Page updated

Monday, April 20, 2020 ‒ 16:45

Child care centres and family day homes

For parents

Yukoners whose occupations are not considered critical or essential are not permitted to use licensed child care spaces at this time.

Licensed child care will continue to be available for children with parents or guardians that are employed as:

  • critical or essential service workers; and
  • for vulnerable families.

How many children should be in care?

Children in care should be in small groups of 2–5 (including children and workers). This will reduce the spread of infection, and it is critical to maintain this ratio.

Child care centres can operate with 30 people at most (including staff) in the building. As long as children are in separate rooms, in groups of 2–5, care can continue. Up to 10 people may be in any 1 room at a given time.

Child care centres can work with inspectors to determine the number of children in care.

For child care centres

Will your government financial support be affected?

If you close your centre

If you keep your centre open

The DOG will cover:

  • 100% of eligible building cost for March, April, May and June 2020; and
  • wages for all working staff, including the employer’s part for EI, CPP and WCB.

For directors who do not draw a monthly wage, please work with your inspector to identify your wage.

If you need other supplies during the COVID-19 response, your inspector can approve coverage of these items.

For family day homes

Will your government financial support be affected

If you close your day home

If you keep your day home open

Your DOG will:

  • increase by 50% for March, April, May and June 2020; and
  • you will receive 100% of the fee-per-established space, regardless of whether the spaces are full.

If you need other supplies during the COVID-19 response, your inspector can approve coverage of these items.

If you had a planned closure for March break, and remained closed, you will not receive fee supplements for that time.

Information for all operators

Why we close schools, but not child care centres and day homes

The Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer and the Department of Education closed schools to limit the spread of COVID-19. The fewer people there are in close contact, the less chance of spread exists.

Why schools are closed

  • Schools will likely have more than 50 children and staff in a building and more than 20 in 1 classroom.
  • Education can continue from home in a safe and effective way.
  • Online learning or home schooling are the recommended alternatives.

Why child care centres can remain open

  • Child care centres can remain open until ordered to close by the Chief Medical Officer.
  • Child care centre owners can close their centres at any time.
  • Licensed child-care programs are an important service for Yukoners that are essential workers.
  • People who don’t have other options for childcare while they are at work need child care for their children.

If you receive the DOG

Collecting child care fees from April through June

If you receive the DOG and parents keep their children home, you cannot take child care fees from parents. This funding package will cover your expenses. You will have operation expenses, staff wages and other costs related the COVID-19 response paid. Collecting further fees during these months is not permitted.

Charging pro-rated fees for reduced attendance

We ask that you do not charge more fees.

Charging fees for drop-ins

We ask that you do not charge more fees for drop-ins.

Assigning a temporary vacant space to another child

  • With expenses covered and ratios lower, there is no need to fill that space.
  • Our goal is to help you keep your numbers low while continuing to ensure financial supports are in place.
  • We ask that you hold spaces for families returning to your centre after the COVID-19 response.

Children of essential workers who would've been attending school right now

We ask that you take in children of essential workers who would've been attending school right now. Work with your inspector to ensure your ratios follow physical distancing recommendations.

If a parent decides to keep their child home are they required to pay to hold their spot?

We ask that you do not collect their fees, and continue to hold the spot for them.

If a parent decides to keep their child home does it affect the funding that the centre receives?

It will not affect your funding. You will continue to receive your DOG funding as long as you remain open.

Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and subsidized sick pay

The Government of Yukon will not provide sick leave subsidies to ECEs.

Paying for items not covered by funding

Your inspector will approve reimbursement of costs from other essential or needed supplies. Examples of these supplies include, disinfectants, toilet paper, paper towels and hand sanitizer.

Providing food, or should all food come from home

  • Parents should send food with their children.
  • The DOG will support food supplies for children who are not able to bring food to the program.

An employee is sick and will not go home

  • Staff have to follow the same health screening policies as the children cared for by the child care centre.
  • If a staff member is sick, they should be at home.
  • Everyone must follow the directions set out by the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

Wage increase for ECEs

The government will support the current wages of your workers. We will not fund a wage increase.

If you think a family travelled out of the territory, and has not self-isolated

  • You have the right to refuse services if you have concerns.
  • If you need support, contact your inspector.
  • The federal government has deployed the Quarantine Act.
  • The Act requires travellers returning to Canada to self-isolate.
  • Fines and jail time apply to people who contravene the Act.

If you have any questions or concerns, email

Turning away a child showing signs of illness, or who you think travelled out of Yukon

  • Use your best judgement during these times.
  • We will support any decisions made about attendance.
  • Make sure that you document reasons for the service refusal.

Determining how many staff can work at the same time

The number of staff depends on:

  • the groupings of children; and
  • requirements to keep the centre clean.

Connect with your inspector to discuss your unique situation.

What other provinces and territories are doing to support essential workers

New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ontario:
  • Daycares are open.
  • Centres will serve essential workers with maximum group sizes in place.
Newfoundland and Labrador, and Quebec:

Exploring how to open spaces for essential workers.

Other jurisdictions

Discussing how to support essential workers in their licensed centres.

Other resources

Child care centre operation guidlines PDF