Global Affairs Canada

Global Affairs Canada manages Canada’s diplomatic relations, provides consular services to Canadians, promotes the country’s international trade, and leads Canada’s international development and humanitarian assistance.

Consular services and assistance for Canadians in China


Travel Advice and Advisories

Important one-stop-shop information on all your travel destinations.

Travel abroad

Information on travel health and safety, air travel, border wait times and more.

Assistance abroad

How to get help if there is an emergency when you are travelling abroad.


Export from Canada

Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service, export support and funding, permits and restrictions, tariffs and more.

Import to Canada

Import goods or services to Canada and learn about programs that can help reduce duties.

Trade negotiations and agreements

Trade agreements and negotiations, tariff information, environmental assessments and more.

Foreign affairs

International relations

Explore Canada’s role in international organizations, trade negotiations and sanctions.

Canada's response to conflict, crises and disasters

Supporting human dignity by helping countries facing natural disasters, conflict or acute food insecurity.

International peace and security

Canada’s work toward a safer world amid complex challenges.


Canadian funding for projects and initiatives in developing countries

Discover funding opportunities for Canadian and international partners that work to reduce poverty in developing countries.

Canada helping women and girls around the world

Our work to promote gender equality and empower women and girls in all our international assistance.

Canada’s international assistance projects

Search through Canada’s international assistance projects database with our interactive tool.


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