Department of Justice

Our justice system, legislation and the work we do to build harmonious relationships are the foundation for safe, healthy and peaceful communities. We acknowledge our role in the administration of justice and our collective objective to serve the public. The following principles guide the direction of the department: reconciliation with Yukon First Nations; working as a team; identifying and meeting our clients’ needs; initiative and innovation; and communications.

Services and information

Latest news

Amendments to the Land Titles Act tabled

March 9, 2020

The proposed Land Titles Act amendments would allow more Yukon First Nations to register Category A and B Settlement Land in the Yukon Land Titles Office.

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Minister responsible

The Whitehorse Correctional Centre (WCC) serves as a territorial correctional facility for adults. The WCC balances the safety of the public, staff and offenders with rehabilitation and healing.

Phone number: 867-455-2900
Fax number: 867-455-2992
Staff directory

Yukon Community Corrections provides supervision and support to adults on bail, or adults serving sentences in the community. Our goal is the safe reintegration of offenders into the community as law-abiding citizens.

Phone number: 867-667-5231
Fax number: 867-667-3446
Staff directory

The Justice Wellness Centre provides offenders participating in the Community Wellness Court with services and support that reduces their risk of re-offending.

Phone number: 867-393-6256
Fax number: 867-393-6267
Staff directory

Our office provides independent oversight of Corrections by carrying out investigations and inspections. We ensure a timely, fair and impartial review mechanism for client complaints related to the Whitehorse Correctional Centre.

Phone number: 867-456-6597
Fax number: 867-393-6393

SCAN gives citizens an effective way to respond to illegal activities that are having a negative impact on their neighbourhood. It also holds property owners accountable for threatening or disruptive activities regularly taking place on their property. If you have a concern about a property that is having a negative impact on your neighbourhood, you can make a confidential complaint to SCAN.

Phone number: 867-456-7226

We provide services to all people affected by crime. Our staff can help you through a difficult time. We will listen and provide the information you need.

Phone number: 867-667-8500
Fax number: 867-393-6240
Staff directory

We are a legal resource for separating or divorcing couples and families in transition. Our office provides information on family law issues and court procedure free of charge.

Phone number: 867-456-6721
Fax number: 867-456-6105

The Maintenance Enforcement Program is a free, voluntary service that enforces court orders or court-filed agreements requiring support to be paid for a child or spouse. We strive to make paying or receiving support more convenient for both parties.

Phone number: 867-667-5437
Fax number: 867-393-6989

Court Services provides facilities for the courts, as well as administrative and support services to the judiciary and other participants in the Yukon court system. Services include the Domestic Violence Treatment Option Court, the Witness Administration Program, the Notaries Public Program and the Community Wellness Court.

Phone number: 867-667-5441
Fax number: 867-393-6212

The Yukon Land Titles Office has the legal responsibility for examining and registering documents for ownership of land. The Yukon Land Titles Office also examines, registers and ensures accuracy of all survey plans for the Yukon.

Phone number: 867-667-5612
Fax number: 867-393-6358

The Public Guardian and Trustee of Yukon protects the legal rights and financial interests of children, and acts as guardian of last resort for adults who have no known relatives or friends to assist them. The office administers the estates of deceased and missing persons where there is no known next-of-kin.

Phone number: 867-667-5366
Fax number: 867-393-6246