Find species data

  • How to find species data
  • View mapped Yukon Conservation Data Centre data
  • ​Submit a custom data request for mapped data
  • ​How to cite our data
  1. How to find species data

    Search species data using our:


  2. View mapped Yukon Conservation Data Centre data

    The Yukon Conservation Data Centre (CDC) maps the known localities of plants, animals and ecosystems that are of conservation concern. You can search and view this data using various Government of Yukon online map services, including the Yukon Lands Viewer, GeoYukon and the Yukon Mining Map Viewer.

    Our map will indicate whether a species of conservation concern is known to occur in your area of interest. For further detail:

    1. Complete a data request form.
    2. Submit the form to

    View species data on our maps

    1. Select the map you want to use.
      You can use the Yukon Lands Viewer, GeoYukon or the Yukon Mining Map Viewer.
    2. Read the disclaimer and select the "agree" button at the bottom of the page.
    3. Open the map layers menu by selecting the arrow beside "I want to..."
    4. Expand the wildlife menu. For GeoYukon, look under "Biological".
    5. Select the checkbox to show data on the map or de-select any layers you are not interested in.
    6. Zoom in to your area of interest and more layers of information will appear. Initially, species of conservation concern are displayed as red dots. When you zoom in, they will appear as pink polygons.
    7. To obtain the element occurrence ID of a particular polygon, right-click on the polygon and select “Find data on the map.” Use this number when contacting us for further details.

    Accuracy of data

    These records are not a comprehensive or definitive list of locations of species and ecological communities at risk in Yukon. The data are not a final statement on the current presence or absence of species of conservation concern within a given area.

    We collect data from many sources and not all are the result of comprehensive on-site field surveys. Many areas in Yukon have never been surveyed for species of conservation concern.

    These records are not a substitute for the on-site surveys usually required for environmental assessment. Our database is dynamic. Records are added or amended on a regular basis.

  3. ​Submit a custom data request for mapped data

    Not all Yukon conservation data centre data is available online. For instance, spatial data, or every known location of a particular species are not available.

    Submit a request for mapped data

    1. Complete the data release agreement.
    2. Submit the agreement.
      In person: 210-419 Range Road in Whitehorse, Yukon. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
      Government of Yukon
      Conservation Data Centre (V-5N)
      Box 2703
      Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
    3. We fill your request. Our turnaround time depends on the complexity of the request. We try to complete requests within 3 business days. If your request will take longer to fill, we will contact you.


  4. ​How to cite our data

    If you use Yukon CDC data in a report, assessment, paper, website or other publication please cite it as follows:

    Yukon Conservation Data Centre. [year.] Rare species database. Yukon Department of Environment, Whitehorse, Yukon. Website [accessed date.]


For questions about species data, email or phone: 867-667-5331, toll free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5331.