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  1. So, the 60 mins of the #TFC-#Whitecaps match played tonight have been raptured. Odd.
  2. @markeelliott time for a hot toddy. (note: I mean a beverage)
  3. @Andrew_Scholte nope. Probably comes by email tomorrow, but otherwise the site shld have it.
  4. @allisauce24 He plays solid D too! Infuriating.
  5. Not sure what's most unrealistic about NBA Jam: 720-degree dunks, the flaming net, or Bargnani's commitment to rebounding.
  6. @Andrew_Scholte funny, everyone says that.
  7. @bruce_arthur I PVR'd it, so i could stab myself in the eye in the comfort of home.
  8. @TeresaPavlin thx!
  9. @maryvallis I'm sensing a theme here.
  10. That's pretty much the program i've been on. RT @_scottreid: @scott_stinson irish whiskey
  11. Anyone know a half-marathon training program that can take you from 'woefully unprepared' to 'won't collapse' in *counts fingers* 4 days?
  12. @kady SHILLATER!
  13. Given the show's demographics, dedicating your final song to your weeping mother is the American Idol equivalent of taking a dive.
  14. Best angle I've seen of that wacky Bieksa goal from last night. Poor San Jose.
  15. What about naming the kid 'Storm'? RT @nationalpost: Does hiding baby's sex engender freedom?
  16. My column on Oprah's penultimate show. And the one before that (pre-penultimate?). HubrisFest 2011!
  17. Eleventy million RT @kurtenblog: What's the over/under on articles tomorrow with the words "Kesler" and "warrior" in them?
  18. @_scottreid I fear you are correct.
  19. What he said. RT @hockeyesque: hockey fans: this basketball gme is a mind-blower too. into OT now.