Pandemic pantry: Which best-before dates should you heed, and which ones can you push past?

Best-before dates have everything to do with quality — and nothing to do with food safety

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Staring at the date on the side of a can of smoked cod liver — March 19, 2020, stamped in red ink — I felt wasteful. It had seemed too special to eat, which is why the tin had been gathering dust in my cupboard since I returned from Iceland in the fall of 2015. Luckily, hermetically sealed in its tin, it turns out my cod liver isn’t destined for the bin.

As Jeffrey Farber, professor of food science at the University of Guelph, underscores, “Best-before dates do not tell you anything about the safety of the product.” Not only that, but canned foods especially have a much longer shelf life than their dates might suggest. As long as the can is in good condition — no dents, bulges or rust — “there are no food safety issues.”

Best-before dates — the manufacturer’s estimate of when a product may start to degrade in quality — “go out the window” once you’ve actually opened it. But if you’re facing your cupboards, assessing how long you can go without a trip to the grocery store, rest assured that you can push well beyond the best-before dates for many categories of foods. While the commercial shelf life marked on canned goods is usually two to three years, Farber recommends up to a decade past best-before dates as a benchmark.


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While this aging process often means a loss in quality over time, it isn’t universally the case. Like wine, some tinned foods — such as high-quality sardines or anchovies — can even improve with cellaring (or, more accurately, cupboarding). In fact, aging can benefit certain canned goods so much that food science writer Harold McGee renamed best-by dates “maybe-getting-interesting-by dates” in The Apocalypse issue (winter, 2013) of the now defunct magazine Lucky Peach.

A long-lost pantry discovery — Spam, Vienna sausages, sardines — melding in its can since the early 2010s may end up being a lockdown treasure. All the sweeter for the fact that you could have just as easily thrown it out. “Canned foods are very safe,” Farber emphasizes. “There’s a certain industry standard for how we should be heating cans that produces a very, very large killing off of all the bacteria that can cause illnesses.”

With jarred foods, however, he was hesitant to recommend a general time limit for pushing past the best-before dates. There’s too much variability due to the different processes used by manufacturers, he says. Though the safety button on jar lids — which is depressed when the vacuum has been maintained and raised when the seal is broken — is a good indicator of whether or not you should eat the contents.


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A long-lost pantry discovery — Spam, Vienna sausages, sardines — melding in its can since the early 2010s — may end up being a lockdown treasure.
A long-lost pantry discovery — Spam, Vienna sausages, sardines — melding in its can since the early 2010s — may end up being a lockdown treasure. Photo by Jewel Samad /AFP/GettyImages

“It signifies that (the jar has) maintained its vacuum — air hasn’t leaked into the actual product. With that air leaking in, you can also have organisms coming in,” says Farber. “You want to make sure that you maintain that vacuum so nothing gets in, and that you don’t have any oxygen in there. You would prevent organisms as well — like clostridium botulinum — from potentially growing.”

Where Farber does recommend paying close attention to best-before dates is with packaged salads. While we used to look to meat and dairy products as a leading source of potential food poisoning at home, produce is now a prime culprit. There have been recent outbreaks of salmonella-tainted tomatoes, E. coli-contaminated romaine lettuce, and listeria-infected packaged salads. If you were to buy packaged lettuce that was contaminated with listeria, for example, the longer it sits in the fridge, the more time the bacteria has to grow. The best-before date may indicate that you have 10 to 12 days, but Farber recommends eating it within a couple of days of opening the package.

“Especially if you’re in a high-risk group, for example pregnant women, you do want to be paying attention. You don’t want to wait until the end of that ten days. You want to reduce your risk. You want to buy that packaged salad and you want to eat it really relatively soon after you’ve bought it,” he says.

Jeffrey Farber recommends paying close attention to best-before dates with packaged salads.
Jeffrey Farber recommends paying close attention to best-before dates with packaged salads. Photo by Justin Sullivan /Getty Images

“If (foodborne pathogens) happen to be present, you want to limit the amount of time they can actually grow. There are only certain pathogens that can grow in a fridge — listeria is a prime example. If the products are stored properly, salmonella and E. coli would not be able to grow, but they would be able to survive.”


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Packaged deli meats are another example of this. Farber recommends eating cold cuts as soon as possible, to minimize the window listeria has to grow if it’s there. Generally speaking, he adds, people should think of food safety in terms of ways to reduce potential pitfalls: “There’s no such thing as zero risk.”

