Annette University of Alberta Remembering Toward an Inclusive Future: Welcoming dis-ease: Unsettling grief in a time of HIV/AIDS $17,500
Bukkfalvi-Cadotte, Alix Institut national de la recherche scientifique L’accompagnement des parturientes par les sages-femmes : Approches socioanthropologiques $17,500
Coutts, Lauren Queen's University Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Users’ Understandings of Health Risk Estimates $17,500
Hedayati, Mona University of Victoria Visualizing Unspoken Words: A Creative Project $17,500
Elliott, Heather Concordia University Unsettling the table: Settler colonization and the food movement $17,500
Guérin, Charlotte Université Laval L’osculatoire dans la France médiévale (XIIIe-XVIsiècle) : bilan de la recherche, analyse typologique et enquête sociohistorique $17,500
Sauvé, Corinne Université du Québec à Montréal Recherche théâtrale avec non acteurs: une création collective portée par des jeunes en situation d'itinérance $17,500
Harney, Niall McGill University A Comparative Analysis of Changing Middle-Class Dynamics Across Canadian Metropolitan Areas, 1981-2016 $17,500
Nelson, Emma York University Fighting Poverty Through Green Space-Making $17,500
Vaillancourt, Denis Laurentian University The role of medication use and trait anxiety on the cognitive components of emotional facial processing: An Event-Related Potentials Study $17,500
Major, Melissa York University Addressing religiospiritual consequences of historical trauma in Montreal Inuit and Mohawk communities: Exploring shame-based perceptions of mental illness and fostering resilience through narrative storytelling $17,500
Blanchard-Séguin, Camille University of Toronto Le langage inclusif de la communauté LGBTQ2+ dans les écoles de langue française en Ontario $17,500
Parris, Laurie Royal Roads University Creating Community Attachment to Retain Immigrant Newcomers to Rural New Brunswick $17,500
Schwartzman, Emily University of Toronto Master's project in GLB social perception $17,500
Lévêque, Patrick University of Prince Edward Island Governance and governmentality of unincorporated areas of Prince Edward Island $17,500
Pepe, Michelangelo Western University Destiny or Necessity? An Analysis Regarding the Role of Ideology in Fascist Italy's Decision to Enter the Pact of Steel $17,500
Mitchell, Fallon University of Windsor Using Social Engagement as a Temptation to Improve Perceptions of Physical Activity Among Older Adults $17,500
MacNeil, Allison McGill University Food insecurity and adolescent psychological well-being: How does the cookie crumble? $17,500
Hamel, Véronique Concordia University Indigenous farming and seed-saving in the Canadian Maritimes $17,500
Clarke, Dania Simon Fraser University Collective Responses to Housing (Un)affordability in Vancouver $17,500
Vachon-Chabot, Amy University of Alberta The impact of social media on the growing interest in conservatism in Canada $17,500
Toews, Kara University of Toronto The Defiance of Dawn - Creative Writing MA $17,500
March, Emma Queen's University A Comparison of Greek and Roman Concepts of Justice with the Concepts of Justice held by Canada's Indigenous Peoples Prior to Colonization $17,500
Mercier, Capucine Université Laval L'autoréférentialité du comportement féminin et le regard d'autrui $17,500
Davis-Abraham, Hannah University of Toronto Mapping Unexplored Canada: A Feminist Musical Analysis of Works by Alice Ping Yee Ho $17,500
Bound, Jessica University of Manitoba Creative Thesis on Fantasy Literature and Mental Health $17,500
Vergani, Valeria University of Toronto Since Time Immemorial: Indigenous Peoples and the Interfaith Movement in North America $17,500
DiCarlo, Emily University of Toronto Temporal Limbo $17,500
Solinski, Zain Western University Performance and Promotion of Polish Art Song $17,500
Bedard, Oliver University of Victoria The Uncertain Body in Ann Radcliffe's The Romance of the Forest (1791) $17,500
Bergeron-Ouellet, Andréa Université Laval Quels sont les besoins des parents d’enfants ayant des besoins particuliers en matière de soutien via internet? $17,500
Bevan, Brendan University of Alberta Applications of Music Psychology to the Compositional Process $17,500
Gu, Qingchuan University of Alberta Is China a Settler Colonial State? A Conceptual Analysis of Chinese Policy in the XUAR $17,500
Rosenblum, Eliana Western University Refugee Girls’ Education in Canada: The Importance of Understanding Culture and Experience $17,500
Jackson, Jonathon University of Waterloo Hero Worship: Civic Commemoration and Community History $17,500
Catney, Ryan Queen's University The Growth of Independent Campaign Expenditure and Its Impact on American Income Inequality $17,500
Korcsog, Kassandra University of Windsor The Impacts of Trauma on Cognitive and Social Functioning $17,500
Pépin, Audrey Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Prise de notes manuscrites et numérique sur tablette : comparaison de la qualité des notes et des effets sur l'apprentissage d'élèves au secondaire $17,500
Ah Sen, Christelle University of Toronto Investigating the Potential of Problem-Based Learning for French Language Learning $17,500
Caouette, Justine Université du Québec à Montréal L’effet médiateur de la sécurité d’attachement parent-enfant dans la relation entre l’agression sexuelle et la reconnaissance émotionnelle chez les enfants d’âge scolaire $17,500
Velasquez Buritica, Juan McGill University Gestures of Unproductivity in Latin American Film $17,500
Laurence-Brook, Gabriel University of Ottawa La protection de l'environnement peut-elle passer par la redistribution de la richesse? : Les effets environnementaux du revenu universel de base à travers le modèle de chevauchement des générations $17,500
Sam, Shezell-Rae University of Victoria Restorying lateral violence among Indigenous youth through Indigenous land-based methodologies $17,500
Boulanger-Bonnelly, Jérémy University of Toronto La justice participative comme solution au décrochage judiciaire et à la crise d'accès à la justice: une approche comparative $17,500
Mezdour, Meriem McGill University Government Resettlement Programs and Their Impact on Syrian Refugees' Integration in Canada $17,500
Campbell, Chelsey University of Alberta Language Runs Dry: Visualizing Disability, Patient Narratives, and the Medicalized Body $17,500
Charette-Côté, Jade HEC Montréal Les effets de la comparaison sociale et de la quantification sur ses utilisateurs $17,500
Andrew, Keenan University of Victoria Re-weaving legacies of gender-based violence with Indigenous young men $17,500
Conlon, Quinn University of Toronto Naming and resisting settler-colonial assimilation strategies at the intersection of housing and child welfare in Winnipeg’s North End $17,500
Nixon, Jenaya University of Guelph Analysing the Role of Defence Lawyers in Private Bail Negotiations $17,500
Gottvald, Brittany McMaster University Brittany Gottvald SSHRC CGS-M Application $17,500
Lansue, Brette University of Windsor What Trying to Forget Tells Us About Trying to Remember $17,500
Zheng, Lan Cape Breton University Turn European Invasive Green Crab into a Profitable Product-Lan Zheng $17,500
Daniels, Jordan University of Guelph Indigenous Tourism and Reconciliation $17,500
DiTecco, Delphine Carleton University The Future of Canadian Sex Workers in a Fast Approaching Era of Robot Love $17,500
Cascadden, Zoe University of Calgary Women in the Northern Plains: How Have Women Impacted the Archaeological Record $17,500
Buist, Heather University of Ottawa Housing First in Practice $17,500
Brandt, Jonas McMaster University Between Romantic and Rationalist Expressivism: Charles Taylor and Jeffrey Stout $17,500
Connors, Stephen University of Waterloo Investigating the potential of daylighting urban streams to enhance ecosystem services and urban resilience: Spatial analysis of Amman's Seil and Seoul's Cheonggyecheon $17,500
Stark, Zoey Concordia University Reading Based Leaning Disabilities: Social Implications and Potential Remediations $17,500
Boivin, Joel Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Propriété, stratégies familiales et pluriactivité économique en milieu villageois, 1851-1921 $17,500
Montreuil, Frédérique Université du Québec à Montréal La solidarité interaméricaine comme outil de résistance : gauche colombienne et groupes de solidarité canadiens, 1970-1990 $17,500
Houston, Kathryn The University of British Columbia Belonging to Both Cultures: The People of Paper as a Chicano text $17,500
Saleem, Rija University of Toronto Teaching Global Conflicts through a Peacebuilding Approach $17,500
Dussault St-Pierre, Antoine Université du Québec à Montréal Le texte et son onde: une métaphysique de la création fictionnelle $17,500
Fitzpatrick, Siobhan University of New Brunswick Alcohol and Athletics: A Study of Student-Athlete Risk $17,500
Basu, Kyron University of Victoria Cultural Appropriation and the Performer: Western Musical Settings of Tagore $17,500
Paterson, Carley The University of British Columbia Older Ethnic Minority Men: Body Image and Aging $17,500
Djordjevic, Katarina University of Manitoba Tracing Path Dependence: Corporate Development Legacies of Manitoba Hydro $17,500
Bleile, Sarah McGill University Original Instruments in 17th-century Scottish Fiddle Music $17,500
Sallows, Errington Western University Determining if Pre-Service Music Teachers Experience Praxis Shock During their Practicum $17,500
Champion, Amanda Simon Fraser University The Impact of Technology Facilitated Sexual Violence: Investigating Risks and Protective Factors $17,500
Marlyn, Allison The University of British Columbia Responses to Earthquake-Related Housing Damage at Pompeii $17,500
Beaudry-Pearson, Chanel Université de Sherbrooke Emmurées : analyse du motif de l'enfermement dans les romans Malina, d'Ingeborg Bachmann, et La cloche de verre, de Sylvia Plath $17,500
Gilmore, Jessica Queen's University Parenting in Adversity and Individual Perceptions of Access to Supportive Services $17,500
Bennett, Paige University of Victoria Behind the green screen: critiquing the narratives of climate change documentaries $17,500
Cyr, Sébastien Université de Montréal Étude sur les habitudes de raisonnements déductifs véhiculés dans des classes de mathématiques au secondaire $17,500
LaPierre, Megan Queen's University Rally Cry: Arkells and the Case for CanCon in the Digital Era $17,500
McGuire, Michaela Simon Fraser University Haida Justice and Law $17,500
Visser, Marius Université de Montréal La forme en éclats : le fragment comme fondation de l'oeuvre littéraire $17,500
Cyrus, Jason York University Fashioning a Lewk: Explorations of Identity Among Transgender & Gender Non-Confirming People of Colour $17,500
Gaulin, Isabelle Université de Sherbrooke Au-delà de la thèse : pour une relecture des romans du terroir Québécois (1846-1931) $17,500
Doyle-Baggaley, Jessica University of New Brunswick The Uncanniness of Creepiness $17,500
Savelson, Zachary Carleton University The Impact of Affect on Learning from Productive Failure $17,500
Hottote, Léonie Université du Québec à Montréal La notion d’Échelle(s) en Design de l’environnement : pour une approche de conception holistique du projet de design $17,500
White, Sandra Western University Excisemen and Smugglers: How taxes and Illegal Distillers of Whisky Helped Shaped Scotland Society $17,500
Commisso, Melissa McGill University Moral contagion: Can children catch (dis)honesty like a cold? $17,500
Alcaraz, Maria HEC Montréal L’effet du stress sur le multitâche chez les utilisateurs qui textent en marchant $17,500
Klimenko, Marina University of Toronto Canada, Women, and Whiteness: Examining the Canlit Boom Through a Framework of Intersectionality $17,500
So, Tsz Ying University of Toronto An investigation of how teachers support kindergarten to grade 12 students to embrace the flipped classroom model (FCM) $17,500
Romyn, Anthony University of Toronto Moral decision-making as Flag-Planting: Moral decision-making and affiliation patterns within groups and tribes $17,500
Whittle, Daniel McGill University Application - Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master's Program $17,500
Villeneuve, Karelle Université du Québec à Montréal Mouvement des Alcooliques Anonymes: une religiosité au coeur du quotidien $17,500
Granger, Alexander York University Urgent Stillness $17,500
Wylie, Megan Queen's University Master's Thesis Research: Adolescent Suppression Use and Social Contexts $17,500
Vela Alarcon, Andrea University of Toronto The role of the state and the oil industry in the increase of sexual violence against Loreto Women $17,500
Vanderbyl, Greer University of Windsor Challenging Traditional Racial Approaches to Ancestry in the Investigation of Human Rights Violations $17,500
