Suspension of classes

Due to health advisories about the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face classes in all Yukon K-12 public schools are suspended for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. Find information about coronavirus (COVID-19).

Apply for the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) exam

The Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) assessment planned for April is postponed until further notice.


The Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) is the official French-language diploma awarded by France’s Ministry of National Education.

The DELF is an official certificate of French second language proficiency. It's recognized in 165 countries and is valid for life.

Is the DELF exam mandatory?

The DELF exam is an optional exam. The results have no impact on your grade or graduation requirements.


The DELF exam is open to Yukon students who are:

  • in Grades 11 and 12;
  • enrolled in the French Second Language program; and
  • completing or have completed their final French course.

How does the exam work?

The Department of Education is offering the DELF exam in spring 2020. The exam tests your ability to use French in real-life situations. It assesses:

  • written comprehension;
  • oral comprehension;
  • written expression; and
  • oral expression.

You can earn certificates at various levels. The DELF Scolaire has 4 levels:

A – Basic User:

  • A1 Beginner; and
  • A2 Elementary.

B – Independent User:

  • B1 Pre-intermediate; and
  • B2 Intermediate.

The Department of Education will offer exams for levels A2, B1 and B2. There's no exam for A1.

You can only test at 1 level at a time. Work with your French teacher to decide which level of exam you should do.


The exam costs between $35 and $70. The Department of Education will pay for French Second Language students in Yukon who are completing or have completed their final French courses.

The Department will only cover the cost of the exam once.

B2 level

$70 Cost covered by the Department of Education.

B1 level

$70 Cost covered by the Department of Education.

B2 level

$35 Cost covered by the Department of Education.

How to register

  1. Parents can download the DELF (Diplôme d’études de langue française) registration form to their computer and fill it out.
  2. Return the completed form and the $50 cheque or money order to your child’s French teacher at their school.

The student must be present for both the written and oral parts, or they will fail the exam. If the student is absent, they must tell their teacher why they didn’t attend your exam.

Why take the DELF exam?

French is an official language in almost 50 countries, including Canada. It's spoken by more than 200 million people on 5 continents. French is an official language of the United Nations and the Red Cross, among many other international organizations.


  • is an international recognition of French language skills;
  • is based on an international standard used in 165 countries;
  • is recognized internationally by francophone post-secondary institutions, including many in Canada;
  • can lead to acceptance into a university in France (B2 or higher level);
  • describes in meaningful terms what the candidate can do in French;
  • helps to open doors to a wide range of career and recreational opportunities throughout Canada and around the world; and
  • can provide professional advancement opportunities.

For more information and resources

If you have questions, talk to your child's French teacher.