Test your home for radon

Radon is a colourless, odourless, radioactive gas that occurs naturally in the environment. It comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soils and rocks. Exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, after smoking.

Health Canada's acceptable radon concentration level in homes is 200 Becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m3).

Test your home for radon

Get a radon testing kit

  • Purchase a test kit. Make sure the test kit will be analyzed in Canada and will test your home for at least 3 months.
  • Test your home for radon during the winter when your windows are closed.

Hire a certified radon measurement professional

Radon and lung cancer

The amount of radon gas in the open air is very small. It can accumulate to higher levels in confined spaces like basements, crawlspaces. Inhaling radon gas particles can damage bronchial and lung tissue and lead to lung cancer. Radon is the:

  • 2nd leading cause of lung cancer after smoking; and
  • the leading cause of lung cancer for people who have never smoked. This depends on the concentration of radon gas and the number of years a person is exposed.
  • Smokers are more at risk to developing cancer in relation to long-term radon exposure.

Radon in Yukon

There is radon in all Yukon communities and every subdivision in Whitehorse.

Each home is different. Radon levels will be different based on:

  • the geology of an area;
  • ground composition;
  • house construction; and
  • local environmental conditions. This includes wind exposure, weather, soil type and the amount of radon in the ground under the home.

Find the results of radon tests in your community

This radon map shows where there are radon test results for homes in Yukon since 2006.

The percentage of tested homes to date is low.

The graphs show the average radon concentrations in the homes sampled in a given area. The ranges shown are:

  • under 100 Bq/m3;
  • 100 to 200 Bq/m3;
  • 200 to 600 Bq/m3 ; and
  • over 600 Bq/m3.

Launch the radon map

After you get your test results

If you've tested your home and the results are over the recommended (200 Bq/m3) amount you can contact a certified professional in your area. They will let you know how to reduce the radon levels in your home.

Health Canada recommends reducing radon levels below 200 Bq/m3 within:

  • 1 year if the radon test indicates levels above 600 Bq/ m3; and
  • 2 years if the concentrations are between 200 and 600 Bq/m3.