Report child abuse

  • How to report child abuse by phone
  • Emotional abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Neglect
  • Indicators of child abuse

By law, every person has to report situations where a child or youth under 19 years of age needs protection.

  1. How to report child abuse by phone

    Family and Children’s Services: 867-667-3002, or toll free in Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories 1-800-661-0408 extension 3002.

    Your regional social worker:

      • Carcross 867-821-2920
      • Carmacks and Pelly Crossing 867-863-5800
      • Dawson 867-993-7890
      • Faro 867-994-2749
      • Haines Junction 867-634-2203 including:
        • Destruction Bay
        • Burwash Landing
        • Beaver Creek
      • Mayo: 867-996-2283
      • Old Crow: 867-966-3124
      • Ross River: 867-969-3200
      • Teslin: 867-390-2588
      • Watson Lake: 867-536-2232 or 867-536-3204
    • RCMP: 867-667-5555


  2. Emotional abuse

    Emotional abuse can range from habitual humiliation to withholding life-sustaining nurturing.

    This type of abuse is persistent and chronic to the point that it damages the child causing:

    • severe anxiety;
    • depression;
    • withdrawal;
    • self-destructive behaviour; or
    • aggressive behaviour.

    This type of abuse can be repeated attacks on a child’s self worth in the form of:

    • insults;
    • isolation;
    • rejecting;
    • unrealistic expectations;
    • constant criticism; or
    • terrorizing a child with threats of harm to others that they care about, or their pets.

    Emotional abuse can occur when there's domestic violence in the family.

  3. Physical abuse

    Physical abuse is a deliberate assault that causes harm. It's not an accident, and can involve the use of force.

    Types of force include:

    • slapping;
    • hitting;
    • punching;
    • shaking;
    • choking;
    • kicking; and
    • burning.

    Physical abuse could be the result of excessive or inappropriate discipline and could include:

    • bruises;
    • burns;
    • welts;
    • broken bones;
    • fractures;
    • bite marks; or
    • scars.
  4. Sexual abuse

    Sexual abuse is any action that tries to involve a child in a sexual activity including:

    • sexual touching;
    • exposure;
    • using a child in the making of, or viewing pornography; and
    • involving a child in prostitution.


  5. Neglect

    Neglect is the failure to provide for a child’s basic needs, including:

    • enough food;
    • clothing; and
    • shelter.

    Parents or guardians may:

    • be inattentive;
    • refuse to provide medical care;
    • not provide appropriate supervision;
    • not stop a youth from harming themselves or others; or
    • not ensure a child attends school.
  6. Indicators of child abuse

    When children show the effects of child abuse it's generally not seen in 1 behaviour. It can be a pattern of behaviours across time. The presence of a cluster of indicators might show the presence of child abuse.

    Indicators of emotional abuse can be:

    • depression; or
    • withdrawal.

    Indicators of neglect can be:

    • insufficient food; or
    • improper clothing.

    Indicators of physical abuse can be:

    • bruises; or
    • burns.

    Indicators of sexual abuse can be:

    • sexual touching; or
    • exposure.