Iowa State forward Lard skips workouts for wellness centre

AMES, Iowa — Iowa State forward Cameron Lard has enrolled at a wellness centre instead of joining his teammates for summer workouts.

Iowa State coach Steve Prohm said in a news release Monday that Lard, who averaged 12.6 points and shot 60 per cent as a freshman last season, needs to change some personal habits.

In April, Lard’s drug paraphernalia charge was dismissed during a pretrial hearing, according to the Des Moines Register. He was stopped by Ames police on Feb. 4 for speeding and police smelled marijuana coming from the car. He pleaded guilty to speeding. Both charges are misdemeanours.

This off-season, the 20-year-old Lard was cited for being underage at an Ames bar .

Lard is expected to rejoin the Cyclones after he completes the wellness program, the team said.

“Cam has been open to improving as a person and desiring to make better decisions,” Prohm said. “I’m so proud of him for taking ownership on becoming the best Cam he can be. There is a very bright future for him if he matures as a young man.”

Lard redshirted his initial season at Iowa State. He ranked second in the Big 12 in field goal percentage at .601, third in blocks per game at 2.2 and fourth in rebounds at 8.1. Lard also led the Big 12 with 3.4 offensive rebounds a game and posted eight double-doubles.

The Cyclones are hoping Lard can pair with fellow sophomore-to-be Lindell Wigginton and serve as a cornerstone for a program that missed the NCAA Tournament for the first time in seven seasons a year ago.

Wigginton gave the program some good news last week when he pulled out of consideration for the NBA Draft.

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