

Comparing Your Stock Market Results: A 7-Step Guide To Performance Measurement

An explanation of "internal rate of return" and other tricky ways to evaluate performance.

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Our Next ‘Roaring 20s’ – Boom Or Kaboom?

Our last national pandemic was followed by a boom decade - the 'Roaring 20s.' For the current pandemic to segue into a yet better boom - one that does not end in bust - we shall need state capacity. And for that we'll require a competent national executive.
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Finding Comfort Outside Of The MegaTechs

Megatech has done well lately. But for investors over allocated to Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Alphabet, there are other tech stocks with good growth prospects and strong balance sheets.
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Frontier Communications: Chapter 11 Is No Protection

Frontier Communications’ Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing is the latest chapter in one of Wall Street’s longest running investment disaster stories. Unfortunately, it’s hardly the last. The restructuring plan would wipe out current shareholders, who’ve already lost more than 90 percent this year alone.