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Monday, April 20, 2020 ‒ 16:45

Continuing student learning at home

  • Finding a routine at home
  • Learning activities and resources for all levels
  • Early and primary learners
  • Middle years
  • Secondary and adult learners
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  1. Finding a routine at home

    Students and families should continue to learn and keep their brains active while they are at home. They should also stay:

    • physically active;
    • connected; and
    • social while practising physical distancing.

    Supporting learning at home

    Many different learning opportunities can take place in the home. For some families, learning may focus on:

    • adjusting to the new normal;
    • developing and following home routines;
    • developing emotional and self-regulation strategies; or
    • practising everyday skills, such as tying shoes, cooking or simple household chores.

    It's important to ensure children feel safe, loved and supported. Families should encourage children to stick with a regular routine and help maintain a sense of normalcy and stability.

    This includes regular times for:

    • going to bed;
    • waking up; and
    • eating meals.


  2. Learning activities and resources for all levels

    Starting April 16, distance learning will resume for all K-12 Yukon students. Teachers will begin providing learning opportunities to be completed by students at home.

    Parents are not expected to become teachers for their children; however, some parents may be interested in additional resources. 

    The following are suggestions and resources for how families can extend student learning while at home.

    Department of Education resources

    Department of Education Resources Services’ Digital Learning Resource website – students and parents or guardians can contact their teachers to get a login and password to access these resources.

    Yukon resources

    Learning on the land

    Traditional knowledge and skills are important and valuable.

    This is can be an opportunity for families and caregivers to practice (while ensuring physical distancing):

    • being on the land
    • recognizing the value of land-based learning; and
    • experiencing the many teachings the land has to offer.

    Land-based learning can take place:

    • in the bush; or
    • at a cabin or camp

    Use time on the land together with children or youth to teach their Elders’, Knowledge Keepers and Ancestors’:

    • traditions;
    • languages;
    • knowledge;
    • values; and
    • skills.

    When learning on the land, bring other suggested materials assigned by your child or youth’s teachers. Your child or youth can make connections between subject-based learning and land-based concepts. 


    Land-based literacy can include sharing the oral stories of families, friends and community. These are stories that are passed down from one generation to the next. With permission, children and youth can record and write down these stories.


    Land-based numeracy can include:

    • estimation skills;
    • map reading; or
    • measurement.

    Land-based skills development

    Children or youth can engage in age-appropriate, hands-onland-based skills.

    This includes learning how to:

    • pack and arrange gear;
    • set snares;
    • chop and split wood;
    • build cooking fires;
    • set a net;
    • â€?read’ the land and water;
    • listen to animals in their natural environment;
    • read and understand equipment maintenance guides;
    • gather medicinal plants safely;
    • set up a wall tent; or
    • read and understand equipment maintenance guides.

    Resources for learners


  3. Early and primary learners

    Play-based learning

    Play should be the primary way students learn in this age group. BC provides resources for families to incorporate play into home learning:


    • Read with your child
    • Listening to audio stories through services such as Spark by epic
    • Sing ABC songs or listen to ABC songs, such as Jack â€?s Hartmann ABC song on YouTube
    • ABC puzzles or games
    • Create your name with play dough, magnetic letters, Lego, paint, markers, or crayons
    • A letter or word hunts around the house
    • Combine literacy and movement using resources such as GoNoodle
    • Yukon First Nations culture and language learning activities using resources available through the Yukon Native Language Centre


    • Number, colour, or shape puzzles
    • Counting objects around the house or outside
    • Baking or cooking
    • Board games or cards
    • Shape, colour, or number scavenger hunt around the house
    • Building with blocks, Lego, or other shaped building materials
    • Name the shapes and colours used when creating art
    • Combine mathematics and movement using resources such as GoNoodle

    Social skills

    • Taking turns and sharing during games, play, baking, cooking, and other activities
    • Helping with chores around the house
    • Helping to care for a pet, plants, or siblings
    • Helping to care for Elder and/or Knowledge Keeper
    • Practising using manners
    • Playing with siblings or family members

    Early language development

    Other resources

    Social distancing YouTube video

  4. Middle years

    Cooking and baking

    Plan all parts of an actual (dream or future) meal.

    Harvesting and preparing traditional foods (cutting meat, fish, making dry meat, etc.)


    Look for recipes online or in books:

    • consider ingredients (use what you already have), time and difficulty; and
    • analyze ingredients in the house for:
      • nutrition;
      • grams;
      • of protein;
      • fibre;
      • fat;
      • sugar; and
      • calories.


