Hockey blight in Canada: As basketball's influence grows, the nation's traditional game feels pressure to change

Basketball may not replace hockey as Canada's defining sport. But that might be because Canada has passed the point when any one sport can define it

Basketball’s biggest problem in Canada right now might be accommodating all the new interest it has generated.Ernest Doroszuk/Postmedia/File

It was a Wednesday night in November, in the middle of that hump season in Toronto when everyone is too hot in a parka but too cold in anything else. Inside the Scotiabank Arena, the Toronto Raptors, still somehow both underdogs and NBA champions, were five minutes away from tipping off against the league’s most anonymous squad. In the concourse outside the upper bowl, Shirley and Ross Regal were ushering their three sons toward their seats.

The Raptors lost their best player, Kawhi Leonard, in the offseason. On this night, they were down franchise icon Kyle Lowry and crowd-favourite Serge Ibaka. It was the middle of the week. It was windy and miserable and the Raptors were playing the Orlando Magic, a team that isn’t even bad enough to be interesting. It was, in other words, the perfect set up for a dreary game, and the Regal boys could not have been more excited.

As their parents chatted with a reporter, they bounced and grinned. They radiated open joy, as the eldest ticked off each of their names in turn.

Forward Chris Boucher dunks the ball as the Toronto Raptors play against the Orlando Magic in Toronto on Nov. 20, 2019. Kevin Sousa/USA TODAY Sports

The Regals count themselves a basketball family. Ross and Shirley have been Raptors fans for decades. They endured, and even enjoyed, the bad years. They lived the ecstasy of the title run. They’re back this year, whatever may come. “It’s lively, man,” Ross Regal said, when asked what keeps bringing them back. “You come to a game they pump the music, they incorporate the fans.”

“Leafs games—” he added, before his wife interrupted. “They’re boring,” Shirley Regal said. “We’ve had good seats and I don’t see why people like them.”


For the past couple of months, hockey culture in Canada has been undergoing something between an autopsy and a collapse. Beginning with Don Cherry’s rant about “you people” and the poppy, and continuing through allegations of bullying, mind games, racism and violence, the worst elements of the game have been on display day after day. But the exposure of hockey’s ugliest side, which, to be frank, has never been all that hidden, hasn’t come in a vacuum. The revelations have instead dropped into a landscape littered with small problems that are now coalescing into something much larger for the game.

From the lowest levels up to the pros, hockey in Canada is in crisis. The sport has been tagged, rightly or wrongly, as too expensive, too old-fashioned, too self-serious and unwelcoming. Minor hockey comes off as a kids’ game played for the benefit of adults. In the NHL, fun still seems like heresy. Overall, the game gives the impression, too often, of a pastime that’s caught in the past. “In some ways, I feel like the hockey rink and the locker room are almost 20 to 30 years behind in terms of what’s acceptable,” said Amy Stuart, one of the few female head coaches the Greater Toronto Hockey League, which is billed as the largest minor hockey association in the world.

It’s fashion. It’s music. It’s swagger. It’s attitude

Hockey’s cultural dark days have come just as basketball seems headed in the opposite direction in Canada. Where hockey gets painted as old, white, boring and male, basketball looks like the future. “Just go to a Leafs game, and look around at that audience, and then go to a Raptors game, it’s totally different,” said Brian Cooper, the chair of the MKTG marketing agency in Toronto. “It’s more gender equal in basketball. It’s more male dominant in hockey. It is a younger, more digitally and new-platform knowledgeable (in basketball) and then it’s a little bit more old school in hockey.”

Basketball is also, unlike hockey, unabashedly unafraid of being fun. “There’s a cultural issue (in hockey) that stems from never wanting to stand out,” said Sean Fitz-Gerald, the author of the new hockey book Before the Lights Go Out: A Season Inside a Game on the Brink. “Any form of self expression has always been frowned upon.” Turn the microphones on in a hockey locker room and even the most joyful characters can turn into monochrome stiffs. “That’s where you get the post-game, Hockey Night in Canada, white towel-on the shoulder, interview,” Fitz-Gerald, a former National Post reporter who is now a senior national writer in Canada for the Athletic, said. “’How’d you play, Rich?’ “I just want to get pucks in deep. Gotta play 100%. Got a good group of guys out there.’”

Toronto Raptors guard Terence Davis during the game against the Orlando Magic in Toronto on Nov. 20, 2019. Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press/File

In basketball, the opposite happens. Kawhi Leonard said all of two interesting things in his year in Toronto. Both of them, along with his weird laugh, got blown up into memes, turned into T-shirts and became embedded in the cultural mainstream. The Ringer’s Paolo Uggetti even named “What it do babyyy,” the best meme of 2019. In basketball, in other words, the smallest nuggets of joy can get mined and refined and turned into something sparkly. In hockey, the shiny ones get scuffed into a uniform bland.

That’s part of the larger story with basketball. The game isn’t the only thing that makes it fun. “It’s a lifestyle. It’s fashion. It’s music. It’s swagger. It’s attitude,” said Cooper. It’s also easy to get into, as a fan or a player. “It’s accessible. It doesn’t cost a lot of money. So there’s great appeal to parents and to kids.”

In fact, basketball’s biggest problem in Canada right now might be accommodating all that new interest. Officials from Canada Basketball recently went across the country speaking to local clubs and organizers. The one thing they heard, over and over again, is “we need more facilities,” said Glen Grunwald, the president and CEO of the organization. “ We don’t have enough time and gyms available to meet the need that’s growing here in Canada.”

