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N.S. gunman evaded police by hiding, changing clothes, cars

The Nova Scotia gunman who killed 22 people in one of Canada's worst mass killings evaded police for nearly 13 hours by driving across a field, spending the night in an industrial park and changing his clothes and vehicles several times. 

Mute buttons and decorating tips: the House of Commons stumbles through an online session

Members of Parliament gathered today for their first full session by videoconference. Viewers were treated to technical glitches and glimpses of politicians' personal tastes in interior decorating — and a remarkably civilized question-and-answer session.

Quebec's move to reopen schools amid coronavirus pandemic sows confusion, fear among parents

For weeks, parents have been told to keep their kids close to home, off the playground and away from their friends. Now, they find themselves adjusting to the idea of sending their children back to school in May.

In the 'hot zone': On the front lines of the COVID-19 battle at B.C.'s biggest hospital

An exclusive look inside the specialized COVID-19 unit at Vancouver General Hospital and how health-care workers leading it are coping with the pandemic

Japan has 3 times the population of Canada but one-third the COVID-19 cases despite looser lockdown

Unlike other places in the pandemic world, Japan issues suggestions instead of commands. Violating them could get individuals a stern look, businesses a public shaming, but rarely a fine.

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