Wang, Tong McGill University Cuteness Speaks Up to Cynicism: Recreating Japanese Animation Music in North America $17,500
Leshchyshyn, Cassandra McGill University Unveiling Ukrainian Classical Music $17,500
Côté, Laurie Université Laval Profil clinique d’enfants ayant un trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec hyperactivité et un trouble anxieux : Une revue systématique $17,500
Fobert, Sophie University of Ottawa Deconstructing Mind-Mindedness $17,500
Little, Malcolm Western University Algorithmic GIS Approaches to Children’s Health and Social Behaviours $17,500
Ball, Alyssa University of Victoria Archaeological fish scales as a metric for understanding Wuikinuxv’s eulachon fishery $17,500
Southgate, Alexandra University of Toronto Empires Within Empires?: The Canadian Joint Intelligence Bureau, 1945–1964 $17,500
Borle, Stephanie University of Alberta Investigating Verb Use of School-Aged Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorder $17,500
Matta, Crestina University of New Brunswick Intimate Partner Violence: Unravelling Complexity through Multi-Level Modelling $17,500
Hunter, Shaylyn University of Alberta On the Streets: Gang Involvement of Indigenous Woman in Canada $17,500
MacMullin, Laura University of Toronto Reducing Negative Appraisals of Gender Variance in Children through a Stigma Reduction Strategy $17,500
Culshaw, Martha Dalhousie University Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship $17,500
Haines, Emily University of Alberta Investigating Northern Metis Identity and History through Archaeology $17,500
Sebastian, Troy University of Victoria Ktunaxa parables retold as contemporary short stories $17,500
Elliott, Tina University of Saskatchewan The social dimensions of community response to wildfire: An intersectional framework to close the post-disaster learning loop $17,500
Lybbert, Gilbert University of Calgary The Role of Environmental Policy in the Future Of Nuclear Power in Alberta's Oil Sands $17,500
Scott, Jillian McMaster University Sustainable Community Economic Development and People with Disabilities $17,500
Holland, Theo University of Victoria An Alternative to the Hegemony of Identity Politics: Affinity and Activity $17,500
Wittmaier, Kyle York University Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Potential to Implement Lake Simcoe's Integrated Watershed Management Model in Callander Bay and Eagle Lake $17,500
Siemaszkiewicz, Meagan York University The Differentiation of Ideology From Ideas: A Recovery of Marxist Thought $17,500
Scott, Michael Trent University Applying the Use of Lipid Biomarkers for the Reconstruction of Palaeoecology in the Canadian High Arctic $17,500
Fox, Alexi University of Toronto Making Museum Exhibits accessible for Those with Autism $17,500
Dowdell, Elizabeth University of Alberta Risk Perception and Social Amplification in the Lutsël K’e Dene First Nation $17,500
Sadika, Bidushy University of Saskatchewan Sexual Orientation Microaggressions in Interpersonal Relationships: An Intersectional Approach $17,500
Golovchenko, Margaryta York University Between Beauty and Object: Alphonse Mucha’s Women as Turn-of-the-Century Hybrids $17,500
Finnsson, Ari York University Understanding the Terror: Wittgenstein, Agamben and the Form-of-Life $17,500
Harris, Holly York University Holly Harris CGS-M Application $17,500
Punjani, Salima McGill University An evaluation of a participatory photography project exploring narratives of people living with multiple sclerosis $17,500
Snyder, Zoe University of Waterloo Ancient Identities: Attitudes Towards Gendered Others $17,500
Kirouac, Sarah Université du Québec à Rimouski État actuel de l’anxiété en contexte scolaire telle que perçue par les enseignants du préscolaire et du premier cycle du primaire $17,500
Barron, Amy University of Waterloo Increasing Similarities: Applicant Faking as a Social Mechanism $17,500
Folk, Dunigan The University of British Columbia The Relationship Between Personal Values, Financial Security and Happiness $17,500
Bigué, Rose-Ann Université de Montréal Analyse paléopathologique du cimetière montréalais Saint-Antoine (1799-1854) et du cimetière beauceron Sainte-Marie (1748-1878) : exploration des interactions possibles entre maladies métaboliques, infectieuses et néoplasiques $17,500
Samokishyn, Marta Royal Roads University Structural Concept Mapping as a Teaching Tool in Information Literacy Instruction: Movement towards Agility in Higher Education $17,500
Jemcov, Anastasija Dalhousie University Developing an Intervention Aimed to Improve Poor Student-Teacher Relationships for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Problems $17,500
Reaume, Chelsea University of Guelph Sibling Emotion Exchanges, Family Stress, and Links to Child Emotional Functioning $17,500
Walters, Lucas University of Ottawa I got it from my mama: exploring the relationship between maternal stress and child adaptive skills as moderated by fetal sex and maternal social support $17,500
Watson, Tia University of Manitoba Reimagining the Module: How Architecture Can Adapt to the Changing Urban Landscape $17,500
Gosse, Emily Concordia University Art Institutions and the Anthropocene $17,500
Jayadev, Anjali The University of British Columbia An Exacting Grace: A Stage Play $17,500
Leblanc, Felix Carleton University The Dynamics of Change: Policy Implementation in Xi Jinping's China $17,500
Joensuu, Eva Simon Fraser University Addressing the Harms of Disgust: Applying Emotion-Focused Therapy $17,500
Noel Tremblay, Barbara Université du Québec à Chicoutimi L’effet médiateur du motif d’utilisation d’Instagram dans le lien entre la satisfaction de vie et la dépendance aux réseaux sociaux $17,500
van Schaik, Monica Wilfrid Laurier University The Neurodiversity Enriched Classroom: Learning from Those with Lived Experience $17,500
Nastevski, Alexandra The University of British Columbia She Sells Sea Shells: Learning Complex Sound Patterns in an Artificial Language $17,500
Moyen, Celine University of Toronto Developing A Microscopic Imaging Method for Sex Assessment of Human Bone $17,500
Buckley, Clare University of Alberta Political flip-flops: Assessing changes in parties’ election platforms $17,500
Hutchinson, Christopher Memorial University of Newfoundland The Alexander Technique and the Role of Somatic Pedagogies in Musical Performance Training $17,500
Milani, Christina Queen's University Personal vs. Perceived Alcohol Use on University Campuses: Investigating the Generalizability of the Social Norms Theory $17,500
Malikin, Hagit McGill University Parent and Child Emotion Regulation: The Importance of Parent-Child Relationship Quality $17,500
White, Abigail Wilfrid Laurier University Service Providers' Perceptions of Challenges Faced by Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence $17,500
Asch, Jessica University of Victoria Unsettling Law: exploring Canadian law’s capacity to reimagine itself operating with and within Indigenous legal traditions $17,500
Taylor, Olivia University of Toronto Lack of Trans-Specific Physician Education and the Mental Health Implications for Transgender Youth in Canada $17,500
Skobkareva, Anastasia University of Windsor Aggression and Delinquency in Dark Traits and the Role of Self-Esteem $17,500
Tsatas, Sofie The University of British Columbia She's Ahead of the Times: A Study of how Buffy Sainte-Marie's Music Addresses Indigenous and Indigenous Women's Rights $17,500
Latulippe, Etienne Queen's University Décomposition des chocs de prix du pétrole brut canadien à l'aide d'un modèle vectoriel autorégressif $17,500
Wilson, Joseph University of Toronto The Role of Structural Metaphor in Explaining Artificial Intelligence Research Through the Analysis of Scientific Texts $17,500
Larivière-Bastien, Danaë Université de Montréal L’anxiété chez les adolescents après un traumatisme crânio-cérébral : effets sur la qualité de vie $17,500
Brais-Dussault, Jade Université de Montréal L'art du tatouage autochtone : Réappropriation, revitalisation et affirmation identitaire $17,500
Reid, Carissa University of Windsor Rising above: Commonalities among Canadian university students previously in residential care $17,500
Chartrand, Delia University of Manitoba Decentering Histories: Challenging settler narratives by developing an Indigenous oral archive in northern Manitoba $17,500
Armstrong, Graham The University of British Columbia Neuropsychologies Machine Assistant: Predicting Functional Outcomes With Machine Learning $17,500
Both, Maxine McGill University Student $17,500
Ouellette, Pierre-Marc Concordia University Danses Kaléidoscopiques : Exploration de langages chorégraphiques interrogeant les corporéités contemporaine et historique $17,500
Duerksen, Rebecca University of Victoria Young Bodies and Chronic Illness: A Look at Disclosure Practices In Young Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis $17,500
Brunet, Casandra Carleton University Julius S. Held and the Shaping of Art History in Canada $17,500
Vucetic, Nevena Dalhousie University Gendered Climate Change Adaptation in Uganda $17,500
Kelly, Bronwyn McGill University Tonality in Transition : New Analytic Perspectives on Richard Strauss' Lieder $17,500
Makepeace, Tyler University of Ottawa Do Masters athletes apply psychological skills training as a performance enhancement strategy in sport? $17,500
Scott-Henderson, Mharie University of Waterloo Discrepancies in Perception: Correlations Between Authoritarianism and the Fight Against Climate Change $17,500
Hall, Alicia University of Windsor Trans and gender non-conforming individuals' experiences in mental health services $17,500
Kirker, Lindsay The University of British Columbia Rebuilding Within the Anthropocene $17,500
Ogilvie-Hanson, Eva McGill University Sounding the Non-Human Body: Human Voices and Virtual Realities $17,500
Bolduc, Maxime Université de Sherbrooke La posture des éditeurs québécois contemporains : le cas d'Alto, du Quartanier et de Marchand de feuilles $17,500
Arsenault, Kaitlyn University of Ottawa In Specie: Educational Advocacy, the Material Book, and a New Type of Intellectual Woman in Seventeenth Century England $17,500
Bourbeau, André York University Lives of the Game Designers: Towards a Theory of the Video Game Artist $17,500
Minarik, Julia University of Manitoba Series Obligations; On Incurred, Artwork-Grounded Aesthetic Obligations $17,500
Wenglenski, Virginie Université de Montréal Quête d’identité juive par les archives : quand il ne reste que la généalogie. Un cas concret de recherche matérielle et virtuelle $17,500
Andrews, Maddison Queen's University Visually Reconstructing Italian Renaissance Dressing Sculptures $17,500
Hayes, Helen McGill University Race, Poverty, and the Socio-Legal Infrastructures of 21st Century American Natural Disaster $17,500
Guénette, Maxime Université de Montréal Le cas des Bacchanales dans la Rome de la Haute république : réinterprétation des sources grâce à la religion $17,500
Howard, Kathleen University of Alberta The Role of Achievement Emotions in the Academic Math Performance of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder $17,500
Kettani, Ismaël Université de Montréal Faculté des arts et des sciences $17,500
Chan, Diana The University of British Columbia Examining secondary school teachers’ ability to incorporate self-assessment strategies in their daily practice: A survey study in the new B.C. curricular context $17,500
Arquillano, Esther The University of British Columbia Bridging the gap with refugee families: A call for culturally appropriate emotional development programs $17,500
Bernard, Charles Université de Sherbrooke Analyse de l'évolution du cadre normatif sur le commerce électronique sous l'égide de l'AEUMC $17,500
Tucciarone, Julia University of Waterloo The Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency on Human Teeth $17,500
Bischoff, Alexandra Concordia University Figure Model as Performance Artist: Re-asserting Creative Control Over the Female Nude $17,500
Rundle, Samantha University of Toronto The Brain Disease Model of Addiction; Measure Development and Stigma Implications $17,500
Shifrin, Alexandra University of Toronto The role of norms in the relationship between sensation seeking, impulsivity, and binge drinking over time among university students $17,500
Reardon, Hannah McGill University Local Resource Management Frameworks in Calha Norte: Conservation with a Human Dimension $17,500
Shelton, Kira University of Alberta The Evaluation of Training Modules for Children with Complex Communication Needs: Pre-, Mid-, and Post-Module Surveys $17,500
Desjardins, Gabriel Concordia University Biblical Studies as a Means for Dialogical Engagement with Theologically Conservative Evangelicals $17,500
