Apply for a bingo licence

  1. Before you apply
  2. Establish your house rules
  3. Complete the application form
  4. Gather all required supporting documents
  5. Pay your fees
  6. Submit your application package, supporting documents and fees
  1. Before you apply

    All not-for-profit organizations need a bingo licence to hold a bingo event. Follow the steps outlined here. This will ensure you complete the bingo licence application process correctly.

    Confirm your organization’s eligibility

    Review terms and conditions

    Before you apply, you should learn the terms and conditions for holding bingos.

    Get your board of directors’ approval

    Your board of directors must pre-approve your application for a bingo licence.

    1. Have the board pass a motion approving your application.
    2. Record this motion in your organization’s minutes.
    3. Provide a copy of the minutes with your application.


  2. Establish your house rules

    Before you apply, you must establish house rules. House rules include:

    • all rules of play;
    • how you'll call games;
    • how you'll record and check calls;
    • what prizes you'll pay out for each game;
    • any giveaways or promotions, such as door prizes, and how you'll give those out;
    • how you'll handle any disputes; and
    • your sale and control procedures for bingo tickets and cash. These must:
      • contain enough detail to show you can account for all bingo cards and cash; and
      • allow you to reconcile totals at the end of each bingo.


  3. Complete the application form

    Download the application for bingo licence form.

    Complete all sections of the application form. Do not leave a section blank. You may enter “not applicable” when it’s relevant. We may return incomplete applications.

    Tips on filling out the application

    Bingo type

    In this section, select the bingo licence you're applying for.

    • Single event: if you plan to hold only 1 bingo event.
    • Multiple bingo event: if you plan to hold more than 1 bingo event.

    Estimated costs

    • In this section, provide an estimate of the costs associated with running your bingo.
    • This will help us to ensure that you'll be able to pay out all prizes.

    Proposed use of proceeds

    In this section provide details on what you'll use your bingo proceeds or profits for.

    • Be as specific as possible.
    • Only include permitted uses. You can only use bingo proceeds to support your organization’s charitable purpose. The letter we sent you to confirm your organization’s gaming eligibility has more information.


  4. Gather all required supporting documents

    Copy of motion approving your application

    • Your board of directors must pass a motion approving your application.
    • Provide a copy of the meeting minutes with your application.

    Copy of your house rules

    • Include a copy of your proposed house rules with your application.

    Game schedule

    • Provide this if you’re applying for a multiple bingo event licence.
    • Attach a calendar showing the dates of all your intended events.

    Copy of facility rental agreement

    • Provide copy of the rental agreement if you're going to rent a facility to hold your bingo.

    Prize guarantee form

    You must provide a prize guarantee if your bingo’s total prizes are valued at more than $5,000. An individual or a financial institution can provide the guarantee.

    Travel itinerary form

    Download the request for travel itinerary form.

    Complete this form if you'll use any proceeds for travel.

    Accountant option declaration

    Complete the accountant option declaration form if you anticipate your gross bingo sales will:

    • be more than $10,000; and
    • if you would like to hire an accountant to do your financial reporting.


  5. Pay your fees


    A bingo licence costs $10 for each day we have licensed your bingo to run.


    How to pay

    You can pay by:

    • cheque;
    • credit card;
    • cash; or
    • debit.



    • Complete the payment information form.
    • Provide a cheque in the appropriate amount made out to Government of Yukon.
    • After we issue your licence, we'll cash your cheque.


    Credit card

    • Complete the payment information form.
    • If you submit your application in person, by courier or mail, you may include your credit card info on your payment information form.
    • If you submit your application by email or fax, do not include your credit card info on your form. We'll contact you for your credit card info.
    • After we issue your licence, we'll take payment.


    Cash or debit

    • You can only pay by cash or debit if you can pay in person at our office in Whitehorse.
    • Complete the payment information form.
    • We'll hold your licence at our office after we issue it.
    • We'll take payment by cash or debit when you pick it up.


  6. Submit your application package, supporting documents and fees


    Submit your entire application package:

    • at least 10 days before you plan to advertise your event; and
    • at least 30 days before the 1st day you propose to sell tickets.

    What to include

    Your application package must include:

    • the completed application form;
    • all supporting documents;
    • your payment information form;
    • your fees, if paying by cheque.

    Submit your application package:

    • In person or by courier at 307 Black Street, Whitehorse Y1A 2N1. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    • Email:
    • Mail:
      Government of Yukon
      Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (C-5)
      Box 2703
      Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

    Processing time

    It typically takes 10 business days to approve a bingo licence. Once we reach our decision we will contact you by phone or email.

    If approved, your licence will contain a full description of terms and conditions.

    Before you go ahead with your bingo, you should review our information on how to hold a bingo. Doing so, will help ensure your bingo is legal.


For questions about applying for a bingo licence, email or phone 867-667-5111; toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5111.