Get a permit to cut firewood for your home

Individuals can apply for a free Forest Resources Permit to cut firewood (also known as "fuel wood") for personal use such as heating your home. Upon approval, you can cut up to 25m3 (11 cords). 

You must have your permit on you when you are cutting. Ensure you understand all of the terms and conditions of your permit. Cutting without a permit can result in fines, confiscation of the wood and other charges.

Apply online

Get a personal firewood permit

Apply in person

Apply at your local Compliance Monitoring and Inspections office.

Where can I cut my firewood?

You can only cut firewood in designated areas. There are several ways you can find approved areas:

Launch interactive map of designated harvest areas

Download maps below:

Contact Compliance Monitoring and Inspections about designated harvest areas.

Cutting outside designated harvest areas

You can also request an area of vacant public land to cut on, but we must approve its suitability before cutting. Contact Compliance Monitoring and Inspections for more information.

Cutting within municipalities

Some municipalities allow harvesting within their limits. You still need a permit and can only cut within designated areas. You may also be subject to additional bylaws, regulations and responsibilities. Your local Compliance Monitoring and Inspections office can provide further information.

Cutting over 25 m3 (11 cords) a year

Speak to a Compliance Monitoring and Inspections representative about your options. You will need an additional permit and you will have to pay stumpage and fees on wood above 25 m3 (11 cords).

Do you want to sell the firewood you cut?

You will need to apply for a commercial Fuel Wood Licence.