Proteau, Josyanne Université Laval Au-delà de l'insécurité alimentaire : l'intervention au prisme de la justice alimentaire $17,500
Tajalizadeh Dashti, Sepideh Western University Identity Crisis: The issue of domesticity and identity $17,500
Sharp, Elizabeth Queen's University Assessing early years educators knowledge and approach to fostering self-regulation $17,500
Mackay, Sarah McGill University Deconstructing Self-Compassion: Self-Warmth and Self-Coldness as Distinct Pathways towards Psychological Well-Being and Distress $17,500
Clark, Ashley Queen's University Disaster-Related Displacement: The Politics of Vulnerability and Risk $17,500
Heslop, Deborah The University of British Columbia Supercity: An exploration of the societal ecosystem supporting the rampant opioid crisis $17,500
Lefebvre Morasse, Hugues Université du Québec à Montréal Appropriation et surveillance : la transgression comme fondement du lieu identitaire chez les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles dans l’espace public. Le cas des villes régionales au Québec $17,500
Breeden, Ryan Simon Fraser University Application for History Research $17,500
Giorgio, Lisa-Marie McGill University Bedtime Behavior and Executive Function in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder $17,500
Baziw, Christopher Laurentian University The Missed Potential of Architecture in Treating Homelessness in Northern Ontario $17,500
Thériault, Camille Université Laval Se soigner au quotidien : étude archéologique des bouteilles de médicament du site Anderson, Limoilou (Québec) $17,500
Feist, Henri University of Ottawa The Concept of the Self in the Works of Derek Parfit and Marcel Proust $17,500
Pouliot, Chloé Université Laval À ceux et celles qui répandent les eaux suivi de l'analyse paratextuelle du roman Wigrum de Daniel Canty : quand l’imaginaire devient source de connaissances au détriment de la pensée cartésienne $17,500
Szpiro, Emily McGill University Ecological Artistry in H.D.'s Madrigal Cycle $17,500
Ennis, Brittany University of Waterloo Analysis of Inequalities and Mistreatment of Raced Bodies through Biometric Technology $17,500
Brière, Marc-Antoine HEC Montréal La relation avec les parties prenantes et les mécanismes internes de gouvernance des fonds d'investissement responsable $17,500
Oliver, Diane Wilfrid Laurier University The Other War Brides $17,500
Tseu, Anne The University of British Columbia Predictors of Subjective-Well Being: Monocultural vs. Bicultural individuals $17,500
Dion-Cliche, Flavie Université du Québec à Montréal Repenser la prophétie de l’acceptation sociale : Dissoudre le cycle de vulnérabilité sociale en manipulant l’anticipation $17,500
Henderson, Siobhan McGill University Coach and athlete perspectives of ways to enhance team cohesion in youth sports $17,500
Schallert, Hannah York University Digital Bodies in Abstract Space: The Experimental Animation of Science Fiction Space Battles $17,500
Dark, Zachary York University Subverting State Planning Through Alternative Institutions $17,500
Stidwill, Jenna Western University Animated Networks: Institutions, Infrastructures, Artists, and International Culture $17,500
McIlroy-Young, Bronwyn The University of British Columbia Scientific Controversy Around Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals $17,500
Withers, Nicole McGill University Decision Making-Tools: Mathematics or Child Protection? $17,500
Potvin-Gingras, Marie-France Université de Sherbrooke Analyse des facteurs influençant l'implantation de la mesure « À l'école, on bouge! » auprès d'élèves du primaire $17,500
St. Louis-McBurnie, Keisha University of Toronto Creating Equitable and Inclusive Communities: An Evaluation of Infrastructure Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge and Community-Driven Smart City-Building in Canada $17,500
Chan, Melvin The University of British Columbia Social-Emotional Learning in Children: A Human-Animal Studies Approach $17,500
Whebby, Marin Mount Saint Vincent University Exploring Transgender People's Experiences of and Relationships to Food and Eating $17,500
Miller, Courtney OCAD University Exhibition of Land-Based Pedagogy Within Art Practice $17,500
Wowk, Lucy Ryerson University Tracing the Queer Archive: Embodied Experience $17,500
Kinsley, Samantha The University of British Columbia Embodied data; A Material Study $17,500
Magnacca, Carly Brock University Evaluating Behavioural Skills Training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Caregivers of Children with Neurodevelopment Disabilities $17,500
Harrison, Ceilidh Wilfrid Laurier University Impact of Peer-Led Creative Writing Groups on LGBTQ Youth $17,500
Nguyen, Hue An University of Alberta Moving across difference: designing physical activity programs for LGBTQ2S participants experiencing disability $17,500
Pector-Lallemand, Jules Université de Montréal Pourboire. Étude sur les employées de service de la restauration $17,500
Friesen, Sarah Lakehead University The Evolution of Human Locomotor Behaviour: Shape Variation in the Chimpanzee Foot $17,500
Williams, Kaitlyn York University Resource Accessibility for Sex Workers and Survivors of Sex Trafficking in Toronto $17,500
Gagnon, Morgan Concordia University Des Chums qui Jugent des Chums or Friends Helping Friends: Restorative Justice and Sexual Violence in the University $17,500
Levasseur, Julie McGill University La traductologie féministe face au « bad feminism » : l’exemple de Roxane Gay $17,500
Jones, Emilie Rose The University of British Columbia Filling in the gaps: Literature as Reconciliation for Indigenous victims $17,500
Lindberg, Melissa University of Calgary Indigenous Focusing Oriented Therapy (IFOT) as a Counselling Approach $17,500
Guéricolas-Gagné, Alice Université Laval Entre le rire et les larmes : la tradition satirique en République Tchèque de la Première Guerre Mondiale à nos jours $17,500
Bladou, Romane Emily Carr University of Art + Design The Poetics of Translation and Displacement in Visual and Linguistic Landscapes $17,500
Levitan, Julia McGill University Do Fluid Attitudes Mediate the Relationship Between Sexual Arousal and Sexual Aggression? $17,500
Bisson, Keven Université Laval Critique institutionnelle de l'altruisme efficace $17,500
Avalon, Liam Concordia University Piety and Papacy: Saint Peter in Early Christian Literature $17,500
Doyle, Liam Trent University SSHRC Application - Masters of Science $17,500
Battaglini, Ashley The University of British Columbia Personality, Stress and Thinking Styles $17,500
Bouchard, Maximilien Université de Montréal Trajectoires de recherche d’aide de familles avec un enfant ayant reçu un diagnostic de trouble du spectre de l’autisme : points de vue de parents sur les stratégies et les ressources significatives et aidantes $17,500
Kilger, Mitch Saint Mary's University Criminal records, race, and hiring decisions: A Canadian perspective $17,500
Twiss, Georgia The University of British Columbia Hail the Queen of May!: Gender, Childhood, and Colonialism in the New Westminster May Day Parade, 1870-1939 $17,500
Hunsche, Michelle The University of British Columbia Theory of Mind and Social Adjustment in Youth with Social Deficits and Anxiety $17,500
Howard-Gosse, Abigail Acadia University Reading Strategies Used by Students with a History of Reading Difficulties and Their Relation to Academic Achievement $17,500
Jones-Lavallée, Ahisha Université Laval Le rapport à l'Autre et son évolution chez les étudiants en psychologie $17,500
Bethune, Eileen Memorial University of Newfoundland Cobbling Together the Past: Investigations into Ferryland's Prettie Streete $17,500
Lipski, Candice The University of British Columbia Journalistic Coverage of Toronto's 1981 Gay Bathhouse Raids $17,500
Hawkins, Joshua Lakehead University Quality of Life (QoL) and Integrated Care Management for Complex Cancer Patients $17,500
Shwed, Alanna Nipissing University What do children and parents value about youth sport? Exploring parental rewards and the role it plays on children's motivation to participate in sport $17,500
Bodnariuc, Rachel Simon Fraser University The Manifestation of Religious Hypocrisy in Victorian Novels $17,500
Mercier, Joanie Université Laval Vie militaire et coparentalité : défis et stratégies favorisant la résilience $17,500
Waterman, Aley University of Toronto Truth is the Freshest Fruit: Seeking Honesty, Sincerity, and Soulfulness in Contemporary Flash Fiction $17,500
Kenny, Joseph McMaster University Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Master's $17,500
Chernishenko, Jennifer University of Lethbridge How Growth (vs. Fixed) Mindset Affects Girls' Sense of Belonging and Participation in Sport $17,500
Valade, Florence Université de Montréal Le fonctionnement académique des adolescents ayant eu un diagnostic de trouble développemental du langage à l'enfance : Étude du rôle modérateur de l'attachement parental $17,500
Slatcher, Derval York University Incorporating Curiosity: The Impacts of Youth Learning at Film Festivals $17,500
Schenk, Abbie University of Alberta Exploring transgender people's shifting experiences with and barriers to travel before, during, and after gender transition $17,500
Plourde, Paméla Université du Québec à Montréal L'agentivité sexuelle des femmes travailleuses du sexe dans le cadre de leur travail $17,500
Potter, Stephanie Lakehead University Towards Management Recommendations for the Franklin Wreck Sites $17,500
Ali, Emaan University of Waterloo The Implications of Feminist International Development Policy $17,500
Galipeau, Caroline Université du Québec à Montréal Étude du rôle médiateur de l'utilisation des forces personnelles dans la relation entre le soutien à l'autonomie et l'expérience positive des travailleurs $17,500
Dubé, Noémie Université du Québec à Montréal Femmes à la rencontre de la nature: apprentissages, résistances et réappropriations $17,500
Russell, Daniel University of Ottawa Non-Romans in Late Antique Historiography $17,500
Giesbrecht, Angela Trinity Western University Theory-of-Mind and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder $17,500
Minnikin, Amy University of Waterloo The Relationship Between Feedback Seeking Behaviour and Performance $17,500
Miller, Meghan McGill University Policies to safeguard breastfeeding in the context of child protection: a stakeholder analysis $17,500
Lee, Austen University of Alberta Gossip Girl, Here: Gender, Television and Rural Girlhood in Alberta $17,500
Gagnon, Mélissa Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Le subjonctif en espagnol : étude de grammaires (langue seconde) et difficultés d'acquisition chez les apprenants francophones $17,500
Kruger, Nicole Trinity Western University A Proposition for Meaningful Reconciliation between Emerging Adults and Indigenous Peoples of Canada $17,500
Harwood-Johnson, Emily University of Saskatchewan Ecological factors affecting the physical activity behaviours of newcomer youth $17,500
Paré, Samuel Université de Montréal La représentation du pouvoir dans la poésie d'Yves Boisvert : lecture sociocritique du visage belliqueux de la socialité $17,500
Frankel, Ya'el The University of British Columbia The Poetics of Trauma: Formal Experimentation and Reading as Recovery $17,500
Karn, Sajan Brock University Ethics $17,500
Drody, Allison University of Waterloo Boredom in Experimental Tasks $17,500
Burton, Leah McMaster University An Evaluation on the Implementation of a Parental Participation Engagement Model in Children’s Mental Health $17,500
MacLeod, Lucy Dalhousie University Understanding the Relationship Between Training Volume, Perfectionism, and Burnout in Youth Athletes $17,500
Tardi, Laura Brock University A Comparison of a Modified Food Chaining Procedure with Sequential Presentation plus Nonremoval of the Spoon for Food Selectivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder $17,500
McLean, Michelle University of Alberta A Grounded Theory of How Women Develop Assertiveness $17,500
Piccin, Kyla Carleton University The Affective Dimensions of State Violence in Canada $17,500
Wellspring, Ian The University of British Columbia Gender and Deception: How Gender Differences in Language May Affect Deception $17,500
Lavoie, Stéphanie Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Végan des villes, végan des champs, l'expérience géographique et le véganisme $17,500
Gateman, Madison Dalhousie University Selective Generosity: Indochinese and Syrian Refugees, Media Rhetoric, and Canadian Self-Perception $17,500
Pilon, Laurence University of Guelph Towards A Feminist Ecology of Painting: Spaces of Emancipatory Reflection $17,500
Abusarah, Mohannad University of Toronto Scolarship for Studying at the University of Toronto $17,500
Silverberg, Zoe McGill University Proposal: An Outcome Based Program Evaluation $17,500