    Work with the recipes by:

    • listing type and amount of ingredients (do recipes need adjustments in quantities? If so, calculate the new amounts);
    • determining costs for groceries through checking an online shopping service; and
    • creating a time schedule for preparing and cooking each part of a meal.

    Applied design skills and technologies:

    Think about all the steps involved in making the meal:

    • learning to cook
    • list all the things that need to be done, in the correct order;
    • add a little star to the steps that impact later steps (for example, pre-heating oven, chopping vegetables, etc.); and
    • are there ingredients that were part of the original recipe that you had to substitute something else for?

    Social Studies:

    Consider the origins of the meal:

    • What country, region and people did it come from?
    • Are there different origins for different parts of the meal?
    • Is there a cultural significance to the dish (for example, for a special celebration)?


    Research some science behind cooking, things to consider:

    • What makes ingredients, or combination of ingredients, change from 1 state to another (for example, melting fat: solid to liquid)?
    • What happens when we heat different ingredients?
    • Why do different ingredients react in different ways to heat?
    • What are the differences between heating things: in an oven, on the stovetop, in the microwave?
    • What makes baking rise?
    • How can traditional foods be naturally preserved?



    Plant and maintain a garden or houseplant:

    • determine the best location;
    • create a watering schedule;
    • help with maintenance (fertilizing, weeding);
    • track, record and chart growth rates;
    • if there are many plants, experiment with varying conditions (plant food, number of hours of sunlight, etc.); and
    • prepare a gardening journal with recommendations based on the outcomes of each experiment.

    Cleaning, organizing, and daily chores

    Social awareness and responsibility:

    Sort items in your room, a closet, or drawer into 4 piles:

    • what you want to keep;
    • what to give away;
    • what can go into recycling; and
    • garbage.

    Organize and put away the items you’d like to keep. Box or bag the items to give away, label who each box or bag is going to.


    Critical and reflective thinking:

    What do you need to know to make informed purchasing decisions:

    • list common considerations when buying an item: (price, size, colour, etc.);
    • list more detailed considerations (source, organic, brand, specifications, etc.); 
    • consider what is most important to you and why; and
    • consider how much money you have to spend on your purchases.

    Specific resources

    • CEMC courseware – math courses that include online teaching, interactive components. Includes lots of opportunities for practice
    • Prodigy Math – math platform that has interactive features and games to develop numeracy skills
    • BBC Languages – online videos, resources and activities to learn a variety of languages. It also has a section on learning English as a foreign language
    • Science World – science activities for students
    • SFU Science – science activities for students


  5. Secondary and adult learners

    Cooking and baking

    Take responsibility for 1 or more family dinners each week.

    Numeracy and literacy:

    • Research recipes, adapt them to your family’s needs or tastes and consider available ingredients.
    • Plan to create a nutritionally balanced meal.
    • Make shopping lists, price items and determine total meal costs.
    • Determine the timing and logistics of preparing and serving the meal.

    Applied design skills and technologies:

    Think about all the steps in making a meal:

    • List all the things that need to be done, in the correct order, before starting to cook.
    • Are there ingredients that were part of the original recipe that you had to substitute something else for?
    • Did you have to change the recipe to accommodate family members’ preferences?
    • Think about what worked well, what tasted great and what adjustments you might consider for future improvement. You might ask family for their feedback too.

    Cleaning, organizing and daily chores

    Applied design skills and technologies:

    Be responsible for some household duties. Schedule and do tasks such as:

    • caring for younger siblings;
    • checking up on grandparents and other Elders or Knowledge Keepers;
    • cleaning the bathroom or other rooms;
    • collecting household garbage and recycling;
    • grocery shopping; and
    • yard work.

    Budgeting and financial literacy

    Career education:

    If considering post-secondary education:

    • research tuition costs for various institutions;
    • research and begin (or continue) to submit scholarship and bursary applications;
    • research the supports that are available to you, such as a First Nations Liaison Worker; and
    • research associated costs such as books, student fees, commuting, accommodation, etc.


    When creating a budget or analysis, consider:

    • Is the information organized for easy access and understanding?
    • Is the information presented in a clear and concise manner?
    • What’s the best way to provide information?

    Future planning


    Learning self-promotion is important for applying to:

    • jobs;
    • scholarships;
    • post-secondary funding; and
    • post-secondary institutions, etc.

    Skills to work on include:

    • résumé and cover letter writing;
    • interview skills; and
    • oral presentations.


