On Wednesday, Aug. 28, the National Energy Board (NEB) became the Canada Energy Regulator (CER). For further information please visit our Implementing the Canadian Energy Regulator Act information page

Compliance and Enforcement


The NEB works hard to protect Canadians and our Environment.

And this means regulating the ways companies build and operate pipelines.

Companies must follow the NEB Act, Its regulations, and relevant codes and standards.

They also need programs and procedures for things like:

  • Safety
  • Emergency Management
  • Pipeline integrity management, and
  • Environmental protection

To make sure companies continually improve and follow these programs and procedures, the NEB uses “Compliance Verification Activities”.

  • They hold compliance meetings
  • Audit programs
  • Evaluate documents
  • And inspect new and operating pipelines and facilities.

If the NEB finds non-compliance, they have powerful tools to ensure companies correct the problem, by issuing a simple notice, a financial penalty, or by restricting the operation of a pipeline…even total shutdown if necessary.

Have questions about the role of the NEB?

For more information on the NEB, please see our other videos or contact the NEB directly.

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