WHO in emergencies

Statement by WHO’s Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean on COVID-19 in Yemen

2 May 2020 - To date, there are seven confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the south of Yemen, including two deaths, as declared by national authorities. No other cases have been officially reported to WHO, although we anticipate the virus is actively circulating throughout the country.

Best practices have shown that when people are informed and warned about outbreaks early on, and where measures are in place to test, trace, isolate and care for cases, transmission of the virus can be controlled.


Statement on the 5th meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) - Ebola is still considered a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)

14 April 2020 - The 5th meeting of the Emergency Committee, convened by the WHO Director-General under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) to review the current Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, took place on Friday, 10 April 2020. The Committee agreed that while there is a low risk of international spread, they consider this event to still constitute a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the IHR (2005), requiring international coordination and support.

WHO/C. Black

New Ebola case confirmed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

10 April 2020 -- A new case of Ebola virus disease was confirmed today in the city of Beni in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. “While not welcome news, this is an event we anticipated. We kept response teams in Beni and other high risk areas for precisely this reason,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General

WHO/Democratic Republic of the Congo

WHO and public health experts conclude COVID-19 mission to Islamic Republic of Iran

12 March 2020 - A team of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), GOARN partners, Robert Koch Institute in Berlin and the Chinese Center for Disease Control concluded a technical support mission on COVID-19 to Islamic Republic of Iran on 10 March 2020.

In 4 years, 494 attacks on health killed 470 patients and health staff in Syria

March 2020, Geneva/Copenhagen/Cairo – The World Health Organization condemns in the strongest terms, attacks on health care that have been a hallmark of the complex humanitarian crisis in Syria that this month enters its tenth year.

WHO/Syrian Arab Republic

Health workers describe mayhem as WHO delivers urgent medicine and supplies to ensure continued health services

28 February 2020, Geneva/Copenhagen/Cairo – In a two-day operation the World Health Organization sent 55 tons of medicine and medical supplies in 7 trucks from Turkey into Idlib governorate and parts of Aleppo. Since December 2019 the area has witnessed the largest exodus of internally displaced Syrians in the 9-year history of the Syria conflict.

WHO/Syrian Arab Republic

Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines

28 February 2020 - WHO convenes technical consultations in February and September each year to recommend viruses for inclusion in influenza vaccines for the northern and southern hemisphere influenza seasons, respectively. This meeting announcement and recommendation relates to the influenza vaccines for use in the forthcoming northern hemisphere 2020-21 influenza season.


Outbreaks and crises

Map showing emergencies around the world that has a WHO grading, 2016.

WHO has an essential role to play in supporting Member States to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies with public health consequences.


WHO thanks all of the contributors that provide funding or in-kind contribution for WHO’s work for emergencies.


WHO coordinates the international health response to emergencies and humanitarian crises, but we cannot do this work without our partners who help us deliver health services in even the most difficult situations.

Behind the headlines

At any one time, dozens of infectious disease outbreaks are happening around the world. In this special feature, we visit a series of recent health emergencies, telling the stories behind the headlines and exploring the many different dimensions of an outbreak response.

R&D; Blueprint

Illustration of lab equipment.

The R&D; Blueprint is a global strategy and preparedness plan to ensure that targeted R&D; can strengthen the emergency response by bringing medical technologies to patients during epidemics.


WHO training on personal protective equipment during the Ebola outbreak in Guinea

The Director-General has established an Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme (IOAC), to provide oversight and monitoring of the development and performance of the Programme and to guide the Programme’s activities.



Each issue of the Health Emergency Highlights contains information on the current humanitarian context, the health priorities and response operations