Get environmental map and GIS data for recreational use

  • Yukon e-charts for boaters
  • ​Conservation area boundary maps
  • ​Concession boundary maps
  • ​First Nations Traditional Territories maps
  1. Yukon e-charts for boaters

    The Government of Yukon maintains a set of e-charts for use by Yukon boaters and other camping enthusiasts. You can use these charts in LOWRANCEâ„¢ HDS10 model chartplotter devices.

    These e-charts show Yukon and nearby areas of British Columbia:

    • lakes;
    • rivers;
    • creeks;
    • wetlands;
    • roads; and
    • campgrounds.


    The e-charts are based on the same information found in Canada's National Topographic Series (NTS) maps for Environment fisheries biologists and conservation officers.

    To use these e-charts:

    1. Download the file YukonCharts_v1.at5.
    2. Copy the file to your chartplotter's memory card.
    3. Make sure that your chartplotter is set to 'Lowrance' and not 'Navionics.' You can usually find this option in the Chart data section of your chartplotter's settings.


    Charts should appear as soon as you insert the memory card into the chartplotter. If this doesn't happen, try zooming in to Yukon areas on the chart until water features begin to appear.

    Disclaimer: Yukon e-charts for boaters was developed to support marine navigation by making it easier to use National Topographic System (NTS) maps for boating. It's not intended to completely replace NTS maps. Only NTS maps contain all the information needed for safe navigation. Users are solely responsible for prudent use of these files. No warranty or support is offered.

    For more information, email

  2. ​Conservation area boundary maps

    Among the map data maintained by the Department of Environment are data sets for several types of administrative boundaries. That is, maps based on regions with boundaries set by humans, and that aren't necessarily based on physical features of an area.

    GIS map files of conservation area boundaries are available in ESRI shapefile (*.shp), file geodatabase (*.fgdb), and Google Earth KML (*.kmz) formats.

    • To view shapefiles and geodatabase files, import them into GIS software.
    • To view KML files, import them into Google Earthâ„¢ on a Google Chromeâ„¢ browser.


    Game management areas

    The Department of Environment uses Game Management Areas (GMAs) to manage all Yukon wildlife species. GMAs are legal boundaries for areas within which authorities can make very specific regulations for managing big game. GMAs are a combination of Game Management Zones and Game Management Subzones.

    There are 443 GMAs in Yukon, grouped into 11 Game Management Zones. Most zone boundaries follow highway centre lines, while subzone boundaries follow creeks and rivers. In effect, GMAs define mountain areas, reflecting their original use as sheep management zones. GMA's cover all of Yukon, except for national parks.

    GMAs are legally defined by the 1:250,000 scale map series reg97041.

    Download files in ESRI shapefile (.shp), file geodatabase (.fgdb) and KML (.kmz) formats.

    Parks and other conservation areas

    These data sets describe areas that are set aside for conservation management purposes. This includes (but is not limited to) national parks, territorial parks, and special management areas established under Yukon First Nations Final Agreements.

    Note: This data set is based on paper and digital sources from other agencies. The Government of Yukon is not responsible for the accuracy of this data.

    Download files in ESRI shapefile (.shp), file geodatabase (.fgdb) and KML (.kmz) formats.

  3. ​Concession boundary maps

    Among the map data maintained by the Government of Yukon are data sets for several types of administrative boundaries. That is, maps based on regions with boundaries set by humans, and that aren't necessarily based on physical features of an area.

    GIS map files of concession boundaries are available in ESRI shapefile (*.shp), file geodatabase (*.fgdb), and Google Earth KML (*.kmz) formats.

    • To view shapefiles and geodatabase files, import them into GIS software.
    • To view KML files, import them into Google Earthâ„¢ on a Google Chromeâ„¢ browser.


    Outfitter concessions

    Outfitter Concessions (OCs, also known as Outfitting Areas) are legal boundaries for an area. The concession holder has the exclusive right (except for special guide licences) to outfit non-residents for hunting big game animals in the area. If a non-resident wants to hunt in Yukon they must do so accompanied by a Yukon resident:

    • either a private individual who does this for free; or
    • a commercial outfitter who does this as a business.


    Each outfitter is licensed to operate within a particular concession. There are 20 such concessions in the Yukon, 1 per licensed outfitter. Most concessions are comprised of groups of Game Management Areas (GMAs). Some Yukon areas are not covered by concessions, such as national parks.

    Outfitter Concessions are legally defined by the 1:250,000 scale map series reg97040.

    Download files in ESRI shapefile (.shp), file geodatabase (.fgdb) and KML (.kmz) formats.

    Registered trapping concessions

    Registered Trapping Concessions (RTCs) are legal boundaries of areas within which the holder of the concession has the exclusive right to trap furbearing animals. Because trapping occurs mostly along waterways, trapping concessions are often defined by watersheds, using ridges and mountain peaks as boundaries. This is distinct from Game Management Areas (GMAs), which are defined by entire mountain blocks.

    Sometimes RTCs are grouped together to form a Group Trapping Concession, in which groups of individuals have the right to trap. When a group concession is created, individual RTC boundaries may be removed.

    The Yukon has 360 RTCs and 13 Group Trapping Concessions. Only Kluane National Park, Kluane Wildlife Sanctuary, and Ddhaw Gro Habitat Protection are not covered by RTCs.

    RTCs are legally defined by the 1:250,000 scale map series reg97039.

    Download files in ESRI shapefile (.shp), file geodatabase (.fgdb) and KML (.kmz) formats.

  4. ​First Nations Traditional Territories maps

    A Traditional Territory is an area of Yukon that the people of a First Nation have traditionally used. A First Nation's Settlement Land falls inside the boundaries of its Traditional Territory. A First Nation does not own its Traditional Territory. However, the First Nation and its beneficiaries have a number of rights within their Traditional Territory, both on and off of Settlement Land.

    GIS map files of Traditional Territory boundaries are available in ESRI shapefile (*.shp), file geodatabase (*.fgdb), and Google Earth KML (*.kmz) formats.

    • To view shapefiles and geodatabase files, import them into GIS software.
    • To view KML files, import them into Google Earthâ„¢ on a Google Chromeâ„¢ browser.


    Note: This data set is based on paper and digital sources from other agencies. The Department of Environment is not responsible for the accuracy of this data.

    Download files in ESRI shapefile (.shp), file geodatabase (.fgdb) and KML (.kmz) formats.