Leore, Corey University of Ottawa Financing the War of 1812: The Army Bills and the Modernisation of Canada's Currency System $17,500
Jenkins, Amanda Western University Exploring the Effects of Instagram on Young Women through the Lens of Carl Jung's Process of Individuation $17,500
Routledge, Jennifer Trent University Stable Isotope Analysis of Ostrich Eggshell Recovered From Archaeological Sites On the Eurasian Steppe $17,500
Cibart, Sarah Simon Fraser University The Impact of Canadian Unions on LGBTQ2S+ Workers $17,500
Munger, Justin University of Ottawa Understanding Maoist changes made to Chinese Opera $17,500
Kirsh, Erin The University of British Columbia Outside $17,500
Li, Yachen University of Toronto Look beyond the art: the role of emotion in perspective taking $17,500
O'Connor, Dara University of Ottawa Communicating science in a multilingual world: Can machine translation help pick up the slack? $17,500
Brassard, Florence Université du Québec à Montréal Entre le droit, l'économie et les sentiments: sociocritique de l’institution familiale dans les Lettres d’Adélaïde de Dammartin, de Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni $17,500
Sanyal, Aparna McGill University Mental Distress and Colonialism in African and African Diasporic Literature $17,500
Viens, Nicolas York University Understanding the interrelation of states and business organizations and their role in reaching a sustainable society $17,500
Cochrane, Karis University of Manitoba Parenting Style as a Predictor of Parenting Stress in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders $17,500
Hartling, Liza University of Calgary Women Dancing with an Aging Body $17,500
Chow, Crystal Tze Ying University of Toronto Effect of language background on discrimination of intonation contours in speech versus non-speech $17,500
Rogers, Kenya University of Victoria Centring Voices of Survivors: Evaluating Post-Secondary Sexualized Violence Policy $17,500
Boivin, Marie-Christine Université de Montréal Marcelle Ferron : Agentivité et discours de résistance dans sa production picturale (1948-1965) $17,500
Vitt, Kathleen University of Manitoba The Potential for Transformative Relationship Building between Indigenous and Newcomer Youth: A Shared Exploration of Resiliency through Arts-Based Research Methods $17,500
Huard Nicholls, Brandon Concordia University Effects of Product Packaging on Consumer Perceived Brand Personality and Purchase Intent $17,500
Noussis, Thomas McGill University Reviving Timber Ornament $17,500
Goudreau-Lajeunesse, Etienne Université de Montréal Un athéisme spirituel : danse et temps dans le cinéma de Béla Tarr $17,500
Armitage, Cole Concordia University Deanimation: The Experiential Anthropocene in Animate Media $17,500
Lacombe, Corina University of Ottawa The Impact of Social Stigma on Assistive Technology Device Abandonment in a Visually Impaired Population $17,500
Martin, Katherine The University of British Columbia Focus and the Structure of Information in Gitksan $17,500
Southey, Basil Queen's University Observing the Parks: Public Park Usage Patterns in Parks Across the Income Gradient of Toronto $17,500
Labonté, Ariane Université de Sherbrooke Les conséquences associées aux étudiants et étudiantes victimes de violence sexuelle en milieu universitaire issus des minorités sexuelles et de genre selon les réactions de l'entourage à la suite du dévoilement $17,500
Hollett, Kayla Memorial University of Newfoundland Examining the Social Stigma of Binge Eating Disorder $17,500
Jourdeuil, Kaitlin Queen's University Tyranny of Man, Vindication of Woman: Political Theory, Bias, and Women's Rights in Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and John Stuart Mill's On the Subjection of Women $17,500
French, Andrew The University of British Columbia Ecosystem of Influence: Leonard Cohen and Al Purdy’s Narrative Procedures $17,500
Cameron, Leigh University of Ottawa “We always say what we like to one another:” The Influence of Education on Women and Marriage in Early 19th Century British Literature $17,500
Dashkewytch, Jemma The University of British Columbia The Social Media Movie Trailer: Form and Function $17,500
Celli, Kristina University of Victoria Urban Indigenous Child Welfare in British Columbia, 1975-1995 $17,500
Malinowski, Claudia Simon Fraser University The Future of Economic Development in the Canadian North: A Closer Look at Adaptation $17,500
Woodhouse, Paul The University of British Columbia Reputation Capital in the Digital Economy $17,500
Cangiano, Kyla University of Alberta Geothermal Power in the Indigenous World $17,500
Murray, Lydia Western University Caregivers of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Motives for Peer Mentorship $17,500
Quach, Winnie Meng Hsuan University of Toronto Experiences of LGBTQ+ Youth and its Implications $17,500
Newman-Bachand, Simon McGill University Aquaponic Agriculture in Development Economics $17,500
Martens, Shelby University of New Brunswick Understanding Women's Labour on Southern Alberta Farms $17,500
Vangeest, Jacob Western University From Deleuze to Laruelle: A Re-invigoration of the Political Nietzsche for Nietzsche Studies $17,500
Everett-Fry, Rachel University of Ottawa Agrarian Lives: Experiences and Relationships on a Small Farm $17,500
Berlin, Graham Ryerson University Triggers of Unjustified Shame and Subsequent Modes of Coping in Gay and Bisexual Men $17,500
Webber, Katherine (Katie) University of Calgary Understanding Relational Complexity within the Care Provider-Care Receiver Relationships $17,500
Fernandez, Tatiana Western University Aboriginal Perspectives & Language Awareness in the Wiwa Classroom $17,500
Lacasse, Olivier Université de Montréal Enquête Grammaticale : Étude des dispositifs textuels dans Un privé à Tanger et ma haie d’Emmanuel Hocquard $17,500
Johnson, Michelle University of Toronto Whose Video is it Anyway? UbuWeb, Cultural Institutions and the Challenges of Digitizing Moving Image Art for Public Access $17,500
Bideaux, Clémence Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Le français québécois sur YouTube : analyse des idéologies linguistiques véhiculées par des non-spécialistes $17,500
Tarar, Shaheer University of Toronto Mapping Partition: The Role of Cartography in India's Decolonization $17,500
Egag, Egag University of Toronto Justice for refugees: Exploring the influence of cultural knowledge and sensitivity on professional decisions for forensic mental health clients in Ontario $17,500
Shakespear, Mark University of Victoria Renewed Power to the People? A Cross-National Comparison of Renewable Energy Movements and their Implications for Socioeconomic Organization $17,500
Singh, Aishwarya McGill University Space, Subjectivity, and the Subaltern: A Comparative Study of Contemporary Dalit and African American Literature $17,500
Aranibar Zeballos, Maria Daniela Concordia University Street Newspapers: An Educational Tool for Social Change $17,500
Poole, Brandon University of Toronto Immersion and Nausea: The IMAX Corporation from Cinesphere to VR Lounge $17,500
Martin-Cannon, Jennifer York University Cutting Through the Shadows: The Feminist Animation of Film Pioneer Lotte Reiniger $17,500
Wood, Danielle University of Waterloo The True Effects of Foreign Aid: Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy and the Middle East $17,500
Gagnier, Sheena University of Windsor Health Literacy and Nursing $17,500
Parrott, Julia Saint Paul University  D.R.E.A.M. Teacher Focus Group Development and Analysis $17,500
Armstrong, Jacinte NSCAD University Knowing the Body through Dance and Performance at NSCAD $17,500
Antal, Caitlyn Concordia University The cognitive and linguistic basis underlying the enrichment of indeterminate event representation $17,500
Blais, Myriam Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Études taphonomiques en climat subarctique. Les applications de la géomatique en archéologie expérimentale $17,500
Yassine, Ghinwa Simon Fraser University Relational Autobiography as Radical Position of Belonging $17,500
Raven, Jessica University of New Brunswick The Truth is Out There (But is it Necessary?): The Redundancy of Fidelity when Adapting Folklore and Fairy Tales in The X-Files and Once Upon a Time $17,500
Laframboise, Lauren Concordia University Dust in the Wind: Experiences of Deindustrialization in Montreal’s Garment Industry $17,500
McCann, Michelle Wilfrid Laurier University Examining the impact of an early intervention program on school readiness in English language learners $17,500
Dubash, Soli University of Toronto Resilience, Mental Frames, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Emotional Inequality $17,500
Cox, Emily Wilfrid Laurier University The impact of self-care strategies on the well-being of LGBTQ migrants $17,500
Clowater-Eriksson, Camas Carleton University Canadian Service Women and Peacekeeping: a gender analysis of oral histories $17,500
Hollinger, Megan University of Ottawa Antisemitism in Contemporary Canada: Examining the relation between federal policy, legislation, and discourse in cases of antisemitism $17,500
Williams, Danielle Lee York University The Return: A Pre-Apocalyptic Multi-Platform Project $17,500
Fletcher, Emilie McGill University Examining the role of disinhibition and internalizing problems in the development of substance use for those with a history of childhood externalizing behavioural tendencies $17,500
Russell, Curtis University of Toronto Small game hunting and identity (re)construction within the British population of colonial Assam, 1826-1947 $17,500
Shaw-Müller, Kyle University of Toronto Seasonal landscapes of residence and production in the Cerro Cañoncillo Complex, Peru $17,500
Spiratos, Raven McGill University “Fear of Beiges Babies”: Visualizing African-Europeans in Canada from the Eighteenth Century Onwards $17,500
Pelletier, Samuel University of Toronto Système de relations industrielles de l’intelligence artificielle : Comparaison Montréal-Pékin $17,500
Côté, Sylvie McMaster University In Plain Sight: Fictional Comparisons Between Sex Trafficking and Speciesism $17,500
Béland Ouellette, Alexandre Université Laval Comparaison entre les programmes de mesures de rechange du Québec et de la Nouvelle-Écosse $17,500
Chukhovich, Yanina McGill University Assessing the case study: bridging social work education and Indigenous knowledge through narrative $17,500
Pelletier Gagnon, Héloïse Université de Montréal Point de vue des professionnels sur l'utilisation de la punition corporelle chez les parents issus de groupes culturels minoritaires : interprétation et pistes de solution $17,500
Lépine, Olivier Université du Québec à Montréal Impact des normes émergentes sur les relations humains-animaux: vers une compréhension des attitudes et des comportements ciblant le traitement des animaux $17,500
Manzhura, Aleksandra The University of Winnipeg Physician Assisted Death: At the Crossroad of Healthcare and Religion $17,500
Scher, Benjamin University of Waterloo Protection or Interference: Police practices and their impact on supervised injection site users in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver $17,500
Bouchard, Marianne Queen's University Leading Roles? The Impact of Women in 1990s Peacekeeping Operations $17,500
Zantout, Shaymaa University of Windsor Teaching a Nation: Intellectual Attempts at Educational Reform in Egypt at the Turn of the Twentieth Century $17,500
Stephenson, Chloe University of Calgary Philosophical investigation of biological species arbitrarily designated as natural kinds or as individuals and their implications in conservation $17,500
Nikcevic, Hana McGill University Women's Ecological Art (1960s to present) $17,500
Lussier, Kelsey The University of British Columbia To what extent can Schenkerian Analysis be applied to the analysis of North American popular music and how can the theory be modified to more accurately reflect the conventions of the genre? $17,500
Korade, Chloe University of Alberta The Role of Syntactic Priming in the Development of Sentence Processing $17,500
Walker, Jaisie University of Lethbridge Unsettling Lateral Violence: Queer Genealogies of Non/monogamy in Southern Alberta $17,500
Bencic, Renee Ontario Tech University Analyzing the Predictive Validity of Risk Assessments on a Female Sample of Intimate Partner Violence Offenders $17,500
Gen, Wakana University of Toronto Does gamers' collaborative play facilitate vocabulary learning from dialogues with Non-Player Characters? $17,500
Lenarcic Biss, Danielle Ryerson University Lights, Camera, Action: Exploring Potential for Studio Production Space in Toronto’s Neighbourhood Improvement Areas $17,500
