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The Canadian Race Relations Foundation is Canada's leading agency
dedicated to the elimination of racism and all forms of racial discrimination in Canadian society.

Statement of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation on The Coronavirus

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation expresses its concern at the response from some Canadians to the appearance of the 2019-nCoV virus, commonly known as the Coronavirus.

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CRRF Webinars: Building Inclusive Organizations

CRRF Webinars: Building Inclusive Organizations
Diversity is a fact. The question of diversity is part of the debate, the conversation, about our democracy and our national identity. Diversity is an unavoidable reality. Inclusion, however, is a choice. The gestures of inclusion, those we ask and those we do not ask, are choices that each of us makes.

Inclusion is the key to deploy our potential. The gestures of inclusion that one can ask are a variety almost infinite, actions, words, looks. These gestures demonstrate to our colleagues, our neighbors and our youth that inclusion is voluntary, intentional and planned. The webinar Building Inclusive Organizations will define concrete actions that could help Canadian companies become more inclusive.

Please note that this is webinar will be conducted in the French language.

When: Mach 11, 2020, 11 am EST

Where:Via Webex

Click here to register.

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Race Relations in Canada 2019

Race Relations in Canada 2019
Toronto, December 10th.

In the spirit of improving Canadian race relations the CRRF annouces the release of a ground-breaking new survey.

Full report and data tables now available: Race Relations in Canada Survey 2019

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We are Canada

We are Canada
Jean-François Bergeron / Enviro Foto
The genesis of the Nous sommes le Canada - We are Canada project

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation is proud to present the project Nous sommes le Canada - We are Canada

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CRRF Public Service Announcement

Canada's new anti-racism strategy

Canada's new anti-racism strategy
The announcement of Canada’s new anti-racism strategy, Building a Foundation for Change: Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy 2019–2022, provides an important roadmap for the ongoing fight against racism and discrimination.

The establishment of a federal Anti-Racism Secretariat and a commitment to a partnership between the federal, provincial and territorial governments bodes well for progress towards a more inclusive public service and progress towards equity in employment, social participation and justice. We look forward to working with the government, the public sector and the wider community to move forward on the targets of the strategy.

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