Open Data

Search open data that is relevant to Canadians, learn how to work with datasets, and see what people have done with open data across the country.


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Search through our Open data portal.

Search through our Open data portal

Looking for data about Government of Canada services, financials, national demographic information or high resolution maps? Discover that and more through our open data portal, your one-stop shop for Government of Canada open datasets.

Open maps

Explore the Government of Canada’s geospatial data, services, and applications and create customized maps.

Open Data Inventory

Review the open data inventories submitted by Government of Canada departments and agencies.

Suggest a dataset

Can’t find the dataset that you are looking for? Let us know!

API Store

Search through the one-stop shop for Government of Canada Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These APIs provide a wealth of government data and information for you to build new applications and services for Canadians.

Apps gallery

Browse and download apps that were built both by the Canadian public and the Government of Canada that use open data.

Open Data User Stories

Explore how Canadians are using open data to power innovation and its impact on communities.

Submit your app

Have you made an application using Government of Canada open data or open information? If so, let us know and we will share it with Canadians in our apps gallery.

Open data 101

Learn what open data is, how to get the most out of it, and explore the principles that are guiding the Government of Canada’s open data initiatives.

Working with data and application programming interfaces

Learn more about how to use a variety of data formats, including application programming interfaces (APIs).

Data Visualization Primer

Learn how to tell a story through data. Explore the multi-step process and discover the benefits of developing interactive data visualization tools to enhance understanding and answers questions.

The Staffing and Non-partisanship Survey (SNPS) Interactive Visualization Tool

Manipulate the SNPS data and customize your queries to get the most useful and relevant information to meet your needs. Designed using open-source technology, this tool contains the survey data, by first official language, region, organisation and organisation size. The data is presented in graphical format but is also available in tabular form for ease of analysis.

Open Government Student Challenge

We challenged students across Canada to show us how they’ve used open data and information, here are the winners!

What's new in open government?