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UK took 'political decision' not to take part in EU procurement scheme
The Foreign Office's Sir Simon McDonald told MPs it was a "political decision" not to join EU scheme to obtain equipment.

Italian boy, 6, wins football shirt design contest

New Pescara football shirt
@pescara calcio
The winning painting and next season's shirt

Some lighter news from lockdown Italy: a six-year-old boy, Luigi D'Agostino, has designed the football shirt to be worn by Italian second division team Pescara next season.

His was the winning design in a club competition, launched to relieve the tedium for Italian children stuck indoors since 9 March. Hundreds of other children took part in what became a social media hit. The motto was "give a kick to Covid-19".

The Pescara team, based in an Adriatic beach resort, appropriately has a dolphin as its emblem.