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Why Alberta is throwing billions behind the Keystone XL pipeline

'It's going to be very difficult and very painful': Oilpatch begins layoffs and oil production cuts

Marriott says 5.2 million guests affected in 2nd data breach in just over a year

More COVID-19 cases on stranded ship with 4 dead, as cruise line pleads for help

COVID-19 prompts flood of people to write, change their wills — but quarantine measures are getting in the way

Canada's economy was slowing even before COVID-19 hit, January GDP numbers show

TC Energy to start building Keystone XL pipeline after Alberta government invests $1.1B US

U.S. Amazon and Instacart workers strike to protest COVID-19 hazards on the job

Air Canada to lay off 16,500 employees amid pandemic-related flight cancellations