Billie Eilish doesn't know who Van Halen is, but why do we even care?

Get over it.

Billie Eilish performs onstage during the 2019 American Music Awards at Microsoft Theater on November 24, 2019 in Los Angeles.

On a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the talk-show host asked uber popular singer Billie Eilish to name any member of Van Halen, but when she admitted she wasn’t familiar with the rock band, he responded, “I’m gonna start crying.”

Another day, another grown man shaming a teenage girl for her taste in music.

Soon enough, the clip began to make the rounds on social media, as music snobs of a certain age blasted 17-year-old Eilish (who was about 10 when the band put out their last album) for not, in their opinion, having the right musical education.

If you’re wondering if Van Halen knows who Billie Eilish is, look no further.

On Monday, 28-year-old bassist Wolfgang Van Halen (son of Eddie) tweeted, “If you haven’t heard of @billieeilish, go check her out. She’s cool. If you haven’t heard of @VanHalen, go check them out. They’re cool too. Music is supposed to bring us together, not divide us. Listen to what you want and don’t shame others for not knowing what you like.”

Helping to close the matter was Nine Inch Nails art director Rob Sheridan, who tweeted, “RE: This Billie Eilish / Van Halen thing, honestly it’s extremely good that hair metal finally doesn’t matter anymore. We worked extremely hard to kill hair metal in the 90s, thank you teens for giving it an unceremonious ‘ok boomer.’ Imagine being a teen in the 90s and people being shocked that you didn’t know or care about Perry Como. Because THAT’S HOW OLD VAN HALEN IS NOW.”

In fact, Van Halen probaly reached their peak in the mid-1980s, 15 or 16 years before Eilish was even born. One wonders, is it likely Eddie Van Halen, born in 1955, is a fan of any of the most popular acts of the 1930s? Say, for example, Fred Astaire or Bing Crosby? Do we think any members of Van Halen were Shirley Temple fanboys? Do you think David Lee Roth name-dropped Tex Beneke when he was asked to name a member of the Glenn Miller Band on a late night talk show?

There’s so much music available, listen to what you want. Or challenge yourself to listen to things with which you’re not familiar. Or don’t. No one really cares except a few weirdoes who think they’re characters in an alternate reality where High Fidelity is still relevant.

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