Order of precedence

The order of precedence establishes the order of people for official functions and events.

Yukon's order of precedence

  1. Prime Minister of Canada
  2. Commissioner of Yukon
  3. Premier of Yukon
  4. Federal Cabinet members
  5. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Yukon
  6. Justice of the Supreme Court of Yukon
  7. Government of Yukon Cabinet members
  8. Leader of the Official Opposition
  9. Members of the Legislative Assembly of Yukon, listed by date elected
  10. Yukon Member of Parliament
  11. Yukon Senator
  12. Yukon First Nation Chiefs and Grand Chief of the Council of Yukon First Nations, alphabetized by government
  13. Bishops of Roman Catholic and Anglican faiths, listed by order of appointment
  14. R.C.M.P. Divisional Commander
  15. Armed Forces Commander
  16. Territorial court judges
  17. Mayors, alphabetized by community
  18. Government of Yukon deputy ministers and senior government officials with precedence according to respective dates of their appointments to the position

Questions about Yukon's order of precedence can be sent to the Chief of Protocol by email at protocol@gov.yk.ca or by calling 867-393-6281.