Dried goods — like dried pasta — have a shelf life of up to two years, but “you can easily go another year again.” Beans and lentils “can last forever,” and baking ingredients like flour, sugar and spices will be safe to eat for years after you buy them — but their flavours and aromas will degrade.

Many dried goods have a shelf life of up to two years, but
Many dried goods have a shelf life of up to two years, but “you can easily go another year again.” Photo by Getty Images

Cookies and chips will last indefinitely, Farber says, although they will taste increasingly stale with time. While there have been outbreaks in the past with pathogens such as salmonella in chocolate, he adds, it can also typically be stored for a very long time without any issues.

Condiments and sauces — hot sauce, soy sauce, ketchup, mustard, relish — all have long shelf lives. Ketchup, for example, can be stored in the pantry unopened for a year past its best-before date. As long as you store them in the fridge after you’ve opened them, issues are unlikely. “If (sauces are) going into let’s say a stir fry where you’re going to be heating them,” Farber says, “you have an extra margin of safety as well.”

Oils become rancid over time, and shelf life varies. You can determine if your oil has gone off by smelling or touching it: bitter, metallic or soapy aromas are all indicators of rancidity, as is a sticky texture (rather than slick) when you rub a drop between your fingertips. Farber notes that if you make your own oil infusions, such as garlic olive oil, be sure to store them in the fridge and ensure they have a pH less than 4.5 to inhibit spores from germinating (e.g., of clostridium botulinum).


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Oils become rancid over time, and shelf life varies.
Oils become rancid over time, and shelf life varies. Photo by Getty Images

Frozen foods, when stored for long periods of time, lose flavour as the fatty acids oxidize, Farber explains. Health Canada’s recommended storage times for safety vary widely: fresh beef, lamb, pork, veal and whole poultry can be frozen for up to a year; ground meat for two to three months. Hot dogs, one to two months, and vegetables anywhere from two months to a year, depending on the type. (See for an exhaustive table of fridge and freezer storage times.)

Hard cheeses are safe to eat well past their best-before dates, Farber says. If mould appears, you can safely cut off the affected portion. This same approach should not be taken with bread, however — if you see mould, it’s likely already spread throughout the loaf. He recommends erring on the side of caution in this case, and tossing it.

Yogurt, acidic and rich in probiotics, is safe to eat for at least one to two weeks past its best-before date. “It’s a relatively safe product,” says Farber. “Yogurt not only has acidity — which helps to control foodborne pathogens — but it has probiotics. And in some cases, the probiotics naturally compete with those foodborne pathogens to prevent them from growing.”

Jeffrey Farber recommends keeping eggs in the fridge, not the fridge door.
Jeffrey Farber recommends keeping eggs in the fridge, not the fridge door. Photo by Getty Images

Eggs are typically good to eat for roughly three to five weeks after you buy them, Farber says. He recommends keeping them in the fridge, not the fridge door, and setting the temperature as low as possible. Salmonella is the leading concern with eggs, but if you’re using them in baking, or to make an omelette or scramble, “you get that extra heat activation.”


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Filtered and ultrafiltered milk has become standard in stores. Due to the processing method — it’s pasteurized at a higher temperature than regular milk, for a shorter period of time — it has a long shelf life (e.g., Fairlife’s ultrafiltered milk is shelf stable for up to nine months, unopened).

“There’s such a long shelf life on those, I wouldn’t want to go much longer,” says Farber. “I really don’t think it’s worth taking the chance. Don’t forget, you have susceptible populations like children drinking a lot of milk. So you want to pay extra attention to that when you’re dealing with potentially high-risk individuals. You always have to look at these things in terms of the overall risk and what the population is, and what risk as a consumer you’re willing to accept. There’s always a risk-benefit trade-off.”

Above all else, use your judgment, and, as Health Canada advises, “When in doubt, throw it out.” It’s liberating to know which best-before dates you should pay attention to, and which ones you can safely push past, especially now that pantry and fridge staples have become even more valuable. As for the cod liver, it’s destined to be melted, mixed with miso and topped with fillets of pickled herring — a snack in Bart van Olphen’s The Tinned Fish Cookbook. With full faith in its edibility, I can only hope that — like fine wine — my lockdown treasure has improved with age.