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Faithful mark Good Friday away from churches amid coronavirus concerns

On Good Friday in Jerusalem, only a handful of Franciscan friars walked along the Via Dolorosa, which was empty of pilgrims who normally take part in the procession to mark the journey that Christians believe Jesus took to his crucifixion and resurrection.



Doctor describes how her elderly COVID-19 patient wants to die 'looking at the sky'

Dr. Nadia Alam, an Ontario family physician and anesthesiologist, describes how one elderly patient with COVID-19 didn't want to be on a ventilator so he can die “looking at the sky” and talking to his family.

Against a common foe, nations around the world go their own way on pandemic

Individual countries may indeed be toiling against a common foe in the form of the virus, but the picture of an international community working together and offering a co-ordinated response remains very much a work in progress. 

Bernie Sanders's 2020 disappointment offers sobering lesson for Trump: Keith Boag

If you've been following the Democratic presidential primary and were surprised by Bernie Sanders's exit this week, it might be because pundits misled you about the strength of his campaign, Keith Boag writes.
What on Earth?

Are physical distancing measures giving bikes a new lease on life?

In this week's issue of our environment newsletter, we look at how people are turning to cycling at a time of physical distancing, the growth of renewable energy capacity worldwide and why lower emissions right now might not last.

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