Perreault, Julie University of Ottawa Le traitement des facteurs psychologiques dans le parcours des victimes d'agression sexuelle: évaluation des mesures de rechange aux procès criminels $17,500
West, Joel University of Toronto The Meaning of Paradigm Shifts $17,500
Guay, Audrey Anne Simon Fraser University Housing for systemic change: a case study of Hogan's Alley Land Trust in Vancouver, BC $17,500
Llewelyn-Williams, Jessica University of Saskatchewan Implications of Cannabis Legalization on University Students Cannabis Use and Perceptions $17,500
Royer, Jean-Philippe Institut national de la recherche scientifique Les stratégies de positionnement des initiatives citoyennes d'appropriation de l’espace vis-à-vis des institutions municipales montréalaises $17,500
Beauchemin, Jean Mathieu McGill University The Political Affect of Radio – A History of Electrified Sound from Late Qing to Modern China $17,500
Roe, Jean The University of British Columbia Enhancing Culture and Creativity through Coworking Spaces $17,500
Arsenault, Sarah-Anne Université Laval Processus de co-création d'une comédie musicale avec des adolescents : apport de l'observation participante active à une approche de recherche-création $17,500
Tod-Tims, Cahley Simon Fraser University Promoting Inuit food sovereignty: community views on the commercialization of country foods $17,500
Rorem, Devyn University of Alberta Childhood Internalizing and Parenting Stress: A Transactional Relationship Across Early Childhood $17,500
Lahay, Ryan Ontario Tech University An assessment of the influence of body-worn cameras on the willingness of citizens to cooperate with and report crime to legal authorities $17,500
Remon, Alexandra Université Laval Quels sont les environnements prénataux et périnataux ayant un effet modérateur sur les facteurs génétiques impliqués dans l'apprentissage de la lecture? $17,500
Mirlycourtois, Amaryllis Université Laval Effets d’un entraînement à la pleine conscience sur la compassion pour soi chez des enfants de 8 à 11 ans $17,500
Occhiuto, Anna-Maria Concordia University The Invisible Shift: The Mental Load of Motherhood $17,500
Hache, Tyler University of Toronto Masters in Creative Writing: Lyric-Narratives of Climate Change $17,500
Johnson, Emily University of Calgary Anti-Trump Activism on Instagram: Theorizing Feminist Activism in Postfeminist Digital Space $17,500
Gottlieb, Marcus Western University Optimizing the Application of Meditation in the Classroom $17,500
Thibaudeau, Felycia McGill University La brièveté poétique ou l’évidence politique dans l’œuvre de Paul Éluard $17,500
Marinov, Robert University of Ottawa A Study of The Nature and Scope of Infotainment in Canadian News Media and Politics $17,500
Facy, Patricia University of Toronto Virtual Accountability: Ethical Considerations of Existing in Virtual Reality $17,500
Jacinto, Daniel The University of British Columbia International Norms Discourse in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea under Kim Jong-un $17,500
Mayne, Kyla Queen's University Arts and Science $17,500
Langlois, Alissa Université du Québec en Outaouais Perceptions de l’âge, empathie et contacts sociaux : Une étude expérimentale $17,500
Roy, Andréanne Université de Sherbrooke Étude de réplication des profils de personnalité basés sur le Modèle à cinq facteurs dans la population québécoise $17,500
Ambrose, Angela University of Calgary Models of Citizenship: A Comparative Analysis of Digital Humanitarianism and Local Activist Engagement $17,500
Hubley, Brittney University of Toronto This is Not What We Meant to Be: Intimacy, Alliance, and Refusal in Times of Crisis $17,500
Agyemang, Cathy Carleton University The Semantic/Pragmatic Distinction: The Roles of Boolean Complexity and Completeness of Answer in Meaning $17,500
Arsenault, Amelia University of Ottawa The North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) Ontological Security in the Age of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems $17,500
Fisher, Sarah Simon Fraser University Meaning-making in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities $17,500
Bourgeois, Rebecca University of Saskatchewan Searching for Personhood in Fragmentary Human Remains at Moty-Novaya Shamanka $17,500
Duval, Sandrine Université de Moncton La rencontre entre conte et monologue dans la dramaturgie acadienne $17,500
Jarry, Vincent Institut national de la recherche scientifique La qualité des voies cyclables à Montréal, Laval et Longueuil : construction d'un indicateur synthétique multidimensionnel $17,500
Belot, Charlotte McGill University Urban Greening, Neighbourhood Change, and Experiences of Livability in Montreal $17,500
Ormiston, Ruth University of Victoria Artifacts, Museums, and Empire Building in Victorian Literature $17,500
Boger, Emily Western University From Rome to Brazil: Power and Politics in Natural Resource Control $17,500
Avery, Emma McGill University Chinese investment in Forest City, Malaysia and impacts on rural Johor communities $17,500
Payne, Neal Simon Fraser University Romano-British Foodways: An Archaeological Approach to Foodways and Cultural Change $17,500
Beaudoin-Gagnon, Simon Université de Montréal Coopérer au-delà des frontières : le cas de l'environnement $17,500
Arbic, Russell Queen's University A Western Sport in an Entangled World: A Global History of Hockey's Expansion to China $17,500
Visser, Anaisa The University of British Columbia All We Are: Overcoming trauma, somewhere between memory and a dream $17,500
Mannard, Emily McGill University Addressing the Decline in Reading for Pleasure in Secondary Schools: Collaborative Instructional Practices for Building Lifelong Readers $17,500
Harvey, François Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Création d'un cinéma expérimental à partir d'un processus documentaire, poétique et sonore $17,500
Zakaria, Anam University of Toronto The Reconstruction of 1971 in the Collective Imagination: State Narratives and Personal Memories in Pakistan $17,500
Zinger, Katharine University of Manitoba Visual Attention Resolution and Reading Ability $17,500
Inaim, Rawia Simon Fraser University Gendered Personification in Romantic Literature $17,500
Désautels, Jolaine Université de Sherbrooke Perceptions des élèves du primaire par rapport à des initiatives visant à favoriser leur pratique régulière d’activités physiques $17,500
Tousignant-Groulx, Julien Université du Québec à Montréal Qualité de vie personnelle et au travail, détresse psychologique et épuisement professionnel chez les pairs aidants en milieu communautaire et institutionnel $17,500
Laaser, Nicola McGill University Common-Pool Resource Management and the Prisoner’s Dilemma: How the Potlatch changes the Game $17,500
Luong, Raymond McGill University Developing an Efficient Statistical Method to Address Replication Issues in Social Psychology $17,500
Han, John McGill University Mr $17,500
Alemneh, Henok The University of Winnipeg Resilient Indigenous Tourism as a Conduit for Reconciliation: A case study of the Pimachiowin Aki World Heritage Site $17,500
Lévesque-Lacasse, Alexandra Université du Québec en Outaouais Déterminants de la stigmatisation de la douleur chronique $17,500
McHarge, Erin Carleton University Space Oddities: Drag and Performer/Audience Relationships $17,500
Klan, Amy University of Ottawa Exploring the Context of School Attendance Problems Among Children with Mental Health Needs $17,500
Darko-Mensah Jnr., Kwaku The University of British Columbia Black in Time: Lyrical reflections on Afrofuturism $17,500
Boustani, Lama Université de Montréal Demandeurs d'asile à Montréal: cartographier l'intégration par les émotions $17,500
Deboer-Smith, Avery Royal Roads University Assessing methods for successful implementation of a Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework $17,500
Rak, Stephanie University of Guelph Improving consumer well-being through understanding the effects of negative emotion on variety seeking behaviour $17,500
Sones, Margaret Concordia University Decolonizing the National Gallery of Canada: New Strategies in the Canadian and Indigenous Galleries $17,500
Desjardins, Chloé Université du Québec à Montréal Faculty of Social Sciences $17,500
Brunner, Lexi University of Waterloo The Outcomes of Exclusion in the Workplace for the Ostracizer $17,500
Bellisario, Luca University of Toronto Myself Unseen: On Surveillance and Narrativity in British Literature $17,500
Anderson, Hannah University of Calgary Spatial: Fictional Representations of Developmental Athletic Systems $17,500
Greco, Samantha University of Toronto Oral Histories and Zora Neale Hurston: Unmuting Literary Studies $17,500
Coleman, Matthew University of Waterloo Relics of Roman Identity: Antiquities Collection and Cultural Memory in the Italian Renaissance $17,500
Belliveau, Rémi Université du Québec à Montréal Jean Dularge (1965-1966) : chansonnier autofictif comme exploration artistique transdisciplinaire du patrimoine immatériel acadien $17,500
Roy, Josiane Laurentian University Attention, langage et fonctionnement exécutif chez les enfants nés prématurés dans le nord de l'Ontario $17,500
Michaud, Alexandra Université Laval Le jeu dans la réécriture policière de conte de fées : hybridation, transfictionnalité et réflexivité $17,500
Zoelman, Madeline Brock University A Math Problem: How do Students’ Attitudes Toward Math Impact Career Aspirations? $17,500
Sylvestre, Michelle University of Lethbridge Impact of the Medicalised Body in the Construction of Identity $17,500
Katz, Joshua University of Saskatchewan Masculinity Threat and Attitudes Towards Guns $17,500
Langlais, Bree University of Manitoba Post-Secondary Indigenous Mentorship Program $17,500
Jouvet, Laure Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Étude des profils de récidive à long terme des adolescents auteurs d’agressions sexuelles $17,500
Hare, Carolynn Brock University Control is the key: The role of attention, trait anxiety and individual differences in cognitive control $17,500
Saini, Anandvir The University of British Columbia Climate Change in Metro Vancouver Regional District: Assessing Resilience of a Socio-Ecological System $17,500
Dion-Van Royen, Zoé OCAD University Programme de bourses d’études supérieures du Canada au niveau de la maîtrise $17,500
Marcotte, Romane Université Laval La manifestation d'autrui et la réponse à son appel : dialogue phénoménologique entre les éthiques du care et la morale existentialiste de Simone de Beauvoir $17,500
Pagé, Maxime University of Ottawa De la littérature du pays à la littérature du peuple au Canada français $17,500
Rootman, Joseph The University of British Columbia Concurrent Cannabis Use and Heavy Drinking: Quantity, Consequences and Individual Differences $17,500
Pellerin, Erika Université de Montréal La qualité de la relation maître-élève et les comportements perturbateurs en classe au niveau collégial $17,500
Parvizian, Sepinood Carleton University Perceptions of gender bias in female leaders $17,500
Perez, Rocio Université de Montréal Évaluation des effets d’un programme novateur misant sur l’art mural pour prévenir le décrochage chez les élèves du secondaire $17,500
Moore, Travis York University Italian Nationalism and Migrant Worker Organizing in Calabria $17,500
Hrycun, Leah University of Alberta Beading Histories: Reframing Métis Material Culture Repatriation $17,500
Hu, Wanzhi University of Waterloo Memory, Architecture, and Dualism $17,500
Alter, Udi Ryerson University Recommendations for Precision-based Sample Size Calculations in Estimation Statistics $17,500
Downie, Kathleen York University Facilitating Bonding Between Parents and Newborns in the NICU $17,500
Varickanickal, Joann McMaster University Heat vulnerability in Hamilton, Ontario $17,500
Zoleta, Czarina University of Calgary Addressing Eating Disorders in Health & Fitness Cultures Through Playwriting $17,500
Lucas, Maxwell Western University Music $17,500
Skorstengaard, Jana University of Ottawa A Shot at Redemption: A Qualitative Exploration on the Rehabilitative Impacts of Arts-Based Prison Programs for Incarcerated Women in Canada $17,500
de Montmollin, Peter The University of British Columbia Hydro-Transitions: An Environmental History of Electrification in Chile $17,500
Durand, Giselle Wilfrid Laurier University The Effect of Imagery Perspective on Affective Forecasts $17,500
Valentine-Lewis, Andrea McGill University Gallery Gardens: The Affective Charge of Plant Installations Today $17,500
Farra, Jason University of Toronto The Relationship Between Perceptions of Road Safety and Attitudes Toward Bike Lanes $17,500
Legrand, Anne-Sophie Université du Québec en Outaouais Les caractéristiques du récit historique dans l’exposition : comparaison avec le récit de bande dessinée $17,500