    Practising helps you prepare for what’s ahead, consider these:

    • plan and create a cost estimate for a dream vacation;
    • estimate your monthly living expenses if you move out after graduation;
    • make a checklist of what features are important in a car, then find what cars meet your criteria;
    • calculate costs for maintaining a car (insurance, maintenance, fuel, etc.);
    • investigate how to prepare and report income taxes; and
    • research how to apply for a credit card. Calculate how much more you’d have to pay if you don’t settle your balance at the end of the month.

    Career education:

    • Think about careers that interest you and the qualifications you need for them.
    • Research post-secondary institutions that provide those qualifications.
    • Create a schedule of when applications are due for scholarships and institutions.
    • Consider getting your driver’s license, start with ICBC study guides.
    • Work towards certifications needed for some summer jobs such as FoodSafe or first aid.

    Physical and health education:

    You may currently feel stress at times and added pressure because of not seeing friends; and spending more time indoors with your family:

    • be mindful of how you’re feeling and don’t hesitate to ask for help;
    • exercise daily (connect online with a friend and workout together);
    • get enough sleep (at least 7 hours);
    • eat healthy foods at regular times;
    • keep connected with friends online; and
    • have fun with your family, play games, watch funny videos, dance.

    Specific resources

    • CEMC courseware – math courses that include online teaching and interactive components. Includes lots of opportunities for practice. This is a great way for students who are not in class to continue learning. The Grade 9, 10 and 11 courseware includes curriculum maps to show how lessons connect Yukon's curriculum
    • BBC Languages – online language videos, resources and activities to learn a variety of languages. It also has a section on learning English as a foreign language
    • Coursera, Science Matters: Let’s Talk About COVID-19 – Free online course offered by Imperial College London through Coursera
    • Coursera – Coursera collaborates with over 190 universities and companies to offer affordable online adult education courses. Now offers free access to all Coursera courses for universities and colleges affected by COVID-19
    • COVID-19 Course for Leaders, Educators, Learners and General Public – Bayfield Design Inc offers this free online course through D2L Open Courses


  6. Mental health and wellbeing

    Children and youth may have a difficult time coping with:

    • the changes to their learning environment; and
    • the stress they may be feeling about the world around them.

    Families are also adjusting to new circumstances and stressors. During this time, it's important to help your child or youth maintain a sense of normalcy and stability. While addressing your child’s needs, parents should also practise both physical and mental self-care.

    Tips to help maintain your mental wellbeing during this time

    • Keep a schedule and invite your teen to help set a schedule for themselves.
    • Talk to your child or youth about COVID-19. Ask questions about what they know and provide honest and truthful age-appropriate information.
    • Talk to them about how they feel;
    • Listen to their questions and research questions with them that you cannot answer.
    • Teach them about the importance of proper hygiene, including:
      • hand-washing and not touching face, eyes and mouth;
      • physical distancing; and
      • staying home to keep their friends, families and communities healthy.
    • Listen to and confirm their concerns, feelings and emotions.
    • Reassure them when they are feeling anxious and help them refocus on another activity.
    • Watch media access, as constant information can add stress.
    • Expect changes in behaviour, be patient and keep parenting.
    • If it becomes necessary to adjust plans, be open and honest about the reasons.

    If you need help

    Government of Yukon’s COVID-19 counselling and crisis supports.

    Kids Help Phone:

    Children and youth under 25 years old can talk, text or call a trained professional.

    • 1-800-668-6868 (support in French or English) to reach a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    • text CONNECT to 686868 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
    • live chat via the website (9 p.m. to 4 a.m.)
    • Download the â€?Always There’ app on the Apple Appstore or Google Play
    • Visit the Kids Help Phone website

    To get help as a Yukon First Nations citizen

    Call your Yukon First Nation government’s Health and Social Services department.

    Call Health Canada’s Non-Insured Health Benefits Northern Region Office at 867-393-3800.

    Hope for Wellness Hotline:

    Offers immediate help to indigenous people across Canada, including:

    • Counselling services; and
    • Crisis intervention.

    Services available in:

    • Cree
    • Ojibway;
    • Inuktitut;
    • English; or
    • French.

    Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

    • Call toll-free 1-855-242-3310; or
    • Connect to the online chat.

    If you have COVID-19 symptoms

    Phone 811 to get advice on COVID-19 testing, if you have the following:

    • cough;
    • fever; or
    • difficulty breathing.

    Additional information

    See Talking and Sharing with Kids and Families on COVID-19 to get more information on how to support the safety, health and well-being of yourself, our children and youth, our families and our communities.