Coronavirus disease

CNSC's response to COVID-19

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Commission news

Changes to dates and deadlines due to COVID-19


CNSC Annual Report for 2018–19 is now available

Read the Annual Report highlights

For more information

CNSC formalizes its relationship with the Métis Nation of Ontario

The CNSC and the Métis Nation of Ontario signed Terms of Reference to collaborate and address areas of interest or concern raised by their community.

For more information

Latest News

April 20, 2020
  • Technical review of revised draft environment impact statement is complete
April 15, 2020
  • Considerations for REGDOC-2.2.4, Fitness for Duty, Volume II: Managing Alcohol and Drug Use, Version 3
April 6, 2020
  • Commission requesting environmental resampling
March 30, 2020
  • No risk to the workers, the public or the environment
March 20, 2020
  • CNSC continues to focus on critical services during pandemic
March 16, 2020
  • CNSC heeding guidance from medical officials to help reduce the spread of the virus.
March 12, 2020
  • She presented an overview of the CNSC’s role, organizational priorities and key initiatives.



The situation we are facing with COVID-19 has quickly altered our reality and has had very real implications for all Canadians. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is no exception.

I want to assure you, that our focus is on the heath and safety of our staff and our families while ensuring we have the ability to carry out our mandate to safeguard the public and the environment.

The CNSC has a business continuity plan to make certain that our strong and effective regulatory oversight is not impacted. At the same time, we are still doing our part by heeding guidance from medical officials to protect staff and help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

That is why, as of March 16, 2020, I directed CNSC staff to stay home. Critical staff, including those onsite at nuclear power plants, continue to work to oversee the safety of the nuclear industry in Canada. Times like these bring out the best in people, and I want to thank those staff working so diligently to ensure we are able to continue carrying out our mandate.

I encourage you to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Exercise social distancing, maintain good hygiene and practise self-care. We will get through this together. Thank you.

Upcoming Commission proceedings

Recent Decisions

  • December 19, 2019
    Decision on the application by Cameco Corporation to amend its waste facility operating licence for the decommissioned Beaverlodge mine and mill
    News release
  • December 19, 2019
    Decision on the application by Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd to renew their nuclear research and test establishment decommissioning licence for Whiteshell Laboratories
    News release
  • December 9, 2019
    Decision on the request from Saskatchewan Research Council to amend its non-power reactor operating licence to decommission its SLOWPOKE-2 facility
    News release
  • July 25, 2019
    Decision on the request from Orano Canada to renew its uranium mine licence for its Cluff Lake Project
    News release | Record of decision
  • June 26, 2019
    Decision on the request from Best Theratronics Limited to renew its Class IB nuclear processing facility operating licence
    News release | Record of decision

Stay connected

President and Chief Executive Officer

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