Carswell, Jessica Western University Fostering a Trauma and Violence Informed Community: Using Citizen Engagement and Integrated Knowledge Translation Techniques to Inform Public Education Content $17,500
Fatapour, Elham York University Invisible Infrastructure: Censorship and Propaganda $17,500
Stephen, Heather Brandon University Lived Experiences of Domestic Violence Survivors $17,500
Smith, Heather University of Toronto Songs of the City: Mapping Music and Movement in Sixteenth-Century Florence $17,500
Townshend, Ewan The University of British Columbia Locating Conceptual Content: Pragmatics, Semantics and Intentionality $17,500
Williams, Savoy The University of British Columbia Investigating Trans Representation in Television and Film $17,500
Plakhov, Demyan Carleton University West vs. Russia: The Efficacy of Economic Sanctions $17,500
Feltis, Lindsey Wilfrid Laurier University Mindful self-compassion for children and adolescents $17,500
Roth, Timothy University of Toronto Reconstruction of works by Chadabe and Stockhausen $17,500
Kowalski, Larissa Western University “Sometimes I say I’m okay when I’m not”: A dyadic analysis of caregiver burden, self-perceived burden, and unmet care needs $17,500
Gushue, Angela Carleton University Only open for some: Improving inclusive childcare in Ontario $17,500
Trudel-Lopez, Luis Université de Montréal Étude des performances et activités reliées au jeu de balle maya au Classique Terminal par l’analyse de ses dépotoirs $17,500
MacDonald, Kristi Western University Math processing in FASD and developmental dyscalculia $17,500
Jenkins, Megan The University of British Columbia Locating women painters in Turkish modernity $17,500
Guay, Jean-François Université Laval Étude iconographique et iconologique des mosaïques de la Maison de Dionysos de Néa Paphos (Chypre) $17,500
Budimlic, Daniella University of Toronto Slobodan Miloševic: Use of Power to the Use of Violence $17,500
Tomasiello, Melina McGill University Externalizing Problems in Childhood & Risk Behaviour Outcomes in Adolesence $17,500
Lush, Chelsey McMaster University History is Magic: The Importance of History and Memory in Harry Potter $17,500
Côté-Pitre, Rosemarie University of Ottawa Éducation à la citoyenneté des filles : étude de l'organisme Groupe Femmes, Politique et Démocratie $17,500
Barnard-Chumik, Hannah The University of British Columbia Comparing the Incomparable $17,500
Somchynsky, Kalyna University of Alberta Embroidering Power: Feminism and Nationalism in Contemporary Ukrainian Art $17,500
Brecht, Ariel University of Saskatchewan A Companion To The Medieval Preacher: MS Ege 4 $17,500
Little, Kaitlyn Memorial University of Newfoundland Pacific Intersections: Indigenous Hawaiians, British Colonial Enterprise, and the Displacement of Indigenous North Americans $17,500
Wiebe, Leanna University of Manitoba Examination of Pathways and Barriers to Improved Management Addressing Nutrient-Related Water Quality Issues on the Canadian Prairies $17,500
Cobb, Rhiannon York University Reintroducing Capitalism as a Determinant of Social Movements: Intersectionality, Neoliberalism, and the North American feminist movement $17,500
Dunsmore, Rachel McMaster University Aging in Place or Aging in Precarity? How Aging and Care Are Experienced by Older Women Living in Community $17,500
Raymond-Desjardins, Alexandre Université du Québec à Montréal Les impacts de la mobilisation en faveur de Sacco et Vanzetti sur le discours de la Liga antimperialista de las Américas (1925-1930) $17,500
Smith, Hailey University of Alberta Evaluation of Parent Training Modules for Children with Complex Communication Needs: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Parent Perceptions of Program Effectiveness $17,500
Bordeleau, Justine Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Étude sur les effets directs et indirects des facteurs du perfectionnisme et de la flexibilité cognitive sur le fonctionnement $17,500
MacPherson, Donald McMaster University The Ontology of Yogacara-Madhyamaka $17,500
Edwards, Matthew Carleton University Anathema: An Archival Examination of Power, Marginalization and Ignorance in Canadian Academic Culture, 1946 - 2010 $17,500
Szabo, Cassandra The University of British Columbia A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Imbalance in A Midsummer Night’s Dream $17,500
Kabbash, Laura University of New Brunswick Making a Dent in the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Investigating the Potential Effects of Prostitution Laws and Policies Globally $17,500
Arathoon, Garrett York University The Interrelation Among Culture and Victims’ Post-Transgression Responses $17,500
Yurkiw, Jennifer University of Alberta Exploring Mental Health and Sexuality in Couples $17,500
Côté, Élie Université de Montréal Les chiens de soutien lors des entrevues d'enquête effectuées auprès d'enfants victimes d'agression sexuelle $17,500
Gayfer, Brianne University of Guelph Addressing knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy during peer disclosures of self-injury: A pilot intervention $17,500
Peters, Craig Cape Breton University Indoctrination of new teachers into an Indigenous context $17,500
Goodwin-McCabe, Brenna The University of British Columbia Monstrous Progeny: The Cinematic Transformation of Gothic Literature $17,500
Corne Klein, Lily Concordia University Anticipatory Projections: The Utopian Visions of Queer Children in Cinema $17,500
Patel, Aayesha University of Toronto Transit-oriented development and gentrification: A case study on the Eglinton Crosstown $17,500
Hart, Chelsie University of Calgary The Development of Social Communication Across Early Childhood $17,500
Bangert, Renita Concordia University The Other Ganges: Genre-Blending in Journalistic Storytelling $17,500
Champagne, Mallory Memorial University of Newfoundland French Trade in the North Atlantic 1763-1815: a View from Saint-Pierre $17,500
Auclair, Justine Université Laval Entre rahui local, aires marines protégées nationales et objectifs environnementaux internationaux : la fondation Pew à la jonction du local et du global en Polynésie française $17,500
Licursi, Flavia University of Ottawa Exhiber la noblesse à travers l'éducation : comprendre le rôle des écoles pour la noblesse appauvrie dans la formation d'un idéal identitaire corporel $17,500
MacDougall, Frédrique McGill University Université McGill $17,500
Bertoia, Gianluca University of Toronto Demystifying the Mathematics of Beckett’s Short Prose $17,500
Kosch, Henry The University of British Columbia Next Stop: Broadway - City Hall $17,500
Harvey, Alexandra University of Toronto Portuguese narcotic liberalization: Lessons for the global drug policy regime $17,500
Lee, Hyunmin University of Toronto Learning from Blind Pianists: Understanding the Connection Between Tactile and Aural Senses $17,500
Pavelich, Alexandria University of Saskatchewan Mattering & Resilience: Exploring the Significance of Human-Animal Bonds in the Context of the Saskatchewan Indigenous Youth Suicide Crisis $17,500
Brouillard, Meilanie Concordia University The effects of bilingual children’s language environment on language outcomes $17,500
Wilson, Kelsey The University of British Columbia Translating Community: Constructing National Identity through Oral Elements in Translations of The Shahnameh $17,500
St. Amant, Niya Wilfrid Laurier University Concussions in Minor League Hockey Players; The Impact of Rowan’s Law on Parents $17,500
Bathalon, sarah Université du Québec en Outaouais Améliorer le sommeil de son enfant : une intervention innovante et bénéfique pour les familles vivant en contexte de vulnérabilité $17,500
Steinhauer, Brooke Memorial University of Newfoundland Messing with the gender binary: Understanding perceptions of gender diverse candidates in contemporary elections” $17,500
Phu, Anthony Wilfrid Laurier University Métis through the Media: Settler Perspectives on the Red River Rebellion, 1869-70 $17,500
Marceau, Catherine Université Laval Interrogating Social Control, Deviance, Music and Resistance in Post-World War II Fiction $17,500
Barry, Erinn Wilfrid Laurier University Pretending to be Normal: Development and Validation of a Social Masking Scale for Autism Spectrum Disorder $17,500
del Giorgio, Olivia McGill University Smallholder land use responses to landscape fragmentation in a deforestation frontier of the Paraguayan Chaco $17,500
Schmid, Katrin The University of British Columbia Imagining Gitxaala: Constructions of Place in a Changing Environment $17,500
Bretholz, Ruth Concordia University Arts Entrepreneurship: Assessing Educational Strategies in Secondary and Post-Secondary Schools $17,500
Wieczorek, Karolina University of Calgary The development of preschoolers’ sensitivity to speaker characteristics and disfluency cues $17,500
Campbell, Meaghan St. Francis Xavier University The Sacred Landscape of the Irish Cailleach $17,500
Nikolic, Leona Université du Québec à Montréal The Museum Selfie and the Commodification of the Self $17,500
Nan, Mingxue University of Alberta Rethinking transnationality in early 20th century Chinese modernist literature: Liu Na’ou, Ling Shuhua, and their translingual writings $17,500
Mohammed, Shakira Lakehead University Promoting Mattering to Support Adjustment in First-Year University Students $17,500
Goslin, Noah University of Ottawa Resistance, Decolonization, and Knowledge Production in Kahnawà:ke $17,500
Guilbeault, Savannah University of Waterloo The Global Compact on Refugees: Solution or Superficial Gesture? $17,500
Bair, Rebecca Emily Carr University of Art + Design We Are Not Who We Are Oppressed to Be $17,500
Maurice, Andréanne Université de Sherbrooke L'effectivité de la politique de prévention du harcèlement psychologique en milieu de travail $17,500
Davies, Leda University of Alberta Dismantling the disciplinary boundaries of circus and theatre: How virtuosic movement tells a story $17,500
Crichlow, Camille Concordia University Instagram Baddie Blackness as Neo-Minstrelsy Form $17,500
Scott-Grimes, Cailleah York University Between Us $17,500
Roche, Kailey Saint Mary's University Clinician Implicit Biases Towards those with Pedohebephilia $17,500
Kempe, Tyler University of Manitoba Enhancing Student Self-Efficacy Through a Mobile Phone Delivered Intervention $17,500
Miller, Olivia Ryerson University From Imagined to Tangible Communities: The Podcasting Medium and its Social Utility $17,500
Huberdeau, Shawn Concordia University Politicizing the Philosophy of Sex and Gender $17,500
Ferland, Nicole University of Saskatchewan Developing a Métis urban land education curriculum for Winnipeg, Manitoba $17,500
Draper, Jacquelyn Simon Fraser University The Rate of Creative Destruction: Analysing Post-Soviet Satellite State Growth Under Regime Changes $17,500
Irimescu, Lisa University of Toronto The Consequences of Perceptions: Attitudes towards Migrants in a Colonial and Post-Colonial World $17,500
Faitakis, Martina Saint Mary's University Assessing Perpetrators who Sexually Assault Intimate Partners $17,500
Massé, Camille Université de Montréal Sociologie de l'évaluation scolaire : une comparaison Québec-Finlande $17,500
Ibrahim, Yasmeen Dalhousie University Insight into How Preschoolers Interpret Confidence $17,500
Willson, Michelle Wilfrid Laurier University An Explanatory Case Study Examining the Underlying Mechanisms in a Workplace that Employs and Retains Employees with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities $17,500
Lapointe, Mathilde Université Laval Pluralisme médical en milieux autochtones urbains: à l’intersection de deux rapports au monde $17,500
Mac, Carrie The University of British Columbia Stay - Or How to Not Jump Off a Bridge $17,500
Battaglia, Anthony York University The role of personality in self-compassion and self-stigma $17,500
Feltmate, Ashleigh Carleton University Grammaticalization of Metafunctions on Twitter $17,500
Mueller, Megan University of Toronto Intervention to Improve Depressive Symptoms in Child Athletes who Suffer from Concussions $17,500
Senechal-Becker, Elena University of Toronto Poetry, Participatory Cultures and Social Networks in Queer Communities $17,500
Buunk, Cassandra University of Victoria Turning down the heat: Landscape restoration using low-intensity fire $17,500
Bédard-Daigle, Alexandra Université Laval Étude comparative des macrorestes archéobotaniques provenant des deux occupations du site wendat Ellery (BdGx-8), dans le comté de Simcoe $17,500
Harris, Laura University of Toronto An Examination of Women and the Toga $17,500
McCreary, Breanna University of Victoria Compensatory Green Beliefs and Pro-Environmental Behaviour $17,500
Asselin, Marie-Noëlle Université Laval La construction sociohistorique des discours scientifiques sur les risques associés à la surconsommation de sucre $17,500