On a recent Sunday at a YMCA near downtown Toronto, the six open hoops were crowded with kids of all ages and adults putting up shots. At one basket, two men in their 30s played one-on-one as a teenager bombed jumpers above them and four pre-teens wove their own game in between. Between the baskets, a father taught his toddlers to dribble. At the centre hoop, a fierce game of adolescent four-on-four played out in picks and cross-over dribbles. “We know from our research that we’re the most popular sport among young people, the most popular sport among newcomers to Canada,” said Grunwald. “We need to be able to meet that demand.”

It would be easy enough, watching from Toronto, where the mayor owns a custom Raptors jacket and the most popular musician in the world sits courtside, to believe that basketball is replacing hockey in this country. The fans at Scotiabank Arena that night in November certainly thought so. “Oh, most definitely,” said Rachel Ramos, while rushing to her seat.

Sidney Crosby celebrates his gold-medal-winning goal for Team Canada at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games. That game is the most-watched sporting event in Canadian history. Yuri Kadobnov/AFP/Getty Images

But Fitz-Gerald doesn’t think that’s likely to happen anytime soon. “(H)ockey remains, for the moment, the guiding light in this country,” he wrote in his book. “For all the ratings records the Raptors set, they were still only a fraction of the all-time record for Canadian sports. That record was set when 16.7 million Canadians — half the country — tuned in to watch (Sidney) Crosby score the gold-medal-winning goal for Canada at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games.”

Hockey is also trying to change, if slowly and fitfully. “The people who think about this know that hockey is losing ground ridiculously fast,” said Stuart. She recently attended a conference in Toronto that addressed a host of the most pressing issues in the game — from diversity, to violence, to just keeping things fun. Kyle Dubas, the Toronto Maple Leafs general manager, spoke. So did experts on inclusiveness, sports science and marketing. “A lot more people are seeing the necessity for change,” Stuart said. “Not just because it needs to be a safe place for kids but also because the sport is dying.”

There’s proof that some of those efforts are paying off, too. Tej Swatch grew up as a Canucks fan in the suburbs outside Vancouver. He’d listen to Jim Robson call their games on CKNW with his brother. And the rare times the Canucks would be on Hockey Night in Canada, they’d catch the first two periods on TV before going to the Gurudwara. But despite being a fan, Swatch never played organized hockey. His parents told him they couldn’t afford it. And he believes them. But he also knows they didn’t feel welcome in the rinks and around the game.

The coaches we have, have been wonderful. They’re inclusive. They’re nice

Swatch is a father now, himself, in Edmonton. (His partner, Alexandra Zabjek, is a friend and former colleague of mine at the Edmonton Journal.) His son, Arjun, isn’t a hockey fan, exactly. “He never really watched it. He knew the name Connor McDavid because every kid his age knows the name Connor McDavid.” But he is a hockey player. In the fall of 2017, his parents signed him up for a learn-to-play initiative sponsored by the NHL and the NHL Players Association called Lil’ Oilers. For about $100 he got a full set of equipment and seven sessions with professional-calibre coaches. “We were like, you can’t say no to that,” Swatch said. “Now we’re at the third year and he just wants to get more and more involved.”

Swatch said the hockey experience so far has been positive. “The coaches we have, have been wonderful. They’re inclusive. They’re nice. The coach goes around and high fives everyone. It’s a really sort of welcoming space,” he said. He’s followed all the Don Cherry news and all the follow-ups about racial abuse, violence and bullying. He knows that’s still there in the game. “There’s a part of me that makes me think I don’t want him to do that anymore. Because I know it’s still a danger,” he said. But in a way, the fact that it’s all coming out now gives him hope. “It feels like a cleansing,” he said. “It feels like this sort of thing isn’t tolerated anymore. And that feels like a good sign. So I’m a little less wary about it, (for) him going forward.”

That said, among his extended family, Swatch is the exception. Only one of his cousins has kids in hockey. Everyone else plays soccer or basketball or nothing at all. And when they take Arjun to the rink, at Edmonton’s Clareview Community Recreation Centre, they pass gyms that are “full of kids and adults playing basketball,” Swatch said. “Like jam-packed full. And as we’re walking to the ice rink, you can see the big windows and you can always look in and you can see there’s a cross-section of every ethnicity playing basketball. And they’re wearing Raptors gear.”


On that night in November, the Raptors started out slow and chugged through an uneven performance. It was a weird game, full of herky jerk plays and bad shots. But the Raptors, buoyed by a deep bench full of castoffs and development projects, pushed through and won, 113 to 107.

In the first quarter, during a TV timeout, the Jumbotron camera paused on a little girl with a hand-painted Raptors sign. Later in the same montage, the Regal boys appeared, smiling and waving their little kid hands. As the camera panned around the arena, the images projected looked like a marketer’s dream of what Canada wants itself to be: young and lively and full of joy.

“I won’t say anything bad about hockey,” said Grunwald when asked to compare the two sports. Then he laughed for several seconds before adding that basketball’s biggest assets are diversity and inclusion. “It’s just the nature of our sport,” he said.

Basketball may not be replacing hockey as Canada’s defining national sport. But that might be because Canada has passed the point when any one sport can define it. Advertisers like hockey because it taps into “the DNA of the legacy of our culture,” Cooper said. “And the reason I say legacy is because our culture is changing too.”

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