How to Contact IOGC

Indian Oil and Gas Canada legal address:

Suite 100
9911 Chiila Boulevard
Tsuut’ina, AB T3T 0E1
Phone: 403-292-5625
Fax: 403-292-5618

If you are unable to access an auto e-mail feature from your browser, you may wish to manually cut and paste the e-mail address into your e-mail software.

For those clients who are communicating by e-mail, please note that there are occasional difficulties in replying to Internet e-mail due to problems with external systems. Please include your regular mail address and/or your telephone number with your e-mail to ensure that we may contact you in the event of such a problem.

Replies are usually sent within two business days.

Indian Oil and Gas Canada is located in the Tsuut'ina Nation's Chief Joseph Big Plume Administration Building.

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