Filaber, Adam University of Toronto Cadential Structure in Sixteenth-Century Vocal Music $17,500
Irwin, Jamey University of Ottawa Investigating Inconsistencies: LGBTQ and Reproductive Rights in Colombia and Costa Rica $17,500
Robidoux, Julie Université de Montréal La production de textes écrits chez les élèves québécois: développement et évaluation quantitative $17,500
Peltier, Shanna University of Toronto Dismantling Dominant Discourse surrounding Complex Death with Urban Indigenous Youth Experience $17,500
Lalonde, Samuel Université de Montréal Subventions des projets d’infrastructures dédiées au sport professionnel : les conditions vers des ententes moins onéreuses pour les municipalités canadiennes $17,500
Panzica, Martine Dalhousie University Examining the Effectiveness of Canadian NGOs on the Asylum-Seeking Alternatives for Queer Refugees $17,500
Murphy, Kasanndra Queen's University Tackling Gender Norms: An Exploratory Study of Female Tackle Football Players Experiences $17,500
McConkey, Emily University of Ottawa Christina Rossetti and the English Hymn $17,500
Wolfson, Andrea McGill University Exploring Sex-Work Policy in Canada $17,500
Gracie, Kristen University of Waterloo Labelling a Genocide: The Rohingya Crisis $17,500
Lavergne, Patrice Université de Montréal Spinoza et émancipation politique $17,500
Follwell, Tianna University of Toronto Attrition Among Black Students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math $17,500
Haalboom, Alex Simon Fraser University Managing Indigenous off-reserve housing using a cumulative effects framework: a case study of the Metlakatla First Nation in British Columbia $17,500
Roth, Lara University of Calgary Epistemic Processes Perpetuating Socially Problematic Beliefs: What can we Do? $17,500
Daljeet, Sarena University of Waterloo Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism and Motivation to Change $17,500
Barlow, Amanda University of Alberta Faculty of Native Studies $17,500
Anderson, Cole Ryerson University Coming out in the Archive: Queer Heterotopias in the Films of Michel Audy $17,500
Perron, Marie-Hélène McGill University L'Orient de l'esprit dans quatre recueils de poésie québécoise $17,500
Gagnon, Isabelle Université de Montréal Mise en scène de la comédie romaine $17,500
Mizen, Sara University of Toronto Emotional Labour in Mixed-Gender Friendships $17,500
Fournier, Catherine Institut national de la recherche scientifique Adaptation des gouvernementaux locaux face aux changements climatiques $17,500
Séguin-Brault, Olivier McGill University François Rabelais architecte $17,500
Franks, Scott York University Implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action 27, 28 and 50: Integrating prejudice reduction theory, Indigenous legal education, and Indigenous cultural competency in Canadian legal education $17,500
Georgieva, Vanya University of Toronto Barriers and Gateways to Seeking Mental Health Care $17,500
Carrière-Bouchard, Ulysse Université de Montréal L'immortalité chez Pindare : parole poétique, discours religieux, et héritage indo-européen $17,500
McWhirter, Austin The University of British Columbia The Effect of Market Concentration on Executive Compensation $17,500
Bull, Brooke Dalhousie University Oppression and Resistance: Working-Class Youth in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland $17,500
Cheminais, Christian Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Le rapport entre la littératie en santé et les relations de partenariat entre les travailleurs sociaux, les ainés et leurs proches aidants en contexte de soutien à domicile $17,500
Guité-Verret, Stéphanie Université de Montréal Paradoxes du récit de soi chez Marie de l’Incarnation et Madame Guyon : énonciation personnelle et imaginaire mystique $17,500
Morden, Matthew Wilfrid Laurier University Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Masters Research Grant Request $17,500
Ronaghan, Dana University of Manitoba Marital Satisfaction and Coparenting: A Meta-analysis $17,500
Mueller, Alyssa Western University Social Influences on the Development of Depression $17,500
Girard, Louis-Alexandre Université de Montréal Les travailleurs-euses d'agences et la conciliation travail-études $17,500
Joseph, Jessica University of Alberta Adolescents and Social Media: Examining the Magnitude of Negative Effects on Subjective Well-being Through A Short Longitudinal Study of Social Comparisons on Instagram and Snapchat $17,500
Bilodeau, Simon Université Laval Tourisme, intégration et résistance : la négociation des Hmong du nord du Vietnam $17,500
Morhun, Janelle University of Calgary What Messages do Adolescents Who View Fitspiration on Social Media Receive? $17,500
LaPierre, Daniel Trent University Archaeological Prospection for Burial Mounds Using a Lidar-Derived Digital Terrain Model: A Case Study from the Kawartha Lakes Region $17,500
Drouin, Antoine Université Laval Les représentations de la variation syntaxique en français québécois chez les enseignants $17,500
Miller, Rowan University of New Brunswick End of the Vacation: Emergence of Anti-Neoliberal Populisms in New Brunswick $17,500
Higgins, Stefan University of Victoria What do Memes Want?: Studying How to Study New Media and Unstable Images $17,500
DeWelles, Madeleine University of Toronto Narratives of Down Syndrome: Exploring intellectual disability in early learning contexts $17,500
McLean, Shawna-Rae University of Waterloo The Implementation Challenges of Sustainable Development Practices Within Municipalities $17,500
Perry, Samantha Saint Mary's University Minimization and Maximization in Interrogations $17,500
Gregory-Alcock, Grace University of Toronto Refining and Validating a Method of Microscopic Human Skeletal Sex Assessment $17,500
Orr, Christina University of Toronto Sexual Diversity in the Catholic Classroom - Perspectives from Queer-Identified Pre-Service Catholic School Board Teachers $17,500
Lasanen, Brittany The University of British Columbia Personal and Relational Self-Expansion as Predictors of Relationship Satisfaction in Long-Distance Couples $17,500
Mallette, Frédéric Université de Sherbrooke La vie personnelle comme facteur explicatif des comportements violents au travail $17,500
Chigbo, Adanna University of Toronto Critiquing Digital Humanities Studies: the Last Decade $17,500
Choquette, Marie-Hélène Université de Montréal Le patriotisme dans la musique russe et étasunienne reliée à la deuxième guerre mondiale: une étude comparative $17,500
Morpheus, RainShyne The University of Winnipeg Research Funding Application for A Masters Thesis in Criminal Justice $17,500
Pawluk, Micah University of Alberta Sounds of the Forest: Three Aesthetic Approaches in Music for Solo Piano $17,500
Germain, Sara Université du Québec à Montréal Analyse de la capacité de mobilisation des organisations de la société civile russe dans un contexte de cyber surveillance $17,500
Hildebrand, Jenna The University of British Columbia The Role of Indigenous Youth in Planning for their Communities: Engaging Youth in Comprehensive Community Planning $17,500
Bédard-Wien, Olivia Université de Montréal Pour une poétique du rendre étranger : Slogans de Maria Soudaïeva et Antoine Volodine $17,500
Chai, Miin Miin April Simon Fraser University Pathways of the crime aftermath: Examining offenders’ behaviors following a sexual homicide $17,500
Brownlie, Kate University of Waterloo Domesticating Density: a New Model for Affordable Housing in Toronto $17,500
Goulet, Rachel Université de Montréal « L’anarchie resplendissante » ou la violence de la rébellion poétique dans Les Aurores fulminantes de Suzanne Meloche $17,500
Lemelin, Émilie Université de Montréal Favoriser les relations entraineur-athlètes afin d'optimiser la motivation, le bien-être et la performance des athlètes $17,500
Chazan, Nathan University of Toronto Masters in Medieval Studies $17,500
Caissie, Danielle University of Regina Exploring the lives of older adult parent caregivers and their children with disabilities $17,500
Scully, Moira University of Waterloo The Rebirth of Rape: Depictions of Sexual Violence in Renaissance Art Inspired by Ovid's Metamorphoses $17,500
MacIntyre, Jillian University of Guelph Challenges to Food Sovereignty in Atlantic Canada $17,500
deBruyn, Claire The University of British Columbia Post-traumatic Growth in Canadian International Student Populations: A Qualitative Study $17,500
DeCock, Meredith Brock University A Changing Lake Ontario Shoreline: learning from the past in the Town of Lincoln $17,500
Jager, Cassia McMaster University Religious and Cultural Continuity in Russian Avant-Garde Art: 1910-1930 $17,500
Peter, Cate University of Alberta Enabling Access to the Federal Writers' Project Slave Narratives $17,500
Drolet, Marie Hélène University of Ottawa L’acquisition du langage chez les nourrissons unilingues et bilingues : ressemblances et différences à 6 et à 18 mois $17,500
Yusofi, Zainab University of Toronto Child Labour and Forced Labour in Canadian Consumer Products $17,500
McCart, Jack University of Toronto Down the Rabbit Hole: Managing and Regulating the Rabbit in South-East England, 1230-1500 $17,500
Therien, Mark York University A Geography of Political Ecology and Migration: Nature, Society, and Haitian Migration to Canada $17,500
Curtis, Alison University of Waterloo Examining Impacts of the Participatory Budgeting Process on Perceptions of Public Parks $17,500
Rawling, Luke Queen's University Masters in Economics at Queen's University $17,500
Hanes, Amy Queen's University The Lived Experiences of 20 to 30-year-olds with Epilepsy $17,500
Couvrette, Romane Université Laval L'éducation postsecondaire inclusive comme vecteur d'inclusion sociale pour les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle $17,500
Sowter, Deanne University of Toronto Defining the Standard Conception of the Family Law Lawyer $17,500
Wagner, Suzanna University of Alberta Nursing on the Eastern Front: Canadian First World War Experiences $17,500
Davies, Emma University of Toronto Mothering Nature: Examining Human Responsibility for Climate Change in Contemporary Literature $17,500
Clement, Sara University of Manitoba Concordance between Maternal Attachment and Paternal Attachment: A Meta-Analysis $17,500
Bryk, Sydney Brock University Using Artifacts to Teach More Than Just History $17,500
Dupéré-Poundja, Malika Université du Québec à Montréal Jardins pédagogiques au secondaire $17,500
Harris, Madeleine McMaster University The Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Parenting Behaviours: An Examination of Psychological and Cognitive Moderators $17,500
Nastase, Iulia Université de Montréal La gentrification du quartier d’Hochelaga-Maisonneuve : le discours sur la mixité à l’épreuve de ses réalités socio-spatiales $17,500
Nolin, Marie-Chloe Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières La maltraitance durant l’enfance et le bien-être psychologique à l’âge adulte : rôle médiateur des symptômes dissociatifs $17,500
Siddiqui, Hasan McMaster University Essentialist Development of Children's Social Categories $17,500
Dunphy, Karissa Memorial University of Newfoundland Tolkien's Forests and Humanity's Return to Nature $17,500
Fournier, Veronique Université Laval Les acteurs non-étatiques, nouveaux joueurs clés de la mise en œuvre des accords internationaux sur l’environnement? $17,500
Seddon, Jessica University of Guelph Parents’ Gendered Beliefs about Emotion and Children’s Emotional Development $17,500
Wise, Meghan The University of British Columbia Understanding the intersection of Climate Change, Populist Radical Right, and Gender $17,500
Marcinkiewicz, Amanda Brock University Evaluating Committed Action Outcomes in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Caregivers of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities $17,500
Lih, Ariadne McGill University Six Recitals: Works for Soprano by Women and Non-White Composers $17,500
Long, Brittany Carleton University SS-Aufseherinnen: Female Guards in the Nazi Concentration Camp System $17,500
Nicolaides, Ariel The University of British Columbia The Rhetoric and Reality of Immigration Policy in Canada, Australia and South Africa, 1968-1980 $17,500
Koyanagi, Nicola York University Strategies for Collective Healing in the Context of Collective and Intergenerational Trauma: A Case Study of Healing Justice Organizations $17,500
Glass, Liana The University of British Columbia Who's Designing Our Cities? Gendered Experience in Urban Design Professions $17,500
Demeter, Aaron Ryerson University Turner's Empire: The Frontier Theory in Modern American War Films $17,500
Philibert, Victoria University of Toronto The Epistemology of Transformative Experience: Accountability in Multicultural Canada $17,500
