Find out how your licence could become suspended

  • ​Graduated Driver Licence (GDL) program
  • Demerit points
  • ​Maintenance Enforcement
  • Contravention
  • ​Medical disqualification

The type and length of a suspension are different depending on the type of suspension you get.

  1. ​Graduated Driver Licence (GDL) program
    • You are in the GDL program; and
    • you have 7 or more demerit points due to traffic violations; or
    • you are suspended due to a breach of the zero tolerance to drugs or alcohol rule; or
    • the Driver Control Board has determined you are not able to keep a decent driving record.

    Suspension length

    • You must meet with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to discuss your driving privilege.
    • Up to 6 months suspension length.


  2. Demerit points
    • Traffic tickets result in fines and demerit points for licence holders.
    • Graduated Driver Licence drivers will be suspended if they receive 7 demerit points or more.
    • All other licence holders will be suspended if they receive 15 demerit points or more.

    Suspension length

    • First offence: 1 month.
    • Second offence within 1 year: 3 months.
    • 3 or more demerit point suspensions within a 2-year period: 6 months. 
  3. ​Maintenance Enforcement

    Your licence may be suspended if you don't follow a Maintenance Enforcement order to pay child or spousal support. Maintenance Enforcement (ME) is a service that enforces court orders or court-filed agreements

    Suspension length

    The length of your suspension will be determined based on how long it takes you to work with the ME program to meet the required financial obligations.

  4. Contravention

    You fail to meet a requirement under the Motor Vehicle Act in order to be able to drive legally.

    Suspension length

    Once you meet your obligation, the suspension will be over.

  5. ​Medical disqualification

    If you are deemed medically unfit to safely drive, your licence may become suspended.

    Suspension length

    This will be determined by a doctor or the medical standards in Yukon’s Motor Vehicle Act.


For questions about suspensions, email or phone 867-667-5315.