Suspension of classes

Due to health advisories about the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face classes in all Yukon K-12 public schools are suspended for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. Find information about coronavirus (COVID-19).

Get support at school for your child

Each child is unique, with their own challenges and gifts. We make every effort to provide support so that all students can reach their goals. The Government of Yukon provides individualized education programming (IEP) to meet the learning needs of all students.

Examples of support that we provide include:

  • speech and language;
  • hearing;
  • movement; and
  • academic, emotional, social or intellectual development.

How to get support for your child

Speak with your child’s teacher if you have concerns.

Teachers work with parents to adjust students' learning where needed. Teachers can identify if a student is meeting expectations for their age or grade level.

Teachers will determine the needs of a student and will provide support in the classroom. If the student needs more support, the teacher will refer the student to the school-based team for assessment.

A parent can request a meeting with the school-based team to assess the needs of their child.

How we assess students and provide extra supports

The school-based team assesses a student’s learning needs based on the observations of their:

  • teacher; or
  • parents.

The school-based team works with classroom teachers. They develop and put in place strategies to support student learning.

The school-based team includes:

  • the student’s classroom teacher;
  • the principal or vice-principal;
  • a learning assistant teacher or other specialist teachers;
  • a school counsellor;
  • the parents;
  • the student (where appropriate);
  • consultants from the Department of Education; and
  • when needed, representatives from other community services.

What is an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

An IEP describes educational measures to meet the needs of the student. Some students need minor adjustments and minimum support. Others have more complex needs.

What to expect

The school-based team will create an IEP for your child. The team will meet with you as the school year progress to review and revise your child’s IEP.