Elsayed, Danah University of Guelph Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour and Well-Being in Religious Minority Youth: Assessing the Roles of Child- and Family-Level Factors $17,500
Rangan, Meena Ryerson University The role of protective factors as predictors of inpatient behaviour and risk management decisions in forensic psychiatry $17,500
Dharmawan, Erica The University of British Columbia Brand Concepts and Parental Linguistic Input $17,500
Poitras-Raymond, Chloé Université du Québec à Montréal Pouvoir et sexualité : la gestion des crimes sexuels par les autorités britanniques lors de l’occupation de l’Allemagne 1945-1949 $17,500
Tingle, Elizabeth University of Calgary Voices of Women Who Have Overcome Internalized Weight Bias Through Transformative Learning $17,500
Sheldon, Jordyn McMaster University The white Supremacy Aesthetic: A Racial Capitalist Intervention on Instagram $17,500
Walker, Andrew Carleton University Choral Music and Federalism: Artists' Perspectives on Canadian Cultural Policy $17,500
Ferreira-Pennell, Chantal Memorial University of Newfoundland Chantal Ferreira-Pennell SSHRC Proposal: All My Relations: Beauty in an Urban Wasteland $17,500
Michaud, Mathieu McGill University Teaching Methods and Communication Strategies for the Motor Development of Pre-Verbal and Non-Verbal Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder $17,500
Mrozewski, Josephine University of Victoria History of Tuberculosis among Canada's Inuit in the Context of Changing Federal Policies $17,500
Stewart, Breanna McGill University Personal and Compositional Metamorphosis in the Works of Henri Dutilleux and Witold Lutoslawski: An Analytical Comparison $17,500
MacCallum, Emily University of Toronto The Intersection of Form and Timbre $17,500
Lampron, Mireille Université Laval L’empathie comme caractéristique centrale pour distinguer les troubles psychotique des troubles de la personnalité $17,500
Ayson, Gladys University of Ottawa Future-Oriented Thinking in Children $17,500
Mousseau, Caroline University of Guelph Threading the Line: Craft and Doubt in Contemporary Abstract Painting $17,500
de Brouwer, Samuel University of Ottawa Nominalisme et normativité chez Max Weber : une lecture à partir de l'œuvre de Michel Freitag $17,500
Nicol, Marielle Dalhousie University Greek Foundations of 'Process' in Nicholas of Cusa's Philosophical Theology $17,500
Ingram, Margaret University of Lethbridge Female-Specific Psychopathic Expressions $17,500
Rajabi, Zahra University of Toronto Smart Cities: Assessing Co-Design Efforts in Emerging Environments $17,500
Ochoa, Isabel University of Waterloo Domestic Ritual: Temporal, Spatial and Social Order in Contemporary Domestic Environments $17,500
Dewhirst, Alexa University of Waterloo An Examination of Cross-Cultural Preference for Apology Moderated by Locus of Control $17,500
Hasan, Syed Arshan University of Toronto Comparative Semitic Historical Linguistics $17,500
Willerton, Savanna McGill University Putting Theories of Morphological Productivity to the Test $17,500
Yang, Peng Fei McGill University Creating Social Spaces in Support of Mental Health $17,500
Ranger, Valerie University of Ottawa Using Serial Trichotomization with Cognitive Measures: The Standard Off-Road Driving Test $17,500
McDonald, Michael University of Victoria When the Government Apologizes: Understanding the Origins and Implications of the Apology to LGBTQ2+ Canadians $17,500
Plamondon-Dufour, Lisa University of Ottawa L'économie morale des proches des femmes et des filles autochtones disparues ou assassinées au Québec $17,500
Payer, Brittney University of Guelph Breaking the Stained-Glass Ceiling: High Medieval Courtly Culture and Female Agency in Alfonso X's Castile $17,500
Lim, Hyun-Joo University of Ottawa Reclaiming Truth through a Feminist Phenomenology $17,500
Brahmi, Tarik University of Ottawa Controlled Vocabulary Detection as a Means of Facilitating Automatic Post-editing of Neural Machine Translation Output $17,500
DiStefano, Vincent McGill University Changing the culture of safety in sport: Using an educational intervention implementation framework to change attitudes and risky on-field behaviors in order to prevent sport-related head injuries in youth football $17,500
Youssef, Alia Ryerson University Our History: Muslims in Canada $17,500
Haines, Cat University of Regina Gendered Affect and the Performative Loop - A New-Materialist Theory of Gender $17,500
Hahn, Marika McGill University The legal grounding and politicization of abortion in Canada and the United States $17,500
Hoang, Joe University of Toronto Do Individuals in China and America Perceive Relationships Differently? A Cross-Cultural Examination of Differences in Romantic and Non-Romantic Relationships $17,500
Cockcroft, Michelle "Elly" University of Saskatchewan Playing Dead - The Affective Potential of Death in Video Games $17,500
Carver, Bronson Lakehead University A+Vengers: Empowering Indigenous Students through Superheroic Re-Storying $17,500
Farhang-Khoei, Raha University of Toronto A New Look at Old Stuff: An Archaeological Study on the Stone Tools from the Royal Ontario Museum's Mahidasht Project, Western Iran $17,500
Wagner-Lapierre, Sarahlou Université de Montréal La question croisée de l’histoire et de la vérité dans la pratique interprétative de Martin Heidegger (1930-1943) $17,500
Gladu, Jessica University of Ottawa Stepping In: Digital Citizenship in Ontario's Civics Course $17,500
Leblond, Alyssa University of Ottawa Barriers to Re-Entry for Prisoners in Provincial Institutions $17,500
Langlois, Alex Laurentian University Revitalization of Cultural Heritage & Landscape in Killarney through Neo-Vernacular Architecture $17,500
Boucher-Lafleur, Véronique Université Laval Les élections à date fixe au Canada $17,500
Coia, Lucas Brock University Off the Beaten Path: Rural Cult and Local Identity in Southern Italy, 1200-1500 CE $17,500
Gagliano-Veiga, Christina-Maria University of Toronto The Development of Green Building Standards in Canada $17,500
Areguy, Fitsum University of Guelph Communal Orientation and Coping among Young Carers in Postsecondary Institutions $17,500
Puri, Varun McMaster University Democracy and the Work of Public Institutions in Canada $17,500
Boulay, Marie-France Université Laval Les pratiques de développement professionnel des enseignants des écoles primaires du Québec: efficaces ou non? $17,500
Paoli, Maria Chiara The University of British Columbia Economic Impact of Refugees on Rural Communities $17,500
Cameron, Ashley Memorial University of Newfoundland Analysis of Stone Tools from Archaeological Site FjCa-51, Area 9 and Area 11, Sheshatshiu, Labrador $17,500
Masson, Chelsey  Western University Effectiveness of Individualized Education Plan Strategies for Children with Learning Disabilities $17,500
Beaton, Page University of Saskatchewan Adolescent Cannabis Use and Risk Perception Post Legalization: A Mixed-Methods Exploratory Study $17,500
Venne, Béatrice Université du Québec à Montréal Les Anicinabek en tant que destinataires du droit du travail : quelle portée pour ce corpus normatif en contexte autochtone? $17,500
Lucky, Nathan The University of British Columbia Negotiated Identity: The Vancouver Jewish Community Responds to the Holocaust, 1939-1945 $17,500
Laurin, Marianne HEC Montréal Impact économique de l’expansion du réseau de transport collectif dans le Grand Montréal: une analyse coûts-bénéfices du projet Réseau express métropolitain $17,500
Hooke-Wood, Frederick Trent University Types of Nature and Citizen Science $17,500
MacIlroy, Alycia University of Victoria Complicating Sex: Exploring Intersex Bodies in Ancient Greek and Roman Anatomical Discourse $17,500
Linklater-Wong, Paige Nipissing University Indigenous Cultural Camps and the health of Indigenous youth in the James Bay Area $17,500
Dawson, Francis Carleton University Canada Graduate Scholarship $17,500
Andrews, Ben Dalhousie University Local Political Participation in a News Desert: Effects of the Closure of a Local Daily on Municipal Voter Behaviour $17,500
Chang, Shea York University Shadowed Bodies: Divergent Orientations and New Symbioses in Visual Art $17,500
Dirksen, Ryrie Nipissing University The Motivations of the Russian Mennonite Selbstschutz in relation to the Second German Reich $17,500
Young, Caleb Mount Saint Vincent University Classroom Emotions and Teacher Decision-Making Processes: A Single-Subject Qualitative Study $17,500
Dallaire-Habel, Samuele Université Laval Le rôle des fonctions exécutives et attentionnelles dans le développement de la compassion chez l'enfant $17,500
Holloway, Elizabeth York University Innovation in the Canadian energy sector: Assessing the impact of gender on demand-side innovation networks $17,500
MacSorley, Cody University of Regina Exploring the Use of Mindfulness-Based Therapy to Improve Emotion Regulation in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder $17,500
Gagné Zouvi, Colin Université de Montréal Le cantique de Sinera : empreintes du désir dans le poème de Salvador Espriu $17,500
Luciantonio, Christopher York University Authorship in Current Japanese Cinema: An Industrial Analysis of the Films of Sono Sion $17,500
Bois, Emmy Université Laval L’évolution d’une pratique de gestion seigneuriale dans la vallée laurentienne : les papiers-terriers (1632-1854) $17,500
Dupuis, Cathie-Anne Université de Montréal Analyse de la fécondité des esclaves noirs et autochtones au Québec Ancien (1690-1840) $17,500
McCready, Matthew York University Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program Application: Matthew J McCready $17,500
Shi, Qiaodi York University Qiaodi Shi_CGS Application $17,500
Abba, Celina Dalhousie University Border Zones and the Refugee Crisis: Redefining Conditions Along the Canada - United States Border $17,500
Kubota, Haruho The University of British Columbia Mobile Students and Immobile Histories: A Study of Identity Sense-Making of Transnational Post-Secondary Students in Canada from Japan $17,500
Hodgson, Elizabeth York University Electric $17,500
Pennington, Sarah Ryerson University Cultural and Digital Contexts of Christina Rossetti's Song (When I am dead, my dearest) $17,500
Kelly, Briana Dalhousie University Getting Acquainted: Considering the Significance of Acquaintance Relationships $17,500
Dubé, Cerah University of Saskatchewan The Over-Incarceration of Indigenous Women: The Use of Section 718.2(e) in Manitoba Courts $17,500
Ahasniou, Zakia Université de Montréal Hô : Recherche-création pour une écriture cinématographique féministe $17,500
Lint, Renée University of Manitoba Is Quinoa a Crop for the World? An Ethnographic Study of Quinoa as an Alternative for Sustainable Farming on the Canadian Prairies $17,500
Shamkhi, Fatemah McMaster University Remodelling Settlement; An Examination of Current Newcomer Services – Shifting towards Anti-Oppressive and Strengths Based Practices $17,500
Guerreiro, Ferron Dalhousie University Virginal Bodies in Tumultuous Times: Centering Women’s Chastity in Early Modern Literature $17,500
Griffin, Andrew Dalhousie University Plato's Doctrine of Participation in the Dialogue 'Parmenides' $17,500
Jankowski, Marlena University of Manitoba Patient-Focused Interiors $17,500
Kim, Giwoon York University Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship $17,500
Chou, Sharon University of Manitoba Relationship Satisfaction in Situational Couple Violence: What Happens When They Decide To Stay? $17,500
Wyman, Christopher University of Manitoba Experiencing Other Worlds: The Role of the Narrator in Constructed World Fiction $17,500
Huddleston, Amanda University of Manitoba The Canadian Armed Forces: Factors Affecting Retention $17,500
Kates, Beth University of Calgary Augmented Intelligence in the Performance Creation Process $17,500
Hadley, Louisa University of Northern British Columbia The impact of personal cap-and-trade systems and carbon labelling on individuals’ sense of efficacy, attention to environmental information and support for collective environmental initiatives $17,500
Garinger, Laura The University of Winnipeg Climate Change Data in the Archives $17,500
Friesen, Connery University of Manitoba Responsive Architecture Amid Rapid Global Change $17,500
Martel-Dion, Audrey Université de Montréal Changement dans les discours sur l'homosexualité féminine en Italie au XVIIIe siècle $17,500
Chyz-Lund, Dylan University of Manitoba Participatory Budgeting as Multi-Sector Partnership Building in Canada: A Case Study $17,500
Santino, Nicholas York University The examination of possible mediators of the negative relationship between physical activity and sport with loneliness among youth with physical disabilities $17,500
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